Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 42: team member

 “Thank you, Kakashi-senpai.”

 Listening to Kakashi's words, Shijie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Kakashi still had a good handle on business.

Who would have thought that as soon as Cross Country thought to himself, Kakashi returned to his true colors and said harshly with a cold face: "What senior? Cross Country, you will call me captain from now on!"

 “Yes, Captain!”

  It was indeed similar to what Cross Country thought. Not long after the Fourth Hokage left, Kakashi became the guy who was willing to find fault again.

 But there is no way!

Who makes someone the captain?

 In order to survive well in the ANBU team, Cross Country can only play the role of a good baby. Fortunately, Kakashi had the experience of almost "accidentally killing" Cross Country, and he restrained himself a lot, so after getting a satisfactory answer, Kakashi took Cross Country to where their ANBU team gathered.

 In Konoha Village, there are naturally rules for where the ANBU will gather.

However, cross-country is just a "temporary worker". Among Kakashi's ANBU team, there are several "temporary workers" like cross-country. The gathering place is not so particular, it is just a relatively secluded place. It's just a training ground, and it's not very far from the training ground where cross-country and Akai practice.

As soon as he arrived at the meeting place, he looked up and saw two guys in ANBU costumes waiting at the meeting place early.

 These two Anbu are about the same height as Kakashi, so they must be young Anbu.

After seeing Kakashi coming with Cross-Country, the two ANBU were slightly shocked at Cross-Country's age. Soon, under Kakashi's cold gaze, the two young ANBU scratched their heads and hurriedly rushed to Kakashi. Xi said:

 “Captain, you are here!”

 “Well, here we come.”

Nodding silently, Kakashi's cold expression finally eased a little as he listened to the greetings from the two young Anbu.

 But the more Kakashi is like this, the more difficult it becomes for Kakashi to get along with him.

He and his companions who have to perform tasks together every day are all cold and difficult to get along with.

It’s really hard to imagine that if he is in Kakashi’s ANBU team, he can make Kakashi peel off his skin by “playing”!

However, what made Cross Country feel more fortunate later was that, except for Kakashi who was difficult to get along with, the other two young Anbu were very easy to communicate with.

Especially when he saw that Cross Country was qualified to join the ANBU at such a young age, the two young ANBU even wanted to make friends. They asked Kakashi how he was doing and introduced himself:

 “Hello, new friend, my name is the same as mine.”

 “My name is Deiwahi!”

 “Please give me your advice!”

 “Hello, my name is Nara Cross Country, please give me some advice from my two seniors!”

 In terms of dealing with people, off-roading is definitely no problem.

Except for Kakashi, the guy who is more difficult to get in touch with, the cross-country staff are very good, and they can naturally communicate well with their new companions.

What's more, when I heard the names of the two young Anbu, one was the same and the other was Iwahi, I felt vaguely familiar.

 This round, okay!

 It turns out that they are not very similar. Dieyiwaxi is a guy who has appeared in the original plot!

 In the original plot, there is no similarity between them being special jounin, while Deiwashi is just an ordinary chuunin.

 But just because of this, we cannot underestimate the strength of Iwashi and Iwashi. After all, they are members of the Fourth Hokage's guard team. During the Fourth War period of the original plot, there were no similarities. Iwashi and Shiranui Genma used the Flying Thunder God technique together to successfully transfer the experience of the fifth Mizukage.

Of course, compared with Kakashi, they are not the same. Iwashi is just a bit of a **** within a bitch.

However, Off-Road doesn’t look at people through colored glasses, especially when they are not alike enough and Iwahi is so enthusiastic, Off-Road quickly became familiar with the two of them. After that, Cross Country also learned from the two people's mouths who the identities of the other two members of Kakashi's ANBU team were.

 The first of the other two people is an old cross-country acquaintance, Akai, who just passed the test yesterday.

As for the other person, it was a coincidence.

The members of the guard team of the fourth Hokage in the future were actually gathered from Kakashi's ANBU team.

 That’s right!

 The last member of Kakashi’s ANBU team is the just-mentioned Shiranui Genma!

Then, as Cross Country and others waited patiently, Akai and Shiranui Genma soon appeared in front of Cross Country and others.

Looking at Akai's sweaty appearance, it goes without saying that he must have gone to practice before gathering.

On the contrary, Shiranui Genma's face turned livid when he saw Cross Country here.

Later on, through conversation, Cross Country learned that Shiranui Genma was one of the three ANBU who attacked him that day, a poor guy wearing a pig-faced ANBU mask.

Among this ANBU team, Cross Country and Akai are the new ones. Kakashi, Hinazu Ido, Iwashi, and Shiranui Genma have been teaming up for a long time and have performed together many times. The mission was over, so after introducing each other, Kakashi coughed slightly and made everyone quiet.

Looking at the people in front of him, he finally focused on Cross Country. He put on the ANBU mask and Kakashi slowly described the mission that was about to be carried out:

"According to intelligence, there have been traces of bandits in the Land of Fire recently, and they are likely to be spies from other countries. Therefore, the tasks we have to perform this time are very simple. One is to eliminate those bandits, and the other is to detect their Identity, whether he is a spy from another country.”

“Since Cross Country and Akai are new ANBU members, I must tell you some rules in advance!”

 “There are three rules!”

“First, during the mission, you must obey the captain’s orders!”

“Second, you are not allowed to interfere in matters other than the mission. Even if you encounter missions from the same village and see the dangers they encounter, you must treat them as if you have not seen them!”

“Three, during the mission, your identity is not allowed to be revealed!”

“Off-road, Akai, give me a code name!”


  During the previous communication, Cross Country knew that Kakashi’s code name was “Tooth”, Shiranui Genma’s code name was “Fire”, Minashi’s code name was “Thunder”, and Iwahi’s code name was “Sense”.

 So, now Kakashi wants to choose a code name for himself off-road. Off-road without any hesitation, he chose the code name as "Shadow", which is the symbol of the Nara clan's secret technique. Who would have thought that Akai has always been a guy with strong tastes. He just chose a code name, but he chose to use the character "turtle". He went off-road, and Kakashi and others were all black.

However, after the code name is determined, the next step is to carry out the mission.

Undoubtedly, this is the first time that Cross Country has left Konoha Village to perform a mission, so it is inevitable that he will be a little excited when he steps out of the gate of Konoha Village.

But soon, the excitement and excitement of leaving Konoha Village disappeared from Cross Country's heart. Especially when he witnessed the vicious methods of ANBU in carrying out the mission, Cross Country thought secretly:

"Even if you are a "temporary worker" in ANBU, it's not that easy!"

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