Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 415: Star Ninja Expelled

Regret is the most ridiculous thing to think about when traveling off-road.

 Because there is no medicine for regret in the world. Besides deepening regret, what use can regret have?

 So, more often than not, off-roading is about trying to do the best possible job without any regrets. Even in the Battle of the Nine-Tails, Uzumaki Kushina still "died" in the end, and the Fourth Hokage also left Konoha Village, but Cross Country felt that he had performed well enough and had tried his best, so the Battle of the Nine-Tails In the end, cross-country was all about without much regret.

On the contrary, it is the red star of the Hoshi Ninja Village, and he becomes different from the cross-country.

Countless planning and waiting, just for the position of the head of Xing Ninja Village.

But what if Hong Xing becomes the head of the Star Ninja Village and the next step is to plot the so-called "Star Shadow"?

 The incident happened in Dongchuang!

Hongxing never expected that the boy he had thought he could use at will would turn into a life-threatening demon in front of him!

In just a few seconds, the Peacock Magic Defense constructed by two ninja troops in the Star Ninja Village was shattered in front of Cross Country. As for the members of the two ninja troops who used the Peacock Magic Technique to build defenses, the moment the Peacock Magic Technique defense was broken, it was equivalent to losing their combat capabilities, and it was equivalent to dying in front of cross-country!

At this time, even if Cross Country eliminated the two ninja troops from the Star Ninja Village and left the Star Ninja Village calmly, Red Star could not accept the loss of the Star Ninja Village.

What’s more, cross-country has no intention of leaving at all?

Seeing that the more than 20 star ninjas ahead were not in very good condition, how could Cross Country let go of the good opportunity in front of him?

The spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was output in a surging manner. Off-road took a deep breath, suddenly squatted on the ground, and immediately slapped his palms to the ground!


 “Shadow Escape!”

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”

 There is no doubt that when in mid-air, the cross-country itself turned into the center of the "black hole", which he used to intimidate the star ninjas below. However, now that off-roading has once again become a "black hole", it is not just as simple as intimidation, but also directly takes away the lives of those sluggish Hoshi Ninja Villages!

Suddenly, centered on the cross-country, the dark shadow continued to spread, and soon extended to the feet of three entire Hoshi Ninja Village ninja troop members in front.

At that time, the star ninjas who had not suffered the backlash before, that is, the ninjas of the third detachment of the ninja force of the star ninja village, were doing better. With the chakra cultivated by the "star", they suddenly used the peacock magic to burst out. A brief escape from the shackles of cross-country descent. However, those languid Hoshi-nin were not so lucky.

 The binding power coming from the shadow world tightly bound them in place.

Even if you can’t move off-road, what can you do?

It was discovered that there were more than twenty star ninjas who were unable to move under the restraints of the shadow world. These restrained star ninjas first felt the black shadows on the ground squirm. Immediately afterwards, with the sound of "swish" and "swish", arms appeared one after another from the black shadow and pinched their necks fiercely.

 “Shadow Neck Binding Technique!”



A crisp sound sounded, followed by urgent "pop" and "pop" sounds.

Two entire ninja troops from the Star Ninja Village died tragically under the cross-country secret technique of Shadow Escape. The surviving Star Ninjas lost their determination to fight to the death and turned around to escape.


If these star ninjas are determined to fight to the death with Cross Country, then Cross Country alone will still not be able to "take care" of them and kill every star ninja there.

However, if these star ninjas escape...


Have you ever seen anyone who can escape in front of the Fourth Hokage?

The shadow mage of Konoha Village is the original disciple of Konoha Village’s Golden Shine!

 So running away is equivalent to death!

 “The acceleration of the wind!”


 Smiled and closed his eyes. Off-road was obviously using the secret technique of perception he had just created, the "wind eye" to replace Kagura's inner eye for perception. At the moment when the "eye of the wind" is turned on, the perception thirty meters around is no different from turning on Kagura's inner eye, which undoubtedly makes the smile that raises the corner of the cross-country's mouth become a little more intense.

“The more perfect the wind eye is, the less useful the Kagura mind eye will be.”

