Naruto Shadow Mage

: Advanced practice

  Can the Rasengan really be "thrown"?

 That’s for sure!

 Did you not see it, Naruto Uzumaki in the original plot, after practicing hard for a long time, can even "throw" the extremely difficult wind release and spiral shuriken techniques. And also in the theatrical version of the original plot: Boruto, didn't Uzumaki Naruto's son, the grandson of the Fourth Hokage, "throw" the Rasengan the same way?

Therefore, after using the APP to accelerate training and successfully mastering the Rasengan, while the Fourth Hokage went to give Kakashi some guidance, Cross Country first restored the chakra in his body, and then prepared to advance the Rasengan. Practiced.

“I didn’t expect that after using the APP to complete the Rasengan training, my chakra control ability would become so much stronger.”

“If we look at Naruto Uzumaki’s training in the original plot, the next step in training his chakra control ability should be training to change his own chakra attributes, right?”

"The secret technique of the Nara clan has been passed down for so long. It is really not difficult to transform the chakra in the body into the Yin Escape chakra. Unfortunately, I have not even tested the properties of chakra. Is there any way to practice the change of chakra properties? It's possible, but you can't ask Minato-sensei for chakra attribute test paper, right?"

“So, the only way is to practice the Rasengan at a deeper level, enrich my arsenal of weapons, and at the same time practice the ability to control chakra!”

 After a secret analysis, Cross Country, who had recovered his chakra, did not engage in the practice of "throwing" the Rasengan, but simply prepared to practice on the Rasengan at a deeper level.

What is the deeper cultivation of Rasengan?

 It must be the Otama Rasengan, not the Wind Release Rasenshuriken Jutsu!

Let’s not talk about whether the chakra attribute of Cross Country is wind. Let’s just say that he has not completed the practice of changing the nature of chakra. It is impossible to complete the practice of wind release and spiral shuriken technique.

 Step back and take the next step and prepare to practice the Dayama Rasengan.

While Kakashi was still undergoing the first stage of Rasengan training, Cross Country first followed the understanding in his mind and used the Rasengan perfectly with his right hand. Then, in order to further strengthen the control ability of the Rasengan, while using the Rasengan in his right hand, he prepared to use a Rasengan in his left hand.

With such slow accumulation, the off-road chakra control ability will definitely be improved, and it can also lay a good foundation for the cultivation of Dayama Rasengan, right?

 However, the difficulty of using the Rasengan with both hands at the same time is not comparable to the difficulty of using the Rasengan with one hand!

Originally, I thought that he was more powerful than Uzumaki Naruto. He could use the Rasengan with one hand without the help of the shadow clone. It is always easy to use the Rasengan with both hands, right?

Who would have thought that as soon as the chakra in the left hand condensed, there was a "bang" sound!

Off-road was apparently unable to control chakra well, so he failed to use the Rasengan in his left hand and blew himself up!


“What kind of cultivation is it if it’s not difficult?”

 “Okay, let’s try again!”

 Perseverance is the necessary mentality when cultivating.

What's more, cross-country training is with Akai, and the pain of practicing with Akai is far more serious than the pain now. Therefore, after dusting off his body, Cross Country was ready to use the art of multiple shadow clones to assist him in training. As for whether the secret of shadow clone training would be exposed to the Fourth Hokage and Kakashi, that was not something that Cross Country needed to think about. .

 The Fourth Hokage is the cross-country teacher, and Kakashi is his senior brother. Do you still need to worry so much?

Moreover, the shadow clone training method was originally pioneered by Kakashi, so even if the off-road feeling is exposed in advance, there will be no problem!

However, just when Cross Country was about to use his shadow clone to practice, the APP suddenly reminded him that a new technique had been added to the practice progress bar, which immediately attracted Cross Country's attention.

Hurryly calling up the APP’s practice progress bar and taking a look, what did he see under Cross Country’s surprised eyes?

 He suddenly saw a new ninjutsu called "Double Spiral Bomb", which was added to the APP's practice progress bar, and the practice progress was actually 30/100!

“The APP’s accelerated practice function is getting stronger and stronger!”

“The practice of spiral double bomb has only been mastered a little bit, not even the essence. Is it considered a ninjutsu in progress?”

"If that's the case, then I really don't need to work **** the advanced training of the Rasengan and the training of chakra control! Just relying on the effect of the APP, my strength will be "quality" within a day. Leap!"

Surprised, Cross Country did not hesitate at all, directly modified the training progress of the spiral double bomb, and successfully mastered the new ninjutsu spiral double bomb.

By the time the double spiral bullet training is completed, Cross Country's chakra control ability is undoubtedly stronger. After all, using the Rasengan with both hands at the same time is more difficult than using the Rasengan with one hand!

