Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 397: Illusion to capture the enemy

 The secret of the human body is a very important link in the practice of Eight Door Dunjia.

 To explain it in Matt Dai’s words, cultivating the secret treasures of the human body is the gateway to cultivating the Eight Gates of Dunjia. Only ninjas with certain talents, such as Cross Country, Akai, and Matt Dai, can gradually awaken the secrets of the human body and embark on the path of practicing Eight Gate Dunjia while carrying out overloaded training.

 At the beginning, I benefited a lot from off-roading by listening to Matt Dai’s talk about the secrets of the human body. In addition, the Eight-door Dunjia is one of the magical skills in the original plot, so now Cross Country is also practicing the hidden secrets of the human body. He hopes that as his own practice deepens, he can slowly master the skills of practicing the Eight-door Dunjia. qualifications.

 However, as his cross-country strength and knowledge increased, he gradually felt that the true secrets hidden in the human body were probably far more than what Matt Dai understood.

 That’s right.

If you want to practice the Eight Door Dunjia, you must practice the secrets of the human body.

If the secret of the human body is not opened, even the talented Xiaoqiang in the original plot, such as Akai's disciple Hinata Neji and Tiantian, will not be able to practice the Eight Gate Dungeon.

However, as the experience of off-roading increases and the strength becomes stronger, judging from some experiences in cultivation and some insights in combat, in fact, the opening of the secret of the human body is indeed the introduction to the practice of Eight Gate Dunjia. However, those who have unlocked the secrets of the human body can take more than just cultivating the Eight Doors Dunjia.

Just like now, isn't this what the two brothers of the God of Wind and Thunder are like when they are facing off-roading?

When the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, continued to exert their strength and their bronze skin turned red due to congestion, Cross Country suddenly discovered another path to the secret cultivation of the human body!

 Another path of cultivation besides practicing Eight Gate Dunjia!

Almost at the moment when they once again used the secret technique of Shadow Escape in the cross-country, and used the shadow suture technique to restrain the two brothers, the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen, who were not willing to be restrained by the cross-country, directly exerted their strength, and first a wave of energy emitted from their bodies. There was a strange chakra fluctuation, and then the skin of the two of them changed from bronze to the current red.

When looking at the changes in the skin color of the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen, it was not only the off-road people who were stunned for a few seconds, but also Akai next to them.

That is such a familiar picture!

I think back then, in order to rescue Cross Country, Akai and others opened all eight doors of Dunjia in front of the seven mist ninjas.

That time when Matt wore all eight doors of Dunjia, it was undoubtedly a cross-country trip. It was the only time in Akai's life that he saw someone else open all eight doors of Dunjia.

At the same time, when Matt Dai fully opened the Eight Doors Dunjia, Su Shi and Akai could clearly remember that Matt Dai happened to be at the time when the Eight Doors Dunjia opened to the third disciple door, because of the strength and power in his body. The speed increased to a certain extreme, and every inch of skin on the body began to rush into acupuncture points. Just like the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, the skin color turned red.

So, when Akai recalled the process of his father opening the Eight Gate Dunjia, watching the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen fighting off-road, Akai who was watching the battle couldn't help but froze there, muttering in his mouth:

“Impossible, how can anyone except my father master the secret of cultivating the human body?”

“The current situation of these monster brothers is very similar to when my father opened the Eight Door Dunjia to the third disciple door.”

"Could it be that these monster brothers used an alternative method to practice the Eight Gate Dunjia in order to..."

 “How can one have such terrifying power?”

As he muttered, a flash of light suddenly flashed across Akai's pupils, which was obviously a light of excitement.

Having practiced physical skills under the guidance of Matt Dai for a long time, Akai's progress is actually very slow, far less rapid than others imagined. Speaking of which, training in physical arts is just like this. Only by laying a good foundation can we improve little by little. It is far from being like practicing Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. Sometimes an idea flashes, and in Ninjutsu or Genjutsu You can make further leaps on the road of cultivation.

 Even if it is cross-country, the attainments in physical skills are very slow.

 Don't look at cross-country to understand Bengquan, a physical technique that combines yin and yang, and combines strength and softness.

