Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 394: Giants?

 “Is there any situation?”

“Off-road master, are you sure you got it right?”

 Sneaking into the country of bears, Cross Country leads a team of four, which means that apart from Cross Country, who is the captain, there are only three members including Akai.

However, in Konoha 49, Akai, who had already had the title of Chuunin, was about to be promoted to Jonin. The other two members were both elite Chunins in Konoha Village, and they had the insurance of off-roading. Here, Ding Zuo is not afraid of any accidents happening to the cross-country team in the Bear Country.

 After all, no matter how powerful the Star Ninja Village of the Bear Kingdom is, can it be as powerful as the Cloud Ninja Village of the Thunder Kingdom?

Even the ninja troops from Cloud Ninja Village can handle the cross-country, so what are they afraid of from the ninja troops from Hoshi Ninja Village?

When Cross Country was about to teach Akai a lesson, he just subconsciously closed his eyes and used Kagura's Heart Eye to sense the surrounding situation. Cross Country found that two special chakra fluctuations appeared in his own perception. , immediately ordered Akai and others to be on alert, while Cross Country himself was ready to see what the situation in front of him was like.

 But just when the word about cross-country came out, the voice of doubt appeared.

The person who questioned cross-country was naturally not Akai, nor was he Morino Ihiki, another famous rookie in Konoha Village, but a chuunin from the Hyuga clan.


Hyuuga Tokuma!

Well, if we analyze the cross-country team from the perspective of the original plot, there are really many celebrities.

It goes without saying that the cross-country known as the Shadow Mage in the ninja world today is a strong man who first became famous in the ninja world. In the original plot, Akai can be called Emperor Kai, and he is a guy who can even make Madara, who became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, suffer. The terrifying strength of all eight gates can crush the real Kage-level powerhouse, not to mention it. A lot of explanation is needed for Akai's strength.

As for Morino Ihiki, although she has not fully grown up now, her appearance only looks a little sinister, without the staggered scars like in the original plot. However, to be able to become a famous rookie in Konoha Village at such an age, there is no need to doubt Morino Ihiki's strength off-road.

On the contrary, it is Hyuga Tokuma. There must be very few people who know him, right?

Even among Naruto fans, perhaps only the cross-country cultivator of spiritual energy can clearly remember Hyuga Tokuma's performance in the original plot.

 There is no doubt that in the original plot, Hyuga Tokuma is nothing more than a sidekick. Compared with famous plot characters like Kakashi and Akai, Hyuga Tokuma really doesn't have many roles. But what makes the cross-country feeling fresh in my memory may be that Hinata Tokuma, as a member of Mitarai Anko's command, encountered the fierce battle of Yakushi Kabuto in the four battles of the original plot.

 At that time, Hyuga Tokuma showed amazing insight.

On the one hand, Hyuga Tokuma is a member of the Hyuga clan. He masters the blood inheritance boundary called Byakugan, and his insight ability is much better than that of ordinary ninjas.

On the other hand, I feel that Hyuga Tokuma was able to discover the existence of Yakushi Kabuto in the original plot, probably because Hyuga Tokuma is a very outstanding perceptive ninja. To put it simply, apart from the terrifying insight of Byakugan, Hyuga Tokuma's own insight ability is also very good, and he is now the best among ordinary Chuunin.

 Hyuga Tokuma now suspects that Cross-country's perception is wrong, not because of the enmity between Cross-country and the Hyuga clan.

 There are also sensible people in the Hyuga clan, and Hyuga Tokuma is undoubtedly one of them.

   Knowing that he and the shadow mage of the Leaf Village went to the Bear Country to perform a mission, when Hyuga Tokuma came to cross-country to report, he couldn't hide his excitement, and you can know what Hyuga Tokuma's character is.

At this moment, it was really Hyuga Tokuma who didn't sense anything unusual, so he came to question the cross-country.

 But Hyuga Tokuma's doubts are well-founded. Akai and Ibiki, who were next to the cross-country, gave Hyuga Tokuma a blank look when Hyuga Tokuma had doubts.

“Tokuma, Master Off-road’s perception cannot be wrong. You didn’t sense any abnormality. It can only be said that your perception and Master Off-road’s perception are at two levels. So, don’t question Master Off-road, and be on guard!”

