Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 389: Help others, help yourself

"who is it?"

There was another cold shout, and there was a captivating light in Cross Country's slightly narrowed eyes. It was obvious that after being baptized by this decapitation tactic, plus the second stage of Yin Escape brand condensation, Cross Country had already broken through the half-step quasi-shadow level. Without any shackles, he successfully passed a difficult level and entered the realm of quasi-film level.

 Quasi shadow level, only half a step away from being a true shadow level powerhouse!

At this moment, the cross-country who has condensed the second stage of the Yin escape brand has undoubtedly become one of the few beings in the ninja world who is proud of the pinnacle of the ninja world.

In other words, as a quasi-shadow-level strongman, Cross Country already has the power to influence the Ninja War. He is no longer the former being who could only interfere with the Ninja War through strategy.

 So, facing a sudden strong man, Cross Country has the confidence and the courage to keep him behind.

Who would have thought that just when Cross Country gave a cold shout and was preparing to fight with the strong man who rescued Toshiro, a familiar figure gradually appeared in front of Cross Country, and then he spoke slowly with his hoarse voice that contained endless magnetism. Xu said:

 “Off-road, it’s me.”

 “Hmm? Orochimaru?”

 There is no doubt that Orochimaru's appearance was unexpected by Cross Country.

  Following the orders of the Fourth Hokage and going to the Land of Grass to carry out beheading tactics is the real secret. Moreover, when he went to the Country of Grass, Cross Country was a half-step quasi-shadow level expert. He naturally had the confidence to avoid the pursuit of the ANBU of Konoha Village and quietly complete the mission issued by the Fourth Hokage.

 But now Orochimaru appears, what does it mean?

 It means that traveling cross-country to the Country of Grass is not a secret at all. Even people like the Third Hokage and Danzo Shimura may know about it.

 It is also because of this that Orochimaru's appearance caused Cross Country's expression to change continuously. After all, it doesn't matter even if his trip to the Country of Grass is exposed, but if the news that the Fourth Hokage is alive is exposed, Uzumaki Naruto in the Leaf Village will be in danger.

How could the Third Hokage, Danzo Shimura and the others watch the Fourth Hokage leave the Leaf Village?

 Is it tantamount to rebellion?

 Knowing the news that the Fourth Hokage is not dead, Uzumaki Naruto must be punished instead of the Fourth Hokage!

However, just like being able to see through Cross Country's thoughts, Orochimaru smiled slightly as he stared at Cross Country's unpredictable expression. Immediately, with just one hand seal, Toshiro next to Orochimaru fell directly to the ground. Even Nozomi, who had escaped with his life before, fell into a deep sleep.

 Obviously, Orochimaru must have something to say to Cross Country if he takes this action.

Sure enough, as expected by Cross Country, after Orochimaru solved Toshiro's hidden danger, he once again turned his attention to Cross Country. Orochimaru used his deep voice and said slowly: "You don't have to, Cross Country. Worry, I can know your whereabouts because I have a deal with Kushina. So, with Kushina's breath, I can find your whereabouts, but those guys in the village don't have this ability. ”

"Of course, if it were Jiraiya, that idiot..."

"Perhaps, he is also capable of tracking you. After all, you still have a little bit of the aura that I hate in you."

“I guess that smell is the toad from Mt. Miaomu, right?”

As he said that, Orochimaru remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Looking at the cross-country again, there was no doubt that when Orochimaru finished speaking, he secretly took a breath.

"It turns out that it's because of the Uzumaki clan inheritance that Master Kushina condensed for me that Orochimaru was able to track my footsteps. However, just like Orochimaru said, if Jiraiya is really serious, I'm afraid that through Minato With the teacher’s psychic skills, Jiraiya can also track my footsteps.”

"It seems that I still need to communicate less with Minato-sensei until he solves Jiraiya's hidden dangers."

 “No matter how you look at it, Jiraiya…”

“It seems like they are all guys from the Leaf Village who are loyal to me, right?”

 Secretly, I know what to do when going off-road.

 Immediately facing Orochimaru, Cross Country asked directly: "So, Orochimaru-sama, what do you mean by saving Toshiro? Don't you know that Toshiro's identity is very important?"

 “Is it important? Of course I know it.”

Nodding, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and said: "But the more important Toshiro is, the less I can let Toshiro die, do you understand?"

 “Lord Orochimaru, what do you mean...”

“Yeah, I wish it was a little messier.”

As he spoke, Orochimaru gradually looked into the distance, as if he was complaining about off-roading, but more like muttering to himself: "Sarutobi-sensei is old. You can tell by looking at the situation of Minato and Kushina. Teacher Tobi is no longer the Third Hokage who had the world in mind. So since Teacher Sarutobi can abandon such a useful chess piece like Minato and ignore Kushina's life, I'm afraid it only takes a little bit of trouble for Teacher Sarutobi to be the first to do the surgery. That person is me.”

"Fortunately, the situation in the Kingdom of Thunder is very bad. Teacher Sarutobi still needs me. Because of Minato's death, Jiraiya is not ready to come back for the time being. If he wants Tsunade to return to the village, he needs to explain the broken rope tree. Death, it is impossible for Mr. Sarutobi to do such a troublesome thing. Therefore, only if we from the Fire Country and the Thunder Country go to war can I safely complete the last experiment."

“Off-road, if I say I need your strength now, can you give me some help?”

"Just like I gave Kushina a little help before, now I..."

 “I really need your help!”

"what can I do for you?"

Cross Country sneered and asked: "I am just a small character, controlled by the Hokage lineage. I hope to help you, Orochimaru-sama. Unfortunately, as long as the Third Hokage masters that secret technique, I will be the Third Hokage's slave." So I'm sorry, Orochimaru-sama, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you."

"As long as your heart is not with Sarutobi-sensei, you will not let me down, cross country."

 Listening to Off-Road's words, Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction.

 Undoubtedly, the fact that Off-Road did not use honorifics to the Third Hokage was an important reason why Orochimaru was prepared to cooperate with Off-Road.

 Then, as Orochimaru gradually explained his situation to Cross Country, Cross Country learned a lot from Orochimaru.

First of all, Orochimaru's experiment has reached a very important level. I am afraid that the Yaki no Jutsu in the original plot has taken a prototype, so he needs a stable environment for the time being, that is, he needs the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire. Only when the war in the country continues can experiments be carried out safely in Konoha Village.

 The second point is that under the suppression of the Third Hokage, Danzo Shimura has no hope of getting the position of Hokage. As a result, Danzo Shimura will definitely be crazy for a while, so the matter of cooperation between Cross Country and Orochimaru will probably be revealed to the Third Hokage soon. This is undoubtedly the reason for further cooperation between Cross Country and Orochimaru. .

 The third point is that the situation of the Nara clan and Uzumaki Naruto is very bad.

Even if Orochimaru does not help Orochimaru during the cross-country trip, Orochimaru may still have a way to successfully complete the experiment and rebel from Konoha Village like in the original plot.

 But if Orochimaru does not cooperate with Cross Country, neither the Nara clan nor Uzumaki Naruto will be able to solve the problem smoothly under the control of the Hokage.

 So, when Cross Country knew that his cooperation with Orochimaru was helping others and himself, Cross Country directly agreed to Orochimaru's cooperation.

 After confirming the cooperation, Orochimaru quietly took away Toshiro and the two Kumo ninjas.

On the contrary, they were off-roading. As Orochimaru and others gradually disappeared, they sat cross-legged on the spot and stared blankly at the Nara mark on their palms.

 “If you want to remove the Nara mark on your palm, you need to...”

“Is it the inheritance of the Uzumaki clan?”

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