Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 44: Blood Experience (Part 2)

 “Yes! Captain!”

Kakashi gave an order, and he held Kunai's hand a little tighter, but without any hesitation, he turned around and prepared to go to the refugee camp.

 However, just as he was turning around to leave, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound!

His eyes were full of anger. At that moment, Akai held down the shoulder of the cross country and said angrily:

“Off-road, if you listen to that scumbag Kakashi, we will no longer be companions!”


Just as Akai's angry voice fell, before Kakashi next to him, Shiranui Genma could react. Unexpectedly, Shiranui suddenly raised his hand and slapped Akai on the face!

 “Turtle, you made two mistakes!”

While speaking, Jiujiu slowly stretched out his fingers, stared at Akai indifferently, and said:

“First, we must obey the captain’s order. The captain’s order is our mission, and we cannot violate it in the slightest!”

“Second, during the mission, we must call others by their codenames!”

“If it were placed on the battlefield and those refugees were spies, our entire ANBU team would die here! I know you sympathize with those refugees, but don’t you cherish the lives of our partners?”

“Do you want us to die with you?”

After saying that, Cross Country snorted coldly and disappeared directly in front of Akai.

Unfortunately, Cross Country's advice did not resolve Akai's anger, and even had the opposite effect.

 In the original plot, Akai is an excellent ninja, well-known in both Konoha Village and the ninja world. However, if Akai is asked to perform an ordinary mission, there will be no problem at all. But if Akai is asked to perform a cruel mission like ANBU, Akai may be ready to give up before executing it.

 To put it bluntly, Akai is just not suitable for ANBU.

How can a person like him who likes to put words like "hot blood" and "youth" on his lips understand the cruelty of ANBU?

On the contrary, it was Cross Country who had traveled through time. When Shiranui Genma just took action against the refugees, Cross Country was still a little unbearable. But soon, Cross Country accepted the identity of Anbu, and in the subsequent blood experiences, he gradually understood the cruelty of being born in wartime, the cruelty of being born in wartime!

 At the beginning, in Konoha Village, off-roading could only understand what war was through the non-intuitive method of funerals.

Now that we have left the Leaf Village and entered the Land of Fire, and watched the deaths of the refugees across the country, we can truly understand what war is!

“If you don’t kill others, you may be the one who dies.”

“War is inherently selfish, and there can often only be one winner!”

"No matter how hard you practice, no matter how strong you become, if you don't have a rock-like mind, let alone becoming a true strong man in the ninja world, just trying to protect your life in the cruel world of ninjas is nothing. Question?"

"In the original plot, aren't Kakashi, the Fourth Hokage, and Jiraiya all very kind people? But how much blood does Kakashi, an ANBU, have on his hands? The Fourth Hokage, Jiraiya, etc. Konoha's golden light, the name of Sannin, how many bones do they need to serve as their stepping stone?"


“The ridiculous original plot actually depicts the world of ninjas as a passionate world!”

"Actually, only indifference can we survive well in this world! Kakashi, Minato-sensei, I think I have understood what you want to teach me!"

 When the concept quietly changed, Cross Country really understood the painstaking efforts of the Fourth Hokage.

  Why did the Fourth Hokage ask Cross Country to join the ANBU? After seeing Cross Country's talent in "skills", he even asked Cross Country to follow Kakashi's ANBU team to perform tasks?

 Isn’t what you want is to make him familiar with the world and let him understand the cruelty of this world?

 In the plot of the original work, Itachi fully understood the cruelty of war and saw through the darkness behind the war, so that he could have such a high level of consciousness.

 So, the Fourth Hokage holds the same expectations, hoping that he can have such a high awareness of off-roading and have the selfless concept of "Hokage"!

 But it’s such a pity!

 The Fourth Hokage didn’t know that Cross Country was a time traveler, and his hopes were destined to be in vain!

Also had different values ​​and views on survival. When Xue Qi saw through the cruelty behind the war, he had only one idea in his mind!

 That is to become stronger!

 That is to control your own destiny!

 The selflessness of "Hokage" and the cruelty behind the war are all bullshit!

From the perspective of off-roading, only surviving is the basis of survival, and only living happily can be considered a valuable life.

 So, Kakashi’s other test at this time is meaningless in cross-country.

What about the poor refugees?

 Are you worried about being stained with the blood of some refugees when you are really serious about off-roading?


Under the setting sun, the off-road figure disappeared in front of Akai, Kakashi and others, turned into a stream of light, and quickly headed to the refugee camp.

 At the outskirts of the camp, off-roaders still did not forget to explore the situation well.

However, the refugees who were able to go in search of food obviously died in the hands of Shiranui Genma. Therefore, during the cross-country exploration at this time, it was found that the refugees in that camp were all old, weak, sick and disabled.

 But even so, off-roading is still very cautious.

Hidden in a tree in the distance, after calculating the distance between the two sides, he threw a few kunai hands and formed seals with his hands!

 “Shadow Suture!”



In conjunction with the thrown kunai, the off-road shadow suture technique was used, and it extended into the refugee camp silently.

There, regardless of whether they are old people, women, or children who have no ability to resist at all.

The moment you are restrained by the cross-country shadow suture technique, you will face the shadow neck binding technique in the next second!



 The sound of neck bones breaking continued to sound.

With the use of the Shadow Suture Technique and the Shadow Neck Binding Technique, Cross Country didn't even need three minutes, consuming part of his chakra, and successfully eliminated more than thirty refugees in this camp.

Of course, getting rid of the refugees is only the first step in the cross-country mission.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the shovel he had prepared in advance, and the second step of the cross-country task, which was also the last step, was to cover up the traces of the survival of these refugees.

But who would have thought that just when Cross-country was holding a shovel and overcoming the shadow of murder with all his heart, and about to cover up the traces of the refugees' past lives, a figure suddenly appeared behind Cross-country and spoke in a stern voice. One sentence made Cross Country's pupils shrink slightly!

 “He actually used a kid as bait.”

 “The people of Konoha Village are so cruel!”

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