Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 414: One person fights a village

 “Declaration of war?”

 “He he joking?”

Flying upside down in mid-air, and about to fall from the sky to the ground, Hongxing controlled the use of Peacock Magic well, and gently flapped the wings on his back, successfully solving the threat posed by the cross-country.

 However, Hongxing was only a few dozen meters away from the position on the ground where he would fall. He recalled what he had said before going off-road, his eyes full of disbelief.

  When he had contact with Cross Country in the past, Hongxing undoubtedly knew that he could become a Jonin-level ninja in Konoha Village at such a young age. The Cross Country Lord in front of him must be a powerful ninja. But according to one's normal philosophy, no matter how powerful a ninja is, it is impossible for him to be an enemy of a ninja village?

 In today's ninja world, is the Third Hokage strong?


 But he has never declared war with a ninja village, and other ninja villages often come to attack Konoha Village!

Is the Fourth Raikage of Cloud Ninja Village strong enough?

 Strong enough!

  But even the fourth generation Raikage of the Cloud Ninja Village cannot challenge a Ninja Village alone!

However, it is exactly what the two famous strongmen in the ninja world today, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, have not done, the Shadow Mage of Konoha Village has done it!

After the cold voice reached Hongxing’s ears, what is the next move for cross-country?

Shadow Wings gently incited, Cross Country ignored the red star stagnant in mid-air, and descended into the interior of the Star Ninja Village with one dive!

 “Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

 “Team One, the Peacock Magic Technique is ready!”

“Team 2, the Peacock Magic Technique is ready!”

 “Team 3, prepare to attack!”

 Almost when the off-road dive was just beginning, the Star Ninja Village was already fully prepared.

 That is the power of three entire ninja troops, not just three squads!

Although the number of ninjas in the Star Ninja Village is not very large, there are only a dozen or so Star Ninjas in each ninja unit. However, the three ninja troops in the Star Ninja Village are also comparable to one ninja army in one Ninja Village. Especially the ninjas in the Star Ninja Village practice the Peacock Magic Technique, so their ninja troops use combined ninjutsu. That's no joke!

Hong Xing, who was stagnant in mid-air, saw the ninja troops of Xing Ninja Village getting ready. A faint murderous intention flashed in his dull eyes, and he sneered at Cross Country's words before saying:

“A mere brat, who really doesn’t know how high the sky is, wants to challenge our Star Ninja Village all by himself, what a joke!”

 “Who do you think you are? The Sannin of Konoha Village?”

"If the ninja troops of our Star Ninja Village can suffer a loss in your hands, then... then..."

As he spoke, Hongxing suddenly made a "gurgling" sound in his mouth. Before he could finish his words, he choked on a mouthful of saliva.


Because before Hong Xing had finished speaking, the cross country who used the secret technique of Shadow Escape, Shadow Wings, to arrive in the Star Ninja Village had already disintegrated three entire ninja troops in the Star Ninja Village using the Peacock Magic Combination Ninjutsu!

 Looking back in time, three seconds before Hongxing was choked.

In the first second, Cross Country used the wings of shadow to swoop down, and the three ninja troops from the Star Ninja Village were ready. They were already forming seals at the same time, and the combination used them to form the Peacock Magic!

As for the first detachment of the ninja troops in the Star Ninja Village, the Peacock Magic Technique used is in a defensive form. When they used the Peacock Mystic Technique in combination, the special chakra cultivated with "stars" in their bodies formed a wonderful connection. The Peacock Mystic Technique defense form that was immediately combined not only destroyed the Star Ninja Village Three ninja troops were shrouded in it, and even a light purple film appeared on the outside of the Star Ninja Village, symbolizing the defensive strength of a ninja force in the Star Ninja Village.

The second detachment of the Star Ninja Village Army uses the Peacock Magic Law for auxiliary purposes.

Seeing that the first detachment of the ninja force in the Hoshi Ninja Village completed the defensive form of the Peacock Mystic Technique, the second detachment's Peacock Mystical Technique was combined, as if forming an energy source, continuously working hard for the first detachment. The condensed defense delivers new energy. There is no doubt that at this time, no matter what level of power you are, even a shadow-level powerhouse, if you want to break through the defense composed of the two ninja troops of the Star Ninja Village, you need to cut off the "energy source" first, and then deal with the surrounding areas. of defense.

