Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 391: Ding's wisdom

 “Is Nara off-road?”

 “Please wait a moment, I will ask the captain to come over right away.”

Just after meeting up with Konoha's ninja troops, Cross Country met an ordinary genin from Konoha Village. Because he was not a familiar face in the original plot, Cross Country didn't know what the name of that Konoha genin was. Listening to the other party The answer was that they were ready to wait there silently for their captain to arrive.

But just when the Konoha genin was about to inform their captain and ask their captain to come and verify Cross Country's identity information, suddenly Cross Country saw the figure of the Konoha genin who was about to turn around and froze there. When the Konoha genin turned around to face the cross-country again, he pointed at the cross-country with his finger, looking surprised.

 “You...are you the cross-country master?”

“Our Shadow Mage of Konoha Village?”


 Obviously, even Cross Country had never thought at this time that a mere Konoha genin in front of him actually knew the name of Shadow Mage.

After the Konoha genin exclaimed, several Konoha ninjas around him unconsciously moved closer to the cross-country. One side stared at the cross-country with awe, and the other side was secretly exclaiming.

"He is the shadow mage in the village? I can't tell, why is he so young!"

"It is rumored that the Shadow Mage went to the Country of Grass alone and destroyed an entire ninja army in the Cloud Ninja Village. Is he actually such a young ninja?"

"Ha, the Shadow Mage is so young. I have lived so many years in vain. Now I am just a chuunin in the village. It is really a shock!"

"The Shadow Mage has returned, why should we be afraid of the Cloud Ninja Village? We will definitely win!"

 While the surrounding Konoha ninjas were secretly discussing cross-country, the cross-country that received attention undoubtedly enjoyed the benefits of becoming famous.

Of course, becoming famous in cross-country has long been inevitable. Even if there is no outstanding record in the battle with the ninjas of Yun Ninja Village, with the current quasi-shadow level strength, becoming famous in cross-country is a matter of time in the ninja world. All in all, feeling the vanity after becoming famous, a faint smile appeared on the corner of the cross country's mouth. He was not as arrogant as Kakashi, but was approachable and casually chatted with the Konoha ninjas around him.

 There is no doubt that the attitude of off-roading is undoubtedly flattering to the surrounding Konoha ninjas.

 After all, in the world of ninjas, respecting the strong is the only way to go.

As a well-known strong man in the ninja world, his off-road performance is so approachable. In addition to making these Konoha ninjas feel scared, the rest of the feeling may be that the Shadow Mage in Konoha Village is a good person!

Just like the third generation Hokage and the fourth generation Hokage in Konoha Village, as Hokage they are usually very close to the people, so they have a good reputation in Konoha Village. On the contrary, the Uchiha clan is obviously responsible for protecting the Konoha clan's security force, but because most of the Uchiha clan are very proud, their job in Konoha village is somewhat thankless.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Uchiha clan is proud and difficult to get in touch with, which has caused the Uchiha clan to have a bad reputation.

Off-roading can be so approachable. On the one hand, the idea of ​​off-roading is the idea before crossing, and there is not much thought of the strong being respected. Even if he wants to respect the strong, he has to face those who are stronger than himself and treat those who are weaker than himself. Cross-country believes that there is no need to show off his superiority in front of these people.

On the other hand, Off-Road knows how annoying Kakashi is at this stage. In order not to become as annoying as Kakashi, Off-Road cannot be as arrogant as Kakashi. Therefore, even in front of these ordinary Konoha ninjas, Cross Country behaves so friendly and easy to get in touch with.

 Then, without giving off-road much time to interact with these ordinary Konoha ninjas, the Konoha team leader who quickly reviewed the identity of off-road came.

 After taking a closer look, the smile that raised at the corner of Xue Yu's mouth couldn't help but become more intense.

 Because the captain of the Konoha team who appeared in front of the cross-country was surprisingly his old friend Akai!

 “Off-road, it’s really you!”

 “Akai, you’ve become the squad leader, not bad!”

“Hahaha! Compared to you, the Shadow Mage, what is a squad leader? There is no need to verify your identity, off-road, let’s go, follow me to see Mr. Ding Zuo!”

 “Uncle Dingzuo?”

  When I learned from Akai that the commander of this Konoha ninja force was actually Ding Zao, the first feeling I felt when I was off-road was shock. Because, whether it is in the original plot or the current impression of Ding Zao off-road, Ding Zao is the type of brave general. It is inevitable to say that he has strength. He is always the leader of the Akido clan, and he is the leader without strength. It's impossible.

 But on the basis of strength, Ding Zuo's strategy is not worth mentioning in cross-country.

 After all, no one from the Akimichi clan seems to be as intelligent as the Nara clan or the Yamazaka clan!

 To become a perfect commander, wisdom is often much more important than strength.

 So, when he knew that Ding Zao was the commander of the Konoha ninja troops, Cross Country couldn't help but frowned secretly. However, these must not be revealed in front of Akai, Ding Zuo and others. Immediately, under the leadership of Akai, Cross Country arrived at Ding Zuo's camp. Before Cross Country could say hello to Ding Zuo, Ding Zuo walked out of the camp enthusiastically and came to greet the cross-country in person.

 “Our shadow mage is back?”

“That’s great! Off-road, do you know I’ve been waiting for you for a long time?”

 “Uncle Dingzuo, it hurts!”

As soon as they met, Ding Zuo stepped forward and gave him a bear hug. The force was so strong that he almost crushed all the bones in his body.

Ding Zuo obviously knew that after a fierce battle with the ninjas from Yun Nin Village off-road, he must be seriously injured, so he immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

Subsequently, Akai, as the squad leader, still had things to deal with, so Cross Country, led by Ding Zuo, walked into the camp.

But when he entered the camp, what surprised him was that Ding Zuo, who was sitting in the main seat, suddenly lost his cheerful appearance. His eyes flashed with wisdom, and he whispered to him: "Xiujiang , I heard about your record in the Country of Grass, and you did a very good job, which can be said to have solved the urgent need of our troops. But cross-country, you performed so well on the front line, just use the injury as an excuse to return to the village. "What are you doing here?"

“Do you know that the problems on the frontline today are because you have solved most of the problems, but the problems in the villages are becoming more and more difficult to solve?”


 Listening to Ding Zuo's words, especially looking into Ding Zuo's wise eyes, the cross-country felt a bit unreal.

 When did Uncle Ding become so wise?

 What does he mean by what he is saying now?

 Why can’t I understand?

 For a moment, I felt that my IQ could not keep up with Ding Zuo's rhythm when I was going cross-country, and my cross-country performance was very embarrassing.

 On the contrary, it was Ding Zuo who seemed to have directly seen through the cross-country mind.

Immediately, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Based on the harmonious relationship between the Akimichi and Nara clans, Dingzuo laughed a few times without any scruples, and said with a smile: "Haha, off-road, don't you think that you Uncle Dingzao is just a reckless man who doesn’t understand anything, right? Not to mention that Shikaku and I are good brothers, and it’s inevitable that he will think about things like Shikaku after being together for a long time.”

“Just say that your uncle Dingzuo is the leader of the Akimichi clan. Do you really think..."

“Is your Uncle Ding a fool who only knows how to use brute force?”

“Off-road, don’t underestimate your uncle Ding Zuo, and... don’t underestimate any clan leader!”

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