Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 390: soul ban

 Since it is cooperation, how can it not be beneficial?

During the Battle of the Nine-Tails, Uzumaki Kushina asked Orochimaru for help. Orochimaru only covered up the fact that the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina died, and obtained part of the secrets of the Uzumaki clan. Now, since Orochimaru wants to go cross-country, even if the two are in a cooperative relationship, Orochimaru will give some benefits to cross-country.

 And that benefit is exactly what I want most when going off-road.

 About the mystery of the restrictions used by the Hokage to control the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans.

To be honest, if Orochimaru hadn't personally told Cross Country that the restrictions used by the Hokage lineage to control the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans were derived from the inheritance of the Uzumaki clan, he would have had to wait until the ninth stage of the Yin Escape brand of Cross Country was condensed. I know a little bit about the mystery of the Nara brand on my palm.

So, why is the restriction used by the Hokage faction to control the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan?

This starts from the time when the first Hokage conquered the three clans of Nara, Yamazaka and Akimichi.

 The history of the Warring States Period is no longer something that Naruto fans can understand.

  After all, even the author of the original Naruto novel may not know what the setting of the Warring States Period is.

 The cross-country from time travel understands the original plot, but only from the original plot, it is known that it was the cooperation of the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara to create the Leaf Village. With the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan in the Konoha village, other clans, such as the Sarutobi clan and the Hyuga clan, gradually joined the Konoha clan. As for why these guys joined the Konoha village, Cross Country has no way of knowing.

On the contrary, from Orochimaru's mouth, Cross Country knew that among those so-called defectors to Konoha Village, only a small number of them actually defected.

Most of the families in Konoha Village are still members of the Senju clan. After the Uchiha clan conquered, they finally chose to join Konoha Village under the pressure of the two clans.

As early as the Warring States Period, the Nara clan, where cross-country was located, had good relations with the Yamazaka clan and the Akimichi clan. Therefore, at that time, the three clans of Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi were regarded as just one clan in the eyes of most families. The one who happened to go to conquer the three clans was the Senju clan of the forest led by the first Hokage. After the final defeat, Nara, Yamanaka, The Akimichi clan actually took refuge with the Senju clan of the forest where the first Hokage belonged, not the so-called Konoha village.

But after becoming the first Hokage, the original Senju clan leader had to consider the Leaf Village.

 So, the first Hokage tried to turn the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans who had taken refuge in Konoha Village into families loyal to Hokage in the era. In order to limit the power of the three clans, Mito Uzumaki, the wife of the first Hokage, used the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan to set a restriction in the body of every member of the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans.

In this way, there is cross-country, and the mark of the Nara clan on Shikaku's palm.

In this way, the palm of Yamazaka Haiyi has the mark of Yamazaka, and the palm of Akimichi Dingza has the mark of Akimichi.

 Understanding the origin of the Nara mark will undoubtedly be very helpful for off-roaders who want to escape the control of the Hokage. At least, combined with the knowledge in the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance, Cross Country knows what the principle is of the mark used by the Hokage faction to control the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans.

"When I originally wanted to control the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans, Uzumaki Mito, the wife of the first Hokage, was really cruel. The restraining method she used was actually the restraining method in the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance, and even As for the spiritual energy that affects others, it’s about the soul!”

"As long as you know how to use the restraint, for example, if the Third Hokage wants to kill me, he can directly activate the restraint. Then the restraint hidden in my spiritual energy will take effect, directly destroying all the spiritual energy in my body. !”

 “No wonder…”

“In history, the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clansmen who wanted to rebel against the Leaf Village did not die in a strange way. There were no injuries on their bodies, but they lost the breath of life.”

“It turns out that those guys lost all their spiritual energy after the ban was activated and died tragically under the ban designed by Mito Uzumaki!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country took a deep breath, and couldn't help but feel even more troubled by the Nara mark on his palm.

 Sometimes, the unknown is scary.

 But sometimes, knowing is more terrifying!

 Understanding the principle of the Nara Mark, off-roading is undoubtedly more fearful of the effect of the ban.

 Don’t look at the cross-country Yin Eun brand, it has already completed the second stage of condensation, so what?

Before the spiritual energy of Off-Road grew up, the Third Hokage implanted the Nara Brand in Off-Road's body to control Off-Road. Therefore, regardless of how far the cross-country's spiritual energy has grown, even if it has completed the condensation of the nine-stage Yin Escape brand, as the cross-country's own spiritual energy becomes stronger, the effect of the ban will also become stronger.

 Unless off-road can find a way to find the source of the ban in its own spiritual energy and destroy it, it can escape the control of the Hokage faction. Otherwise, the more profound the cultivation of cross-country's own spiritual energy, the more terrifying the effect when the ban is activated. This is undoubtedly the reason why cross-country becomes more troublesome.

“How difficult is it to discover the hidden restrictions in spiritual energy?”

"Well, now I can only place my hope in the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance. I hope that the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance can record the forbidden technique in this area!"

“It’s also thanks to my Yin Escape inheritance from the Uzumaki clan, otherwise…”

 “It’s really troublesome to crack this Nara mark!”

  After the second stage of the Yin Escape Brand was condensed, Cross Country's spiritual energy cultivation became more and more profound. It was obvious that he could obtain more training methods of Yin Escape Secret Techniques from the Uzumaki Clan's Yin Escape inheritance.

 Coupled with the second stage of condensation of the cross-country Yin escape brand, the inheritance of Uzumaki Kushina was completely absorbed. Therefore, just talking about the secret art of Yin Escape, many strong men in the ninja world who cross-country may not understand it as well as I do.

Of course, the many powerful people in the ninja world mentioned here do not include the guy who is still hiding behind the scenes in the Mist Ninja Village.

 That is Master Ban.

Immediately afterwards, because he needed a very stable environment to digest the recent gains, after bidding farewell to Orochimaru off-road, he prepared to go to the camp on the border of the Land of Fire.

 At the camp on the border of the Country of Fire, Cross Country was very clear that all his achievements in the Country of Grass would definitely make him famous in one battle. After all, it rarely happens in the ninja world nowadays. A single person can bury the entire ninja army's outstanding record. Maybe the Kumo ninja who can kill the entire ninja army off-road is suspected of being tricky.

 But in the ninja world, who can know that the excellent performance in cross-country is just a trick?

However, off-roaders also know that there are many advantages to becoming famous in one battle, but there are also many disadvantages. Therefore, thinking that the name of Shadow Mage could be spread to the ninja world, Cross Country was not too excited. With a normal mentality, he spent a few days and returned to the border of the Land of Fire. Successfully The ninja troops from Konoha Village gathered together.

 “I am Nara Cross Country, Konoha Jounin.”

 “Please ask your captain to verify my identity!”

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