 But at this stage, when he still has not fully mastered the body-building method of the sharp spear style, Cross Country must consolidate the foundation of physical skills when practicing, otherwise his physical skills may decline.

 Long-term painful physical training will undoubtedly have a great impact on a person's spirit.

Especially for ninjas like Akai who don’t have much self-confidence, they sometimes feel a little bored when practicing physical skills. This is because physical skills need to be practiced steadily, which consumes a ninja’s patience.

Now, knowing that the abnormal power of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, is most likely obtained by practicing the alternative Eight Gate Dunjia, Akai undoubtedly once again sees the hope of moving forward, and can use the power of the brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, to encourage himself, and in the body He has reached a higher level in his physical training, and gradually becomes a true master of physical skills just like in the original plot.

Of course, Akai’s thoughts are unknown to Off-Road.

The discovery of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, is very likely to have discovered another secret of cultivating the human body to the extreme. Off-road has no intention of killing the two brothers, God of Wind and Thunder. After all, if Off-Road had the intention to kill the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, then when he used the shadow suture technique to restrain the brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, he could have killed them with a sharp spear, right?

At this moment, he discovered that the two brothers, the God of Wind and the God of Thunder, were likely to be important materials to help him cultivate the secrets of the human body. A little light shone in the cross-country eyes, and soon he could see that the power of the two brothers, the God of Wind and the God of Thunder, had been brought into full play, making the use of cross-country When the shadows of the two people restrained by the shadow suture technique were slightly broken, there was a sudden "buzz" sound!

Off-road's twinkling eyes turned from black to purple after the "buzz" sound!

“The secret technique in the Uzumaki clan’s Yin Escape inheritance, coupled with my improvements, is enough to capture you two.”

"God of Wind, God of Thunder, how can you two brothers be defeated by such a secret technique..."

 “It’s worth it!”

He thought to himself secretly, and stared at the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, with his purple pupils, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!





 The illusion was cast successfully!

Off-Road only felt that one-third of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Mark at the center of his eyebrows had disappeared in the blink of an eye. Obviously, it was the consumption of Off-Road's illusion.

 When he was casting illusions while traveling cross-country, Akai, Hyuga Tokuma, and Ibikino behind him didn't feel anything at all. Even the illusions cast by Off-Road did not have any chakra fluctuations. Ordinary perceptive ninjas could only find that Off-Road's pupils had turned purple, and there was no trace of any trace of Off-Road's illusions being cast.

On the contrary, the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen in front of the cross-country. Almost at the moment when the cross-country illusion was successfully cast, their expressions no longer looked as ferocious as before, but turned into a dull and silly look.

 “Brother, brother, look! There are a lot of things to eat!”

“Brother, stop talking so much and eat quickly!”

At this moment, what is the scene in front of the two brothers, God of Wind and Thunder?

The scenery in front of the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, suddenly changed from a scene of fighting against off-road and others, to a sea of ​​food!

 And this is the real secret of illusion used in off-roading!

Through the Yin Escape inheritance of the Uzumaki Clan, I completed the cross-country where the second stage of Yin Escape was condensed, and obtained a brand new Yin Escape Secret Technique of the Uzumaki Clan. I will not mention the name for the time being. The effect is to use one's own spiritual energy to communicate with others. The spiritual energy enables others to lose themselves in an instant and recall the most beautiful pictures they expect.

After off-road mastered the secret escape technique of the Uzumaki clan, he improved it and completed the first illusion technique he mastered, called Paradise.

 What does Elysium mean?

  refers to people who are possessed by illusions and can be addicted to the paradise world in their own illusions and cannot extricate themselves.

This is the first time that Cross Country has used the illusion technique developed by himself, so to be honest, Cross Country doesn't even know how effective his illusion technique is. However, after consuming a certain amount of spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, he found that the God of Wind and Thunder had completely lost his combat ability, and stood there with a dull look on his face. Cross Country secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself:

“For the time being, the illusion of Paradise is still very effective.”

“I just don’t know how effective Elysium will be when facing a real shadow-level powerhouse.”

With a thought in his mind, Cross Country did not continue to think about the first illusion he created. Instead, he looked directly at Hinata Tokuma behind him and ordered:

“Tokuma, these two guys have lost their ability to fight, it’s up to you!”

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