“What Ibiki said is, Tokuma, don’t worry so much, just be on guard!”


  Listening to what Akai and Ibiki said, Hinata Tokuma nodded in agreement with what they said, but it was inevitable that he was a little unconvinced in his heart, which was reflected in his expression.

However, Cross Country doesn’t care much about Hyuga Tokuma’s thoughts.

 One cannot always be right, and one cannot always be wrong.

 Even if he is in the same team as the Fourth Hokage and has different views on cross-country, he is willing to have a good communication with the Fourth Hokage. Now that the cross-country team has become the captain and is responsible for every team member, how can he be a headstrong guy who is unwilling to listen to the opinions of his team members and only cares about the dignity of his own team leader?

Because of this, after Hinata Tokuma questioned, Cross Country patiently closed his eyes again, and carefully used Kagura's inner eye to sense the surrounding situation.

When Off-Road used Kagura's Heart Eye again, the two faint and non-existent special chakra fluctuations were surprisingly strengthened.

 Next second!

 Opening his eyes, Offroad looked directly at Hinata Tokuma and said:

“Tokuma, the enemy is six hundred meters ahead of us on the left. Use your white eyes to see if it is true.”

 “Six...six hundred meters?”

Almost as soon as Xue Yue finished speaking, not to mention Hinata Tokuma, even Akai and Ibiki's mouths twitched violently.

“Master off-road, at a distance of six hundred meters, I’m afraid I’ll turn my eyes…”

 “My white eyes…”

Muttered the words in reply to Cross Country. Even though Hyuga Tokuma didn't finish his words, Cross Country knew what Hinata Tokuma was going to say next.

 Obviously, the distance of 600 meters is already beyond Hyuga Tokuma's range of perception, and even he who uses Byakugan cannot have detailed insights. Moreover, you can tell from the expressions of Akai and Ibiki that it is very difficult for ordinary perceptive ninjas to randomly perceive things six hundred meters away.

 Otherwise, how could Hyuga Tokuma, Akai, and Ibiki look like they had eaten "Xiang" at this time?

Then, just when Hyuga Tokuma couldn't successfully complete the order of Cross Country, Hyuga Tokuma's embarrassment was immediately visible. Cross Country immediately issued the order and told Akai. Ibi said happily: "Since there is no way to sense it, Tokuma Time, then you are responsible for covering. According to my perception, there are two enemies in front. Akai, Ibiki, you go and test those two guys to see if they have any enemies."

“But when you are tempted, be careful.”

"Because of the size of those two guys, I'm afraid... I'm afraid they're a little special!"

Off-road said it, Akai and Yibixi beside him nodded vigorously.

 “Got it, off-road!”

“Master Off-Road, leave those two guys to me and Akai!”

With a cry of return, Akai and Ibixi quickly disappeared in front of them, apparently heading towards two guys who were probably enemies six hundred meters ahead.

 While Akai and Ibiki were attacking, Cross Country calmed Hyuga Tokuma's mood a little, and he was ready to see how the battle was going on Akai and Ibiki's side.

However, did Akai and Yibixi really listen to what they said before about cross-country?


As early as when they went on a mission with Cross Country, Akai and Ibiki were ready to show off in front of the shadow mage of Konoha Village. Now they finally have a chance to perform. How can Akai and Ibixi pay attention to the cross-country instructions? All they focus on is how to quickly defeat the enemy in front, okay?

 So, after quickly advancing a distance of 600 meters and appearing in front of the two guys who were likely to be enemies, Akai didn't even mean to test them at all, and directly kicked them with a Konoha Cyclone.

But just after using Konoha Tornado, Akai thought that his physical skills must be able to instantly kill the guy in front of him who was probably an enemy. Who would have thought that the sudden pain in his feet would make Akai... Such a master of physical arts couldn't help but frown.

Later, when Akai frowned slightly due to pain, recalled the explanation before cross-country, and was about to take a closer look at what was special about the enemy in front of him, Akai, who raised his eyes to see the opponent's figure clearly, turned out to be directly Gasped!

 “They...are they really human?”

 “Not the legendary giants?”

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