Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 396: Secret limit?

 The God of Wind and Thunder, the supporting character in the original plot, is nicknamed not Brother Monster, but Brother Idiot.

While performing a mission in Konoha, he killed all his companions because he had no food. When he escaped to the forest around Konoha, he was tamed by Tsunade Hime, and he suffered from "Tsunade phobia" ever since.

Later, because they lost their temper without food, and the two brothers had unparalleled strange powers, Tsunade put the Wind God and Raijin in prison. At first, because they had something to eat, the Wind God and Raijin stayed in the prison obediently. . The only chance for the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, to appear in the original plot was probably in a plot where they were bewitched by an idiot named Mizuki and briefly escaped from Konoha Prison.

 But the same thing.

Being able to recognize the roles of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, in the original plot without looking through his own memory, the two idiot brothers are obviously more than just being able to eat.

 What makes off-roading particularly memorable is undoubtedly the strange power displayed by the two brothers, God of Wind and Thunder, in the original plot.

 How strong are the two of them?

According to Off-Road's memories from the original plot, I'm afraid the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, are as powerful as a quasi-shadow level powerhouse just based on their strange strength.

Because, in Cross Country's memories of the plot of the original work, the two brothers Wind God and Thunder God relied on their strange power to escape Nara Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique!

Now, relying on that strange power, the secret technique of cross-country shadow escape is somewhat unable to restrain the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God. Therefore, the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen must have deserved the title of quasi-shadow-level powerhouses by virtue of their monsters, and it is not that Cross Country deliberately exaggerated their strength.

However, knowing that the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, might really be quasi-shadow-level experts, I didn't feel at all nervous about the cross-country trip where the secret technique of Shadow Escape was about to be revealed.

 So what if they are both quasi-film-level?

With IQ suppression, is the off-roader still afraid that the God of Wind and Thunder can continue to hurt people?

 It is very simple to get rid of the two brothers, the God of Wind and the God of Thunder, off-road.

 As long as providing enough food to the God of Wind and Thunder is equivalent to pinching the weakness of these idiot brothers, Cross Country and the team he leads can avoid a fierce battle.

 But at this time, Cross Country obviously had no intention of providing food to these idiot brothers.

Therefore, just as the secret technique of Shadow Escape was creating cracks little by little with the strange power of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder God, ignoring the shocked looks of Hinata Tokuma, Akai, and Ibiki, the corner of Yujio's mouth raised a faint smile. Smiling, he directly ordered: "Tokuma, take Akai and Ibiki to heal their wounds. Leave these monster brothers to me to deal with them!"

 “Yes, Master Off-Road!”

The shadow mage, who is famous in the ninja world, is here. What problems are there to worry about?

After giving an order from Off-Road, Hyuga Tokuma helped up the injured Akai next to him, and then went to help up Ibiki, who was also seriously injured. He didn't even have the intention of avoiding the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, and started not far behind him. Healed.

The two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, who had finally broken through the secret technique of Shadow Escape, undoubtedly had their eyes on Cross Country at this time.

 Their idea is simple.

Since Off-Road can use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to restrain them, then off-road who looks thinner may be more delicious food.

The two brothers Wind God and Thunder God felt their stomachs growling when they thought of food.

Immediately afterwards, they looked at each other and used brute force to break through the secret technique of cross-country shadow escape. The two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, suddenly rushed in the direction of cross-country!

 “Brother, grab the food in front of you first!”

 “Okay, brother!”

The elder brother, Fengshen, ran over first, waving his arms and preparing to tightly hold the cross country with both hands. The younger brother, Thor, was preparing to take the opportunity to kill Hyuga Tokuma, Akai, Ibiki and other three people who were recovering from injuries behind.

When Off-Road saw this, he thought to himself: Who said the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, were idiots?

Based on this tactical vision, the wisdom of the God of Wind and Thunder is not bad. It is possible that the two of them are just lazy in thinking, so they look like idiots.

And when his brother Fengshen attacked, he had no intention of using the secret technique of Shadow Escape, let alone the secret technique of Swift Wind Flow. Seeing his brother Fengshen attacking, Cross Country was obviously preparing to use his physical skills to impress the two brothers Fengshen and Thunder God in front of him, so his brother Fengshen waved his arms, and Cross Country opened his arms and shouted:

 “Open it for me!”



