Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 413: Declare war!

 Hoshi Ninja Village, six days later.

  Sitting on the comfortable seat, thinking about the gains of the past few days, the face of Hongxing, a former star ninja jounin, gradually showed a proud smile.

 Six days, only six days, Hongxing became the fourth generation village chief of Xing Ninja Village.

It can be said that Hongxing has been silently waiting for this day to come since he conspired to get rid of the third-generation village chief of Xing Ninja Village. Now that his dream has come true, he naturally wants to enjoy the feeling of being above ten thousand people. .

Moreover, as the first step in Red Star's ambition was completed, his eyes fell on the map on the table, and the light of ambition once again flickered in Red Star's pupils.

 Just the village chief of a Star Ninja Village, how can I satisfy the appetite of Red Star?

 Only the title "Xingying" is what I really want!

 Then take advantage of the critical moment when the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village dies, cooperate with that mysterious guy, and prepare to win the title of "Star Shadow"!

Silently imagining the future when he became "Xingying", Hongxing recalled that mysterious figure for no reason, and his body couldn't help but shudder.

"Damn it, how can there be such a strong guy in the ninja world? Just standing in front of him, how can I feel powerless?"

“I am the future Hoshikage, the leader of the great ninja village in the ninja world!”

"I must become stronger, and I must quickly regain the "star", so that I can be as strong as Naruto, Kazekage, and strong people at that level!"

 “Speaking of “star”…”

Frowning, Red Star summoned an ANBU from the Star Ninja Village and asked in a low voice: "Is there any news about "Star"? What did the person who ran out say?"

"Hongxing...Lord Hongxing, none of the people you sent out have come back!"

"How is it possible? Didn't I tell them to deliver information to the village every day?"

A thin figure flashed before his eyes, and Hongxing suddenly felt a little impatient, and then asked: "What about the second group of people? Is there no news too?"

"Hongxing...Lord Hongxing, you are right. The second batch of people sent out also received no news!"

"How can it be?"

If Hongxing was just worried just now, now that the second group of people sent out have not sent back any information, Hongxing can basically be sure that something happened to them.

And who could that thin figure that flashed before Hongxing's eyes be?

Isn’t it just off-roading that vaguely puts pressure on Red Star?

Every time Hongxing recalls the mysterious figure in his mind, Hongxing has the desire to become stronger.

 However, whenever Hongxing recalls the cross-country scene, Hongxing’s desire to become stronger turns into jealousy!

How can he be so strong at such a young age?

 This is the potential of the Great Ninja Village. If I were in the Great Ninja Village, I might already be as powerful as the Hokage and Kazekage!

With an inexplicable flame burning in his heart, Hongxing took a deep breath and told the star ninja Anbu in front of him a few words, then frowned and began to think silently.

"The "star" given to the Konoha ninja must not cause any problems. If something unexpected happens, then I will be the sinner of the Star Ninja Village!"

"No, I can't always leave important things to those losers. Some things must be handled by me myself!"

 “Tomorrow… just tomorrow!”

"If there is no news tomorrow, then I will personally take action. I don't believe that a few Konoha brats can disrupt my Red Star plan!"

Hunted to himself, Hongxing's mood has undoubtedly improved a lot.

But just when Hongxing was intoxicated with the feeling of having great power, suddenly several Hoshi-nin ANBU entered the room, half-knelt down, and immediately said anxiously:

 “Lord Red Star, there is an enemy attack!”

 “Enemy attack?”

Hongxing asked in surprise: "Our Star Ninja Village is built in a canyon and has natural advantages. Which Ninja Village can cross that natural barrier and directly attack our Star Ninja Village?"

"Are you...sure you're not joking?"

 “You’re really not joking, Lord Red Star.”

He nodded vigorously, and one of the star ninja ANBU said: "Lord Hongxing, there is only one enemy. It seems that he has practiced the peacock magic. He...he attacked from the sky!"

 “Come with me and have a look!”

Suddenly stood up, Hongxing thought that he was second in the practice of Peacock Magic, and the person who was first was not born yet.

So, the moment I walked out of the room, I saw a figure in the sky. The red star started to form seals without any hesitation, and the auxiliary form of Peacock Magic was used directly.

 A pair of lavender wings gradually condensed behind the red star.

There is no doubt that when the auxiliary form of Peacock Magic is completed, the red star will be in front of the enemy with a "swish" sound in an instant. However, when Hongxing came to the enemy and saw the enemy's figure clearly, the shocked Hongxing even opened his mouth into an "O" shape, and the pupils in his eyes couldn't help but shrink slightly!


 Because at this moment, the guy who caught Hongxing's eyes was one of the two people in the ninja world who put a certain amount of pressure on him!

That’s off-roading!

“Damn it, Cross Country-kun, I regard you ninjas from Konoha Village as friends, but what about you?”

"First you assassinated our village chief, and then stole the "Star" and the Peacock Magic. What do you mean?"

"Are you trying to destroy the alliance between our Star Ninja Village and your Konoha Village?"

High in the sky, when he saw Hongxing throwing dirty water directly at him, he raised a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "Who killed the head of your Xing Ninja Village? Hongxing Lord, you must know it in your mind? As for "Xing" And the secret scroll of Peacock Magic..."

 “It’s in my hands!”

 “But why should I hand it over to you?”

 Speaking, Cross Country also gave Hongxing a cold smile, and he knew what Hongxing was thinking.

But just when Hongxing was about to use the alliance between Konoha Village and Star Ninja Village to threaten Cross Country, who would have thought that he didn’t give Red Star a chance to speak? Cross Country’s cold voice came, and you cut off all Red Star’s hopes!

"I know, Hongxing, are you going to send someone to Konoha Village to explain this matter?"

"As long as the top management of Konoha Village knows about this, they will definitely put pressure on me to return the "Star" and the secret scroll of Peacock Mystic Technique to you Star Ninja Village, right?"

 “That’s right.”

  Sneered and nodded, Hongxing said: "Moreover, Mr. Cross Country, I not only want the "star" and the secret scroll of Peacock Magic, but also your head..."

 “Hmph, it’s my Red Star’s too!”


Off-road looked at the confident Hongxing, suddenly sneered, and asked: "Hongxing, have you never thought that if your Star Ninja Village cannot pass on the information, then your only trump card will be gone?"

“Off-roader, what do you mean?”

With a "thump" in his heart, Hongxing suddenly had a somewhat ominous premonition in his heart. Then he pointed blankly at the off-road and murmured: "You mean the people I sent out..."

 “That’s right, they’re all dead.”

Still not giving Hong Xing a chance to talk nonsense, he suddenly used the Wind Blink in mid-air to cross-country, while maintaining the use of Shadow Wings, allowing him to soar in mid-air. On the other side, after using the Wind Teleportation, Cross Country got close to the red star and knocked the red star to the ground with a heavy punch.

As Hongxing flew upside down to the ground, the cold voice of Cross Country, which contained endless murderous intent, slowly reached Hongxing's ears.

"Red Star, I didn't just kill those star ninjas you sent out."

"I will also get rid of all the ninjas who are still in your Star Ninja Village!"

 “Because I go off-road in Nara…”

"He came to declare war in front of your Star Ninja Village!"

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