"Think about it, in the future, when my Yin Release brand condenses to the ninth level, my wind eye will be comparable to Kagura's heart's eye, right? At that time, the Uzumaki clan's Kagura's mind's eye will be a thing of the past, and my wind eye will be It’s the number one secret technique of perception in the ninja world!”

  "Ha, the star ninja who wants to escape is really naive!"

 "Under my "acceleration" secret technique, you feel..."

"You weak star ninjas, can you escape?"

 The smile on his face instantly turned into a death-like sneer.

Using the "Acceleration" secret technique passed down by the Fourth Hokage, the cross-country turned into a blue stream of light and rushed into the crowd of star ninjas. He casually used the secret technique of Hayate Flow's palm blade with both hands to harvest. Killing the lives of one star ninja after another.


 It’s all blood!

Whether it is the civilians or ninjas in the Star Ninja Village, or the current village chief of the Star Ninja Village, Hongxing, they only feel that they are in a sea of ​​blood, with no possibility of escaping.

 The cross-country figure obviously turned into a demonic figure in the eyes of these star ninja civilians, ninjas, and Red Star. However, just when Hongxing took a deep breath, with a firm look in his eyes, and was about to defend the dignity of the Star Ninja, suddenly the figure of a Star Ninbu Anbu flashed over, appeared in front of Red Star, and said: "Lord Hongxing , keep the green hills, don’t worry about not having firewood! You are our village chief, as long as you are here, our Xing Ninja Village will be here, please leave quickly!”


 There is no doubt that before this star ninja Anbu appeared, Hongxing had already had the idea of ​​​​fighting to death.

 But after this star ninja ANBU appeared, Red Star's thoughts suddenly changed!

"Yes, as long as I am here, Star Ninja Village will be able to make a comeback sooner or later!"

 “Since that’s the case…”

 “Then I’ll run away!”

Secretly thinking to himself, Red Star pretended to be sad and patted the shoulder of the star ninja ANBU in front of him. Accompanied by several ANBU around him, he took advantage of the moment when he was massacring the other star ninjas off-road and used the peacock magic technique to quickly move. Escaped from the territory of the Star Ninja Village.

But just when Hongxing thought that his escape was unnoticed and that he was not even noticed when he was crossing the country, he must be safe...

Suddenly, a mysterious black shadow appeared next to Hong Xing. First, it pinched Hong Xing's neck tightly, and then just threw out a few kunai, harvesting all the kunai beside Hong Xing. The lives of the Hoshinin ANBU.

"Isn't this the Red Star? Are you planning to reject me, so you are planning to escape with a few of your cronies?"

Listening to the familiar and incomparably cold voice, the mysterious black shadow emerged in his mind, and Hongxing couldn't help but trembled: "Sir...Sir, I have no intention of rejecting you, but there are ninjas in Konoha who are trying to …Trying to destroy our Hoshi Ninja Village!”

 “Oh? A ninja from Konoha?”

  Frowning, the mysterious man asked curiously: "Who is that person?"

 “It’s…it’s Nara Cross Country!”

“It turns out to be the shadow mage of Konoha Village, no wonder!”

Nodding in realization, the mysterious man suddenly looked at Hongxing with pity and asked: "Red Star, you provoked Konoha's Shadow Mage, and now Star Ninja Village is about to be expelled, what do you think? "

Not understanding the meaning of the mysterious man at all, and holding on to the remaining hope, Hongxing gritted his teeth and said: "Sir, I promise to cooperate with you, and I also ask you to help our Star Ninja Village repel the powerful enemy! After all, a powerful Star Ninja Village is what you need, isn’t it?”

 “The powerful Hoshi Ninja Village?”

 After pondering for a moment, the mysterious man turned around and smiled, instantly giving Hongxing some hope.

 What a pity, that hope soon turned into despair!

Because, just when Hongxing smiled hopefully and the mysterious man was about to help him solve the cross-country problem, there was a sudden "click"!

The mysterious man broke Hongxing's neck without hesitation, and after that, he murmured:

“The Star Ninja Village is about to be removed from the list, so what value can it still be used for?”

 “As a ninja of the Star Ninja Village, Hongxing you...”

 "Just follow the Star Ninja Village and destroy it in the ninja world together!"

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