 Using his thin arms, he grabbed the thick arms of his brother Feng Shen.

With the release of power, the soil under the off-road foot was sunk in, and his face became even redder.

 What about my brother Fengshen?

 Still looks like he doesn’t care!

Even his eyes were a bit contemptuous, which meant that he was trying to stump me with just this little power?

Sure enough, after his brother Fengshen showed his disdainful gaze, Xue Yu felt that his arms were a little numb. Immediately, as a heavy force hit, the cross-country had no choice but to make a "bang" sound, and instantly used the substitute technique in front of his brother Feng Shen, using the wooden stake next to him to bear the power of his brother Feng Shen instead of himself.

 And the fate of that piece of wood was undoubtedly very miserable.

It turned into powder all over the sky in a matter of minutes. His brother Feng Shen, using his strange strength, crushed the wooden stake used for the off-road substitute technique and exploded there.

After that, the grinning brother Fengshen stepped over, looking at Cross Country just like he looked at Akai before, similar to looking at food.

 But in the competition of strength, when Cross Country was completely at a disadvantage, Cross Country let out a deep sigh.

"In a pure competition of strength, I'm afraid only Tsunade Hime among the three ninjas can defeat the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, right?"

"It seems that my previous ideas were a bit naive. It is basically impossible to solve them with physical skills."

 “Since that’s the case…”

 In his heart, a ray of light suddenly lit up in Cross Country's eyes!

 “If that’s the case, then let’s use the secret technique of the blast flow!”

 “Flash flow! Palm blade!”



A blue light condensed in the hands of off-road in an instant, which was the light emitted by the blast blade.

Using the Hayate style palm blade, and also using the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique, with a strong sound, the off-road figure suddenly appeared in front of his brother Feng Shen, finally making his brother Feng Shen show his shock. Come on look.

I have never seen anyone move so fast. The look of shock in my brother Fengshen's eyes was obviously the reason.

It can also be seen that the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen basically do not have much combat experience. Otherwise, the cross-country is just using the "acceleration" secret technique of the Fourth Hokage. How could their brother Fengshen show such a shocked look? ?

 However, just when Cross Country used the secret technique of the fast wind flow and prepared to "bully" his brother Fengshen, something unexpected happened to Cross Country again!

Using the Gale Flow Palm Blade with both hands, Cross Country's palm gently touched the arm of his brother Fengshen. The arm that was supposed to be his brother Fengshen's arm was completely useless.

But what happened when the palm of the cross-country wind-flowing palm fell on the arm of his brother Fengshen?

   Brother Fengshen is actually a Hayate-ryu blade that ignores off-roading!

 Hands out a punch, instantly hitting Cross Country's chest!

 Fortunately, Cross Country has always had the habit of using the Shadow Armor for defense, otherwise he would be really embarrassed in front of Akai and others.

But even if he used the shadow armor for defense, the shadow armor on Cross Country was still shattered instantly when his brother Fengshen's fist attacked. In fact, the fist wind that swept from his brother Fengshen's fist caused the shadow armor to be shattered. Cross Country took a few steps back before he stabilized his body.

There was finally a look of surprise in his eyes. At this time, Cross Country truly realized how strong the two supporting characters in the original plot were!


Even if there is something wrong with the God of Wind and Thunder’s head, what does that mean?

 A strong person at the quasi-shadow level is a strong person at the quasi-shadow level!

How can the God of Wind and Thunder be a guy who can be solved so easily if he can become famous in the original plot with his strange power?

 After calming down, he obviously became much more serious when faced with the cross-country attack by the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder. But just when Cross Country used the Shadow Suture Technique again, he forcibly imprisoned the two brothers Wind God and Thunder God there. While the two were using brute force to break the Shadow Suture Technique, they were about to use the stronger Swift Wind Flow Secret Technique to kill them. While killing these two scourges, I suddenly discovered that the skin of the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, gradually changed from bronze to red as some mysterious chakra fluctuations spread!

 A strange idea suddenly came to Cross Country's mind, and he immediately stopped using the sharp spear and fell into deep contemplation!

“Why does that mysterious chakra fluctuation give me a vaguely familiar feeling?”

“Could it be that the reason why the God of Wind and Thunder has such terrifying power is...”

“Is it because of the special cultivation methods of the two brothers Wind God and Thunder God that they have opened up an alternative secret limit of the human body?”

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