Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 395: monster brothers

At this moment, it’s not that Akai has a rich imagination, but that the two guys in front of him are really huge.

Just as he came closer, Akai felt intuitively that a shadow enveloped him.

You must know that in the ninja world where cross-country is located, the average height of male ninjas is about 1.8 meters. Akai, who is still underage now, is about 1.6 meters tall. He is not short among ninjas of the same age. However, compared with the two men in front of him, Akai is like a child who has just turned one month old. !

To put it bluntly, the two men were both about three meters tall, with bulging muscles all over their bodies. They really looked like the legendary giants.

Moreover, what shocked Akai even more was that his physical skills were completely ineffective in front of the man in front of him!

Akai, who tried his best to kick out the Konoha whirlwind, was confident enough to smash the rock with one kick, without feeling his feet at all.

However, when Akai kicked the arm of the man in front of him with a Konoha Tornado, it was not only Akai's feet that suffered severe pain, but the man in front of him seemed to be fine and didn't move at all!

“Brother, there seems to be an insect here. It must have landed on my arm just now.”

“Brother, since there are bugs, let’s kill them. We have to find food quickly. I’m starving to death!”

Originally, Akai was a little shocked by the figures of the two men in front of him. Now when he heard what the two men said, Akai was so shocked that his pupils shrank slightly!

 My Konoha whirlwind feels like a bug to them?

 These two guys are actually looking for food?


 Aren’t they going to eat me?

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, Akai's eyes twitched fiercely, and he was about to use the Taijutsu of Konoha Goken style to fight back. Who would have thought that just when Akai was about to counterattack, a palm like a cattail leaf suddenly clapped down and landed heavily on Akai's body. Immediately, Akai flew upside down with a "bang" sound. Get out!

“Brother, what fell on my arm just now seems not to be an insect, but a human!”

 “Is it a human? Hey, finally there is food!”

With a "bang" sound, Akai was slapped by a man's palm and hit several trees before barely able to stabilize his body.

 Checking the injuries on his body, he found that the bones of his arm were completely broken.

Recalling the previous instructions for cross-country, Akai couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that he had really underestimated the enemy, and then he saw the two men who looked like giants rushing towards him!

The way the two men looked at me was no different from the way a beast looks at its food!

There is no way. Since they are all treated as food, even if Akai is injured, he is not willing to be eaten by two monster-like men.

So, when the two men rushed over quickly, Akai took a deep breath and was about to launch a round of explosions, using the Eight-door Dunjia to teach the two men a lesson. But just when Akai was concentrating on opening the door to the Eight Doors Dunjia, it gradually came loose. Just when he was about to open it, there was a sudden "swish" sound. Ibixi actually opened the Eight Doors Dunjia when Akai was about to open it. At that time, he appeared next to Akai!

“Ibixi, be careful, those two guys are monsters, don’t go head-to-head with them!”

 With the previous lesson, how could Akai just watch Yibixi get hurt again?

 It’s a pity that now Ibixi is just like Akai before, he doesn’t take the cross-country talk to heart at all.

 The next second.

As soon as Ibiki appeared, he was about to stab the leading man with the kunai in his hand.

But what shocked Ibixi to the extreme was that when his kunai fell on the leading man, it didn’t even hurt the man’s hair!

 The sharp kunai scratched across the man's skin, and with a "pah la la" sound, brilliant sparks shone out.

 Following that, there was another "click" sound!

Under Ibixi's extremely shocked eyes, the kunai in his hand suddenly broke. Immediately, Ibixi felt that he was hit by some strange force, and his figure flew out like Akai before!

“Brother, you used too much force just now, and our food will be damaged.”

“It’s okay, brother, there’s still food in front of us!”

 “Hey, brother, you are right!”

 It was also the same round, and Yibixi faced a disastrous defeat.

 Then, the two monster-like men once again cast their ferocious gazes on Akai, causing a layer of cold sweat to break out on Akai's back. Fortunately, Akai had not released the use of the Eight-door Dunjia before, so when the two monster brothers looked at him, Akai was about to open the first door of the Eight-door Dunjia.

But when he saw that the Eight-door Dunjia was about to be used successfully, and that Akai would soon be qualified to fight with the monster brothers, the elder brother of the monster brothers had already raised his arm. It is estimated that he only needs to lower his arm to succeed. Harvest Akai's life.

On the other hand, Akai, in his desperation, really desperately hoped that the opening time of Eight Door Dunjia could be slowed down.


 Akai’s hope is destined to be in vain!

Because just when the door in the Eight Gate Dunjia began to loosen, Akai, who closed his eyes nervously, suddenly felt a strong wind coming fiercely!

 “Sorry, off-road, let you down!”

 “If Yibixi and I had listened to your instructions before, the result would be…”

 “The results may be different!”

 Feeling that these words might be the last words he said before dying, Akai closed his eyes tightly, his heart filled with thoughts of regret.

However, as he was preparing to spend the last few seconds of his life in regret, and then preparing to turn into food and digest it into the stomachs of the monster brothers, Akai suddenly frowned and found that several seconds had passed. Why aren't you dead yet?

 Slowly opening his eyes, Akai wanted to know whether he, who could think now, was dead or alive.

 The moment Akai opened his eyes, despair instantly turned into hope!

 Because at that moment, the convincing back figure in front of Akai’s eyes, who could it be if he wasn’t an off-roader?

Off-roading, it turned out that when Akai and Ibixi were both in danger, they suddenly used the wind teleportation to come forward and save Akai's life!

 “Akai, Ibixi, you didn’t listen to me at all.”

“Those two blows just now are considered punishment!”


  Nodding vigorously, Akai said sheepishly: "Sorry, off-road, I just let you down. However, the strength of these two guys is really amazing, you have to be careful."

 “So what if it’s amazing? I’ve been hit by my secret technique of shadow escape...”


Just when Cross Country confidently wanted to say that the two monsters had been hit by his secret technique of shadow escape and there must be no possibility of escape, the monster brothers actually used their own brute force to slap them hard. A slap in the face for off-roading!

A few seconds ago, off-road used the Wind Teleportation to arrive in front of Akai, and used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to directly cast the Shadow Imitation Technique. Because when you go off-road, a shadow imitation technique is enough to deal with the two monsters in front of you. After all, apart from their strength, they seem to have nothing special about them, right?

 But at this time, what Xuexiu never expected was that his shadow imitation technique actually had cracks!


  It turned out to be caused by the power of those monster brothers!

Using the power contained in the body, he will forcefully break through the secret technique of Shadow Escape. What kind of terrifying power is that?

In an instant, he felt that the secret technique of Shadow Escape he was using was about to be broken. He frowned slightly and first ordered Hyuga Tokuma, Akai, and Ibiki to retreat. Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on the pair of monster brothers again, and a hint of enlightenment suddenly appeared in the cross-country eyes.

 Obviously, off-roaders at that time knew who these monster brothers were!

 “It turns out it’s you...”

“Wind God and Thunder God, two brothers?”

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