Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 45: Kill the chunin alone


After the breakthrough at the moment of life and death, the off-road perception was inexplicably enhanced a lot, and naturally he knew that an enemy ninja suddenly appeared behind him.

But when that person appeared, what really shocked Xue Yue, and even his pupils could not help but shrink slightly, was not the fact that the other person could sneak into the Kingdom of Fire, but what the other person said.

 Because, when that person just revealed his identity as the "bait" of Off-Road, Off-Road really believed it!

With Kakashi's indifferent character and his mentality of strictly abiding by the rules of the ANBU, Xue Yue's heart dropped almost as soon as the man finished speaking.

 Subconsciously, Cross Country felt a touch of anger towards Kakashi, thinking to himself Kakashi, no matter how bad your relationship with me is, you wouldn’t treat me as a bait, right?

However, that unwilling thought was just a fleeting thought.

Soon, after calming down, Cross Country discovered that it was probably a conspiracy to shake his own mind. Therefore, at the moment when he calmed down, Cross Country sneered and said: "When facing a kid, you need to test it with words. It seems that you are not confident! Also, in front of the ninjas of Konoha Village, no one must have the same confidence. confidence!"


 “Let you see the real cruelty!”




As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, there were several loud noises, followed by several shurikens that quickly struck in the direction of the enemy ninja.

 The enemy ninja obviously never thought that a kid in Konoha Village could have such good tactical literacy.

Therefore, when several shurikens attacking in arcs were about to hit the enemy ninja, under the cross-country's excellent hidden weapon skills, the enemy ninja could only hurriedly use his hands to The kunai blocks. Who would have thought that before the enemy ninja could finish dealing with Cross Country's shurikens, Cross Country's thin figure would appear directly in front of the enemy ninja!

 “Is he a ninja from the Mist Ninja Village?”

“Judging from the strength of the chakra, he seems to be a chunin-level ninja.”

 “Look at my Konoha Tornado!”


As the clanging sound of Ding Ling sounded, a few shurikens had just fallen, Cross Country jumped into the air, and kicked the Mist Ninja Chuunin in the head with a Konoha Cyclone.

However, just when he was secretly planning in his heart, thinking that this Konoha whirlwind would definitely force the opponent back, and then used the shadow imitation technique to imprison him, what he never expected was that he would face him. A Konoha whirlwind, the Mist ninja chuunin had no intention of evading it!

 In the first life-and-death battle with ninjas from outside the village, the fog ninja chunin used practical actions to tell the real difference between cross-country, sparring and actual combat!


 The off-road Konoha Tornado can even kick down a small tree without any weight on it.

 However, even if the fog ninja chuunin knew clearly that facing the cross-country Konoha whirlwind, it would at least be the result of a concussion. But in a real life-and-death battle, the Mist Ninja Chunin was already at a disadvantage, not to mention using non-fatal injuries in exchange for the death of the enemy ninja. In the eyes of the Mist Ninja Chunin, Still a very good deal.

 So, when Cross Country was thinking about the next step in the battle, it happened to be the life and death struggle of the Mist Ninja Chuunin, which ruined the entire Cross Country plan at once!

He really used his head to withstand the power of the Konoha whirlwind on the cross-country road!

When Cross Country's ankle kicked the head of the Mist Ninja Chuunin, there was a faint "click" and "click" sound. It was obvious that the Mist Ninja Chunin's skull was slightly shattered!

 But what about a shattered skull?

Isn’t that Mist ninja chuunin still alive?

Then, under the shining of the setting sun, Cross Country looked at the Mist Ninja Chuunin in front of him with his head covered in blood, smiling ferociously, and was obviously stunned for a moment.

 It is very simple to let the cross-country be stunned for a second.

Because in the competition, few people are willing to trade such a serious injury for a chance to counterattack!

On the other hand, the Mist Ninja Chuunin had tried so hard to kill off-road in a short time, and he didn't even care about the serious head injury.

Especially when he found that he was stunned for a second, the eyes of the Mist ninja Chuunin even showed a look of disdain, a ferocious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the chakra in his body exploded instantly!

 The next second, only a "bang" sound was heard!

The Mist Ninja Chuunin burst forward with chakra, stepped forward, grabbed the cross-country's throat, and directly pressed the cross-country to the ground.

 At the moment when Cross Country fell to the ground in pain, the Mist Ninja Chunin not only put a sharp kunai on Cross Country's neck, threatening his life. At the moment when his cross-country life was about to be harvested, the eyes of the Mist Ninja Chuunin even showed a look of madness, and he laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha! You are indeed an inexperienced brat. It must be your first time. Are you going out on a mission?"

“You can become an ANBU at such a young age, you must be a genius of Konoha Village, right?”

“Unfortunately, geniuses are often like this, and they will perish on the battlefield on their first mission!”

"But it doesn't matter, I will keep your head well! When I fight with your family elders, your head will have special effects!"

As he said that, the peak color in the eyes of the Mist Ninja Chuunin disappeared instantly, and turned directly into a strong killing intent!

 “You little brat who claims to be a genius, just die!”

 “I’m afraid it’s not me who dies!”


At the moment when the Mist Ninja Chuunin vowed that he would be able to kill Cross Country, Cross Country lying on the ground actually raised a sneer, which made even the experienced Mist Ninja Chunin startled.

Just at the moment when the Mist Ninja Chuunin was stunned, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound!

 The shadow at the foot of the off-road suddenly stood up, and actually used the shadow imitation technique to directly restrict the movement of the fog ninja chuunin!

 Obviously, before the cross-country fight with this fog ninja chunin, he used the shadow clone technique in advance to prepare for emergencies.

Moreover, what made Cross Country feel lucky was that he had used the Shadow Clone Technique in advance. Otherwise, when he fought against this Mist Ninja Chuunin, he might have been the one who died.

If the Mist Ninja Chuunin could discover the cross-country seal early, the person who might die would be a cross-country person.

If the Mist ninja Chuunin had killed Yukio faster, he might not have been the one who died!

 But in this world, there are no words like if, if, regret!

So, when Cross Country's shadow clone used the shadow imitation technique to imprison the actions of the Mist Ninja Chunin, the violent Cross Country hand held a kunai and first stabbed the Mist Ninja Chunin in the heart. Moreover, in order to prevent the Mist Ninja Chuunin from rising again, Cross Country deliberately struck another blow when the Mist Ninja Chuunin's heart was broken!

 The kunai fell with a "swish" sound!

The head of the mist ninja chunin slowly fell on the palm of the crossroad!

 “Thank you for your teaching!”

  "The first mist ninja to die in my hands!"

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