Immediately afterwards, inspired by the practice of practicing the double spiral pill, Cross Country took a deep breath, and the next stage of practice that he was about to perform was the Fourth Hokage, the practice of "throwing" the spiral pill that Kakashi saw.

 If you want to "throw" the Rasengan, you will undoubtedly need extremely strong chakra control ability!

However, he can master the double spiral bomb in cross-country, and his chakra control ability is already very strong, so the first time he "threw" the Rasengan, he successfully "threw" the Rasengan about half a meter. , when the Rasengan was successfully thrown on the tree trunk in front, the power of the Rasengan was still unabated, and the strong tree suddenly fell to the ground!

“Sure enough, as long as you have initially mastered a ninjutsu, the training progress of that ninjutsu will be recorded in the APP!”

 “Spiral Throwing Technique?”

 “It’s indeed an appropriate name, but it’s a bit unpleasant to hear!”

Just when Kakashi had just mastered the first stage of Rasengan training, the Spiral Throwing Technique had already entered the cross-country training progress, and the training progress was directly 50/100.

 Silently revised the progress of his training. He successfully mastered the cross-country spiral throwing technique, and his chakra control ability has undoubtedly improved. But when Cross Country was preparing for further training, he caught a glimpse of the Fourth Hokage and Kakashi's shocked eyes out of the corner of his eye, and Cross Country scratched his head in embarrassment.

 “There’s trouble!”

“I was completely immersed in the pleasure of accelerating training on the APP, but I forgot about Minato-sensei, Kakashi is still beside me.”

“Let them see that my cultivation is progressing so fast, can’t there be any problems?”

 I feel a little uneasy, but unfortunately I don’t know how to react other than scratching my head and giggling.

On the contrary, the Fourth Hokage, when Kakashi was shocked and felt very guilty, directly gave him a step down. It's a pity that when Cross Country caught this step, he didn't feel any joy in his heart. Especially when his eyes fell on Kakashi, Cross Country felt that his troubles were getting bigger and bigger!

“Off-road, your cultivation speed is really beyond my imagination.”

“So as soon as you finish practicing, follow Kakashi to meet your team members and prepare to perform a few simple tasks!”

  ###Chapter 41 Advanced Practice (Part 2)

 “Yes, Minato-sensei!”

When Cross Country uses the accelerated training of the APP to quickly complete the practice of spiral double bombs and spiral throwing techniques, it is certainly the result that Cross Country wants to see if the Fourth Hokage can give Cross Country a step up. But who would have thought that the Fourth Hokage's new instruction to cross-country was to join Kakashi's ANBU team and go on a mission with Kakashi first?

Then, when Cross Country weakly nodded to the Fourth Hokage and agreed to join Kakashi's ANBU team, looking at Kakashi's playful eyes, Cross Country suddenly felt that the trouble he was about to face was even greater.

  Not to mention the many misunderstandings between Off-Road and Kakashi, and both of them looked down on the other.

Just saying that he joined Kakashi's ANBU team, the awkward feeling in his heart made him no longer even think about practicing.

 However, what the Fourth Hokage has already decided is definitely not something that can be changed by off-roading or Kakashi. Moreover, the Fourth Hokage hopes that Cross Country will join Kakashi's Anbu to perform missions, which is actually for Cross Country's benefit. Being able to gain more combat experience while performing missions will increase the chance of survival on future battlefields in cross-country.

Of course.

At this time, the Fourth Hokage ordered Cross Country to join Kakashi's ANBU team. In fact, there was another reason.

 That is, he has not had time to give guidance on off-roading recently, and Kakashi has been practicing.

As for the reason, let’s talk about the spiral throwing technique practiced before cross-country!

 A few years ago, before Jiraiya left the Leaf Village, the Fourth Hokage was inspired by the Tailed Beast Jade and prepared to invent a Muji Ninjutsu. After three years of hard work, and some guidance from his mentor Jiraiya, the Fourth Hokage finally completed the development of the A-level ninjutsu Rasengan. Unfortunately, the Fourth Hokage at that time only developed and mastered the Rasengan. Simplify the training method of Rasengan.

It was not until recently that the Fourth Hokage and Jiraiya truly simplified the Rasengan training method through the exchange of letters with their mentor Jiraiya. Only then did the Fourth Hokage teach the Rasengan to Cross Country, Kaka A scene in the west happened.

 However, in the process of simplifying the Rasengan cultivation method, the Fourth Hokage and Jiraiya felt that they had entered a bottleneck period in the research and development of Rasengan.

Who wants to go cross-country with the spiral double bombs and the spiral throwing technique? This awakened the Fourth Hokage and gave him some new ideas in the advanced development of the Rasengan.