 Because there is a constant source of energy and defense can be continuously generated.

 If the defense is not shattered, the energy source cannot be shattered, as if it has formed an endless loop. This is why Red Star laughs at Off-road and laughs at him for overestimating his capabilities.

After all, the terrifying defense composed of the two ninja troops in the Star Ninja Village is the foundation for the Star Ninja Village to be passed down to this day!

 Let’s talk about the third detachment of the ninja force of the Star Ninja Village. The Peacock Magic Technique they use is in the attack form!

Seeing the cross-country swooping in, this ninja force from the Star Ninja Village quickly completed the combined use of the Peacock Magic Technique. The lavender chakra was constantly intertwined, and a vivid peacock was condensed in mid-air. The feathers on its tail turned into sharp weapons in the second second, and concentrated flying shots. Cross-country in mid-air, about to stab him into a plug!


Just when the second detachment of the Hoshi Ninja Village Ninja Troops used the Peacock Magic Attack Form in combination to pour intensive attacks across the country, there was a sudden "boom"!

That's a black shadow!

 It is a dark shadow that blocks out the sky and the sun!

In an instant, Cross Country's body seemed to have turned into a black hole. With him as the center, the intertwined shadows of darkness suddenly shrouded the heads of all the ninjas of the Star Ninja Village, making these confident Star Ninjas... I couldn't help being shocked, and the movements of my hands were faintly stagnant for half a second.

 Looking back at cross-country, why did he make such a big splash?

Of course it’s just to intimidate the star ninja below!

To put it bluntly, the secret technique of cross-country shadow escape is indeed combined with part of the mystery of Peacock's magic. However, it is still impossible for Cross Country to control the huge amount of spiritual energy extending out of the Yin Escape Brand and complete the form change of Peacock Magic. Today, Peacock Magic is only a cross-country that has refined its auxiliary form.

 And after the cross-country intimidation was successful, what did he do?

 “Bah! Bah!”

Suddenly, azure chakra enveloped the entire body of Off-Road, and the S-class secret technique of the gale flow was used directly!

 “Sharp gun flow!”



In the third second, Cross Country transformed into an extremely sharp spear, resisting the backlash pain coming from his body. Before Red Star could finish his words, he ignored the attack form of the surrounding peacocks and plunged into the star. In the defensive form of the Peacock Mystical Technique formed by forbearance.

 The sharpness of the wind collided with the defense of Peacock Magic in an instant!

The results of it?

 Needless to say, it must be cross-country victory!

The defense built by the ninja troops of the Star Ninja Village is certainly terrifying, but they focus on "quantity" rather than "quality"!

 The off-road sharp gun flow is the second stage of extreme changes in wind attribute properties, and it is faintly touching the threshold of the third stage of extreme changes in wind attribute properties.

How can wind-type chakra of such "quality" be resisted by a mere peacock's magical method?

 So, the cross-country transformed into a sharp gun and swooped down, instantly shattering the defense built by two ninja troops in the Star Ninja Village. Immediately, there was only a "rumbling" sound, and Red Star choked on a mouthful of saliva. On the other hand, the entire two Hoshi Ninja Village ninja troops that built the defense of Peacock Mystical Technique. All the ninjas were affected by the backlash of the collapse of Peacock Mystic Technique defense. He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground in despair.

 Among them, ninjas at the Jonin level are better. After a short period of weakness, they recovered quickly.

 But how many jounin-level ninjas are there in the Star Ninja Village?

At this moment, Off-Road stood firm on the ground again, looking at the weak star ninjas in front of him, his eyes were like a tiger looking at a lamb!

Let’s talk about Hongxing again. Seeing him going off-road like a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep, what was the only thought in his dull mind?

 The dull red star, the only thought in his mind is...

 Off-roading requires one person to fight a village, which is probably not just a wild lie!

 But something that can really happen!


 “What kind of monster have I provoked!”

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