Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 43: Blood Experience (Part 1)

 Why is it not so easy to be an ANBU?

  Let’s start with the cross-country, Kakashi and others’ first battle after leaving Konoha Village.

When he just left the Leaf Village, he was inevitably in a more excited mood for the cross-country trip. After all, he was the only one among them who left the Leaf Village for the first time.

  When ordinary people are four years old, let alone leaving Konoha Village to gain experience, it is a question of whether they can successfully cultivate chakra and enter a ninja school for further training.

Of course, like the Uchiha, a wealthy family of the Hyuga clan, the children may have to undergo strict training at the age of four. After all, they are from a wealthy family.

 But leaving the Leaf Village to practice after the age of four was an experience that even the Itachi God had never had. It happened that cross-country created a history.

However, in order to prevent Kakashi from finding faults, Cross Country was in an excited mood, but still looked indifferent on the surface. Especially Kakashi and Akai seemed to be competing with each other when they were leading the way. The speed alone left no time for distraction in the cross-country, so how could they be excited?

“Lei, Gan, do you usually rush like this?”

  Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he took a little rest on the way, and then he came to Jingzu Leidu, and asked in front of Deyiwahi.

As for Bingzu Leitong, after hearing what Shijie said, Daiyiwaxi also raised a wry smile under the face covered by the ANBU mask. Later, Bingzu Leitong sighed deeply and replied: "Kage, if We usually travel like this, and we are already exhausted! The captain and the turtle didn’t know what happened, but they increased their speed just after setting off.”


 “It seems that the difficulty of the task we have to perform is going to increase again!”

 Hearing the very similar answers, Off-Road felt helpless. It turned out that it was all Kakashi and Akai who were really to blame!

 At the beginning, Cross Country thought that ANBU would travel faster than ordinary ninjas, and there were strict regulations on progress!

 Then, slowly recovering the physical strength he had previously consumed, Shiranui Genma kindly distributed some food and water, which finally gave the cross-country people some time to breathe. Moreover, during the contact, Cross Country also discovered that Shiranui Genma looked slutty and looked like another Kakashi, but he was actually a very fiery guy on the inside.

Gradually, the relationship between Cross Country, Tamaki, Iwashi, and Shiranui Gen became very good. Who wanted to ask Cross Country for advice from the three of them about their experience in executing tasks? Kakashi, who was counting the time next to him, suddenly wrinkled. He frowned and said:

 “Shadow, Fire, and Turtle have caused some trouble, go and solve it!”


Hurrying back, under Kakashi's cold gaze, Cross Country and Shiranui Genma did not dare to delay, and jumped to Akai's side.

However, when Cross Country came near Akai, hid in the grass, and saw clearly the trouble A Kai had caused, Cross Country was stunned!

 Because how can that be called trouble?

 It was simply that Akai met some refugees in the Country of Fire and enthusiastically helped them there!

 During war, this is often the case.

 Civilians in other countries have lost their homes and relatives due to war. With no other options, they seek asylum in big countries.

What a pity, how could these refugees know that it is wrong to seek asylum from a big country!

Take the Land of Fire as an example!

Even ordinary civilians feel repulsive when they discover the existence of refugees. Often, refugees can only survive in the jungle, living a life without clothing and food. It's okay if you meet some kind-hearted people, and a village can accept refugees. But if you meet a group of indifferent people, the refugees often die miserably in the jungle, either starving to death or becoming food for wild beasts!


  It would be better if the refugees met ordinary civilians and ordinary ninjas.

 After all, in the ninja world, ninjas cannot kill civilians and refugees wantonly, and ordinary civilians cannot wield swords like refugees.

 However, if the refugees encounter ANBU, there is only one end, and that is death!

 At this time, people like Akai who enthusiastically distributed food to the refugees were taboo among the ANBU. Because the responsibilities of ANBU are different from those of ordinary ninjas, when they meet refugees, they view these refugees with more dark thoughts and treat all refugees as foreign spies.

But Cross Country is just an "ANBU rookie" and has the status of a "temporary worker". When he sees Akai rescuing those civilians, he naturally doesn't understand what the task Kakashi requires.

On the contrary, Shiranui Genma's experience in the ANBU had already made him familiar with the responsibilities of the ANBU.

So before Cross Country still realized what the mission Kakashi had assigned him, a sharp Senbon was held in Shiranui Genma's hand.

 The next second, Shiranui Genma's figure disappeared next to Cross Country!

 “Could it be that...”

 “Does Xuanjian want to kill them?”

Not long after leaving Konoha Village, Cross Country witnessed the cruelty of ANBU!

They were a group of unarmed refugees. They were all so hungry that they looked like evil ghosts returning from hell.

 But under the mountain of "mission", Shiranui Genma showed no mercy and successfully eliminated all the refugees in just a few seconds. And after that, Shiranui Genma's indifferent eyes fell on Cross Country, which made Cross Country shudder when he saw blood for the first time!

"Shadow, please dispose of the bodies of these spies. I will take the turtle to see the captain."


  Nodding silently, with his hands trembling, Cross Country picked up the shovel handed over by Shiranui Genma and was about to prepare to dispose of the corpses.

 It’s just that Shiranui Genma’s killing clearly made Akai angry.

 “Why do you want to kill these people?”

 “They. They are just ordinary people! Bastards!”

With an angry roar, Akai rushed to Shiranui Genma and was about to punch him in the face.

 However, the punch still did not land on Shiranui Genma's face, but Kakashi suddenly appeared and grabbed Akai's fist.

“I’ve told you before, Turtle, you are completely unsuitable for ANBU work! Just look at Kage, his performance is much better than yours!”

“As ANBU, our work is definitely different from that of ordinary ninjas.”

“So Turtle, if you really can’t stand it, just go back!”

As he said that, Kakashi’s cold gaze fell on Cross Country again, and he directly ordered:

 “Shadow, you need to hit every corpse with a last hit!”

 “No one can be left alive!”

 “Yes, Captain!”

Having already dug a hole with a shovel, the cross-country road finally overcame the mental obstacle. Who would have thought that Kakashi gave another cruel order.

However, after Kakashi gave that cruel order, what surprised Akai and Kakashi next to him was that Cross Country, who originally disliked each other with Kakashi, actually silently started to finish the damage there. . Moreover, on every corpse of a refugee, Cross Country stabbed him three times fiercely, and then threw the repaired body into a pit and buried it.

Just at that moment, looking at the mechanical movements of the off-road vehicle and his eyes that gradually became indifferent, Kakashi felt something else in his heart.

Especially when Cross Country faced a dead body for the first time, he was still able to finish the finishing work calmly. He noticed that Cross Country's palm holding the kunai did not tremble at all. Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly and gave the command to Cross Country again:

“Off-road, there is a refugee camp five hundred meters ahead on the right.”

 “I think you should know what the mission is, right?”

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