There is no doubt that if the Fourth Hokage in the original plot could live longer, such advanced Rasengan ninjutsu as the Otama Rasengan, Wind Release and Rasen Shuriken Jutsu would most likely have been developed earlier.

At this stage, the Fourth Hokage was inspired by the cross-country and had new ideas on the advanced ninjutsu of the Rasengan. On the other hand, it can be said that the cross-country changed the life trajectory of the Fourth Hokage.

 Whether the Rasengan who will master the advanced ninjutsu of the Rasengan will die in the Nine-Tails Battle in the future has become unknown.

 Instead, he was off-roading, completely unaware of the fact that he, a little butterfly, was fluttering its wings.

 After learning that he was about to join Kakashi's ANBU team, Xue Chuang was very resentful, and what he was thinking about was that he must not suffer a disadvantage in Kakashi's ANBU team!

  "Join Kakashi's ANBU team. He is both a senior and the team leader. He will definitely make things difficult for me."

 “Well, if Kakashi’s character in the original plot is so good, he is a carefree person.”

“It seems that even to avoid being in trouble, I need to improve my strength quickly.”

“Fortunately, the advanced ninjutsu of the Rasengan, combined with the accelerated training effect of the APP, can make my strength improve by leaps and bounds!”

“Now that I have mastered the Spiral Double Bomb and the Spiral Throwing Technique, two ninjutsu that can be called sure-fire techniques, I guess I won’t be as embarrassed as before when I fight Kakashi again!”

 Seeing Kakashi begin the second stage of Rasengan training under the guidance of the Fourth Hokage.

  While there was still some free time in the training time, before Kakashi took him to meet the rest of the ANBU team members, he directly used the multiple shadow clone technique without caring about so many cross-country trips, and surprisingly started practicing with shadow clones.

The Fourth Hokage, Kakashi, has long witnessed the talent of Cross Country in the aspect of "jutsu". Now watching Cross Country practice using shadow clones, he is at most a little shocked. Xin Dao Cross Country's talent in the aspect of "technique" is indeed extraordinary. , and continued to practice. When Cross Country saw the Fourth Hokage, Kakashi did not wonder about his shadow clone training method, and directly assigned the shadow clone to practice.

“Well, three shadow clones are enough to practice the Otama Rasengan. Anyway, I only need to add the Otama Rasengan to the training progress bar, and the APP can directly help me complete the training progress.”

 “As for the remaining three shadow clones.”


“Let’s practice the real innovation of Rasengan!”

Thinking of this secretly, off-road eyes flashed with light, and then he thought to himself:

“If I had a finger and could use the Rasengan, wouldn’t my training in chakra control be even better?”

“Okay! Let’s name the new ninjutsu Fingertip Rasengan!”

 “Shadow clone, start practicing!”

He ordered the shadow clone to start practicing, and the off-road body was also not idle. It was still practicing the Konoha Steel Fist fluid technique while carrying a load.

 Soon, the sun is going to set.

Under the personal guidance of the Fourth Hokage, Kakashi is also about to complete the second stage of Rasengan training. Tomorrow he will be able to start the third and final stage of Rasengan training.

Some people may ask, how can Kakashi make such rapid progress in Rasengan training?


Kakashi is a jounin, and he can even create his own S-level ninjutsu, Raikiri. His chakra control ability is already incredible, right?

Especially under the personal guidance of the Fourth Hokage and the simplified training of the Rasengan, Kakashi quickly mastered the tricks of practicing the Rasengan. Not only was he about to complete the training of the Rasengan, but he was also practicing the Rasengan. At that time, he even vaguely seized an opportunity to reduce the consumption of Sharingan on himself.

However, despite Kakashi's rapid progress under the personal guidance of the Fourth Hokage, even if he uses the APP to practice cross-country at this time, his progress is still far faster than Kakashi's.

 When the shadow clone of Cross Country disappeared, the fingertip rasengan and the big jade rasengan were all transferred to the practice progress bar.

Then, all you need to do is communicate with the APP and modify the training progress. The advanced ninjutsu of the two Rasengans will be all in the hands of the crossroad, further enhancing the strength of the crossroad.

 While on the cross-country, after Kakashi's training was temporarily completed, the Fourth Hokage left early for the development of advanced ninjutsu for the Rasengan.

Immediately afterwards, when the figure of the Fourth Hokage disappeared, Cross Country still looked very embarrassed in front of Kakashi, silently recovering his chakra. Seeing that Cross Country's chakra had been restored, Kakashi glanced at Cross Country indifferently, He said casually: "Off-road, you probably don't know the several ANBU members in our ANBU team except you."

 “When they come, I will give you a little introduction.”

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