Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 398: Hoshinin Village

 “Yes, Master Off-Road!”

Listening to Cross Country's instructions, Hinata Tokuma stepped forward, heading in front of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder. Suddenly, a bright green chakra color appeared under his feet, and soon turned into a Bagua pattern!

 “Soft Boxing Technique!”

 “One palm, two palms, four palms, eight palms!”

 “Bagua! Sixty-four palms!”

 “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Almost as soon as the bright green Bagua pattern appeared under Hyuga Tokuma's feet, Shi Yue knew that what Hinata Tokuma was going to use was the Sixty-four Palms of the Eight Diagrams in Rou Fist.

With the fists and shadows intertwined, Hyuga Tokuma, who quickly used the Sixty-four Bagua Palms, used the secret of soft fists to seal all the acupuncture points on the God of Wind and Thunder. When all the acupuncture points were sealed, the threat of the Wind God and Thunder God was undoubtedly reduced a bit. Cross Country ordered Hyuga Tokuma to come and solve the reason why the Wind God and Thunder God was here.

Obviously, if it were a cross-country job to capture the two brothers of the Wind God and the Thunder God, the cross-country work could not be worse than Hyuga Tokuma, but the process of capturing the Wind God and the Thunder God was undoubtedly very rough, at least it would break the two brothers of the Wind God and the Thunder God. Only the bones of brothers can rest assured. On the contrary, Hinata Tokuma, who has mastered the true secret of Soft Fist, can completely beautify this process with Soft Fist.

However, when Hyuga Tokuma finished using his soft fist and went off-road in shock, what did Hyuga Tokuma discover?

Off-Road and Hyuga Tokuma discovered that the Sixty-four Palms of the Rou Fist had completely sealed the acupuncture points of the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, and their combat power had not been reduced much!

 Faced with this situation, Hyuga Tokuma was undoubtedly very embarrassed.

 Finally got a chance to show his face. Who would have thought that it would turn out to be an inconvenience in the end?

However, the cross-country did not mean to blame Hyuga Tokuma for this. Soon, he used a sharp spear with a palm blade and pierced into the hard skin of the Wind God and Thunder God, shattering the bones of the Wind God and Thunder God's hands and feet respectively. After that, off-road eyes shifted to Akai and Yibixi, and asked: "Akai, Yibixi, are you okay?"

“It’s okay, cross-country, my fists can still kill a cow!”

Smiling and facing Cross Country, Akai then looked in the direction of the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, and asked: "Cross Country, are you ready to take these two monsters back? In my opinion... it's better to kill them here? "

“Master off-road, Akai is right, it’s better to kill them.”

 Ninjas during wartime are relatively cruel.

If it were placed in peacetime, how could Akai and Ibixi say such things?

Of course, the main reason why Akai and Ibixi can say this is because the power of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, is too terrifying. In Konoha Village, if one of the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, is not optimistic, the losses they will cause are beyond the imagination of ordinary ninjas. Especially when the Three-Tails War and the Nine-Tails War happened in Konoha Village, the village was in dire straits waiting to be renovated. How could Akai and Ibiki watch helplessly as the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, went to harm the rebuilt Konoha Village? Where is Yecun?

However, the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, have other wonderful uses. Off-road, they must not listen to Akai and Yibixi's advice and kill the two brothers, God of Wind and Thunder, directly here.

Taking the two brothers, God of Wind and Thunder, on the road is obviously another problem.

At this stage, both Akai and Ibiki are injured. It is undoubtedly a time-consuming and labor-intensive method for them to carry the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, to the Star Ninja Village and then back to the Konoha camp. But if you don’t take the two brothers Wind God and Thunder God with you, unless Cross Country personally escorts them two back, Akai, Ibiki, Hyuga Tokuma and others will go to **** these two guys. What if something happens?

 Then, after thinking silently for a long time, Cross Country finally found a solution.

At this moment, the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen seem to be a burden in off-roading, but that guy must be very happy to experiment with the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen, right?

 Recalling the appearance of that guy, the cross-country began to form seals slowly.

 In various trainings of ninjas, sealing is still a pain in cross-country. Now let alone comparing it with the Itachi God in the original plot, Kakashi, Shisui and others are all beings who can crush cross-country.

The speed of cross-country seal training is not very good. The reason is that the cross-country feeling is that the ninjutsu and secret techniques used by oneself do not require seals.

Whether it is the secret technique of Shadow Escape or the secret technique of Swift Wind, it can now be used without seal in cross-country.

The only ninjutsu I have mastered is probably the Rasengan series. No wonder the cross-country seal formation speed cannot be increased.

 The slow formation of seals is finally completed.

Off-road, under the strange looks of Akai, Ibiki, and Hinata Tokuma, they slapped their palms on the ground after completing the seal, and immediately a cloud of white smoke rose up.


 A python appeared directly in front of Cross Country and the others!

 “This snake…”

 “Isn’t this snake Orochimaru-sama’s psychic beast?”

 “Off-road, what’s going on?”

Seeing a giant python appear in front of him, Akai was first secretly shocked how the off-road psychic beast could be a python, and then he found that this giant python was somewhat familiar. What could it be if it wasn't Orochimaru's psychic beast?

 It turns out that when Off-Road and Orochimaru cooperated, Orochimaru left some emergency communication methods for Off-Road.

Among the backup tools left by Orochimaru, for the time being, with Orochimaru's permission, Cross Country can channel Orochimaru's psychic beast. The main purpose is to facilitate communication or cooperation between the two. .

Now, seeing Akai asking a question, Cross Country just gave him a stern look.

With his eyes projected, Akai knew that it might be the secret of Konoha Village, so he naturally kept his mouth shut.

 Subsequently, Cross Country, Akai and others watched with their own eyes how the giant python swallowed the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, and then returned to the spiritual world along with a puff of smoke. Instead, after dealing with the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, Cross Country told Akai and others, and prepared to continue to the Star Ninja Village in the Bear Country.

 Also about twenty days later, a canyon shrouded in thick fog finally appeared in front of Cross Country and the others.

 According to the information given by Ding Zuo, this canyon is where the Star Ninja Village is located.

“Master Cross Country, the thick fog ahead is highly poisonous. People in the Star Ninja Village use secret techniques to travel to and from the canyon. Do you think we should contact the people in the Star Ninja Village first?”

Arrived at Hoshi Ninja Village, whether it was cross-country or Akai, Hyuga Tokuma, and Ibiki were all very happy. After all, in the country of bears, it can be said that there is not enough food and shelter, and you have to always be on guard against attacks by wild beasts or monsters like the God of Wind and Thunder. Even those who do cross-country look tired, let alone those who are weaker. Kai is waiting for someone.

Immediately, at Hyuga Tokuma's suggestion, Cross Country nodded slightly, agreeing to the proposal to contact the Star Ninja Village first.

 The next second.


Hinata fired a signal flare towards Tokuma, and soon the Hoshi Ninja Village responded and also fired a signal flare.

 After successfully contacting the Star Ninja Village, the next thing that Cross Country and others need to do is to wait patiently.

To put it aside, although Star Ninja Village is a small Ninja Village, it is still very efficient in doing things.

A few minutes after the signal bomb was launched, without leaving Cross Country, Akai and others to wait for long, several figures flew in the canyon in the direction of Cross Country, Akai and others.

those people…

 Obviously he is the ninja from the Star Ninja Village!

 “Is there a magic trick for a flying peacock?”

“There are really some... interesting ninjutsu!”

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