Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 393: bear country

In the original plot, there are many small countries bordering the Fire Country, and the Bear Country is one of them.

Furthermore, the geographical location of the Bear Country is very good among small countries, except when the war between Konoha Village and Mist Ninja Village begins, and the Mist Ninja Village prepares to land from the Bear Country and invade the Fire Country. Otherwise, the Bear Country during the Ninja War was a very safe country, but the Ninja Village stationed in the Bear Country was not an ordinary Ninja Village.

Hoshi Ninja Village.

That's right, the Star Ninja Village, which was famous for an extraterrestrial meteorite in the original plot, is the Ninja Village in the Bear Country.

It is said that more than 200 years ago, a meteorite fell from the sky in the Bear Country. The ninjas in the Ninja Village of the Bear Country began to use the meteorite to practice, and gradually they got the name of Star Ninja Village. But in the original plot, Star Ninja Village is undoubtedly an ambitious ninja village. Seeing that their village leader calls himself "Hoshikage", you can know that Star Ninja Village's goal is to become the sixth ninja village in the ninja world.

However, at the end of the Third War, the head of the Star Ninja Village was not the careerist in the original plot.

So, the Star Ninja Village at this time is also a ninja village that has taken refuge in the Country of Fire, and the battlefield that Ding opened for cross-country was opened in the Bear Country to guard against the Star Ninja Village.

 At this stage, in the war between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder, a total of three battlefields have been opened.

 Needless to say, the first place is at the border between the Country of Grass and the Country of Fire. The commander of Konoha Village is Ding Zao, who is familiar with off-roading, and the commander of Cloud Ninja Village is Tushiro who was taken away by Orochimaru.

 Speaking of the opening of battlefields in this area, most of them are due to Raikage's strategy.

 Originally, they borrowed the power of the Grass Ninja Village to capture a piece of territory from the Land of Fire while suppressing the Grass Ninja Village and reducing casualties in the Cloud Ninja Village. Who would have thought that the emergence of cross-country directly hindered the Raikage's plan, not only causing heavy casualties to the ninja troops stationed in the Land of Grass, but also Toshiro, who was rescued by Orochimaru, was seriously injured, making Raikage's plan immediately failed there.

 The ultimate beneficiary is naturally Ding Zuo.

They were clearly leading Konoha's ninja troops, and they were all ready to fight to the death with the Cloud Ninja Village. However, when the off-road decapitation tactic was half successful, the pressure on Ding Zuo was instantly reduced. Therefore, in order to give Cross Country a space to perform and to avoid the Third Hokage's attack, Ding Zuo sent Cross Country to the Bear Country and opened up the fourth front of Konoha Village. On the surface, it was to prevent the Star Ninjas from the Bear Country. Village rebellion.

 What is the actual reason?

 Perhaps only a few people such as Ding Zao, Cross Country, and the Third Hokage understand it!

So, the troops led by Choza are the first front, and the cross-country expansion of the Bear Country is the fourth front. Where are the other two fronts in Konoha Village?

 In fact, you can find out just by looking at the map!

The other two fronts in Konoha Village are the two small countries in the center of the Country of Fire and the Country of Thunder.

 Among these two fronts, cross-country is not of great concern. I am afraid it is the front where Hinata Hinashi is the commander.

 To put it in the simplest way, Hyuga Hatsuzu led the ninjas of the Hyuga clan into the war just to gain merit. On his front, there are actually not many ninja troops from the Kumo Ninja Village, but basically every day there are battle reports coming to Ding Zao. It is said that the ninjas of the Hyuga clan have suffered heavy casualties. I am afraid that it is the Hyuga and Hizashi who are conducting internal purges. Result.

 Obviously, Hyuga and Hinata still cannot forget the changes in the clan division of the Hyuga clan.

 So, on the one hand, in order to obtain more achievements and stabilize the status of the "rich family" of the Hyuga clan. On the other hand, Hyuga Hizashi is undoubtedly using the power of the Cloud Ninja Village to carry out internal cleansing. If Hyuga Hizashi had not also participated in the war, the division of the Hyuga clan would have been destroyed in the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder. It's in the middle of a battle.

However, no matter what the Hyuga clan does, off-roading feels like it doesn’t matter.

Who caused him to have a bad relationship with the Hyuga clan?

 Only the battlefield on the other side is the battlefield that cross-country pays the most attention to.

 Because the battlefield in that area is surprisingly the country of Tian where the Ninja Village made its fortune in the original plot!

 Furthermore, the commander of the battlefield in that area is Orochimaru, which inevitably brings more thoughts to Cross Country's mind!

"In the original plot, the Sound Ninja Village established by Orochimaru is in the Kingdom of Tian. Now, Orochimaru is the commander of the Tian Kingdom front. Could it be that Orochimaru is now preparing to build the Sound Ninja Village? "


 “Such a cunning rabbit, Orochimaru is a smart man, and he must prepare a way out for himself.”

"He once said that even without me, if you want to successfully complete the subsequent experiments, there is a certain chance of success, but the chance is relatively small. I am afraid that neither the Third Hokage nor Danzo Shimura knows what Orochimaru is really preparing for. The backhand is in Tianzhiguo, right?"

“After completing the mission ordered by Uncle Ding Zuo and ending the conquest of the Bear Country, I will go to the Tian Country to have a look.”

 “Instead of causing trouble to Uncle Dingzuo, why not...”

 “It’s better to cause Orochimaru more trouble, isn’t it?”

Huttered to himself, he led several ninjas behind him and crossed the border in Konoha in early 49, and they had already entered the territory of the Bear Country.

 That’s right, everyone read it correctly, it’s a few ninjas, not a few teams of ninjas.

Ding Zao sent a cross-country trip to the Bear Country just to take precautions before it happened, for fear that the Star Ninja Village would rebel like the Grass Ninja Village. Therefore, Cross Country led several ninjas here in order to explore the reality of Star Ninja Village, rather than actually start a war with Star Ninja Village. Otherwise, even if Cross Country has the strength of a quasi-shadow level powerhouse, he would not be sure to bring it with him. A few ninjas destroyed a ninja village!

What's more, judging from the plot of the original work, the Star Ninja Village is far from being as weak as imagined.

 Don't look at the original plot, Uzumaki Naruto came with a few genin, and he was able to successfully disrupt the conspiracy in the Star Ninja Village. But in the original plot, Naruto Uzumaki undoubtedly has the halo of the protagonist to successfully solve the conspiracy of the Star Ninja Village. Even something as important as a "star" can be solved with a single Rasengan.

Off-road self-feeling is not a protagonist. Without the aura of the protagonist to accompany him, he certainly cannot act as recklessly as Naruto Uzumaki in the original work.

 But off-roaders are very careful in the Bear Country, but the ninjas in his team are different.

It can be said that after becoming famous for cross-country, it was the first time he came to perform a mission with a cross-country team. As the deputy captain of the team, Akai looked obviously excited.

No matter what disturbance is happening around him, Akai will definitely kick it over with a Konoha Cyclone.

At this time, he discovered that Akai was making a fuss for the third time, causing the ninja troops he led to feel a little panicked. Cross Country finally couldn't restrain his helplessness, and stepped forward to punch Akai with his fist. An iron fist fell!

“Akai, even if you are on a mission with me, there is no need to be so excited, right?”

“Then you have to be qualified to be promoted to Jonin. Do you want to see the hard-earned qualifications being taken away directly?”

 “Get me back to normal, but don’t…”

With that said, Cross Country was about to teach Akai a lesson, but two special chakra fluctuations suddenly came, causing Cross Country to frown slightly while teaching Akai!

 “Akai, I’ll teach you a lesson later!”

 “All alert, ahead...”

 “There is a situation!”

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