Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 416: Butcher!

 Hoshi Ninja, the hero of Hoshi Ninja Village, is dead.

When he died, there was no one to witness him, and not even a body was left behind.

 Obviously, the appearance of the mysterious man in the Star Ninja Village was completely unknown to others. Therefore, after killing Red Star and the ANBU of the Star Ninja around him, everyone's corpses were turned into ashes under the mysterious man's Fire Release Ninjutsu. Unless Cross Country mastered the technology of firming DNA, he would not be able to Ways to determine Red Star's death.


If that incident had not happened in the Star Ninja Village, Cross Country felt that Red Star was dead, and there was no body left behind, so it was not something worthy of attention.

 However, when the incident in the Star Ninja Village broke out, Hongxing's life and death became cross-country's worries, but those are things for later, because at this time, Cross-country was still fighting in the Star Ninja Village.

 What he wants to do is not as simple as getting rid of the Star Ninja Village!

But to leave traces of the existence of the Hoshi Ninja Village...

 They all evaporate!

Not long after Hongxing escaped with several star ninja Anbu, it can be said that when he just met the mysterious man, there was no ninja in the star ninja village, and they all died in the hands of off-road. Obviously, the reason why all the Star Ninjas were able to be eliminated so quickly was due to the fact that these Star Ninjas' fighting will was not strong enough.

If it is in Konoha Village, let alone someone coming to massacre the village, just say someone comes to cause trouble. Every ninja in Konoha Village, and even every civilian, is willing to fight to the death for Konoha Village!

Just look at the scenes in the original Naruto novel where Payne of the Six Paths comes to attack!

Even the genin-level ninjas in Konoha Village are willing to stand up when they know that the village is in difficulty. Even if they die at the hands of a powerful enemy, they will shed the last drop of blood for the village without any complaints.

 What about the Star Ninja Village?


Not to mention desperate efforts, these star ninjas don’t even have the guts to face off-roading!

Little did they know that the faster they escaped, the closer their death would be.

In the end, he didn't even think about going cross-country. It only took more than an hour. All the ninjas in the Star Ninja Village died in his hands, making the Star Ninja Village completely eliminated from the ninja world.

 At this moment, what traces are left in the Star Ninja Village?

 The answer is the civilians of Star Ninja Village!

  Ninjas are indeed powerful, but without civilians, a ninja village cannot develop.

Although Star Ninja Village is just a small ninja village, there are thousands of civilians living in it. However, these civilians have no intention of dying for the Star Ninja Village, even if the Star Ninja Village is the Ninja Village that protects them, so after expelling the Star Ninja Village cross-country, they know that during the Ninja War in the Ninja World, there is a law that does not harm civilians. According to the rules, a few brave civilians from Star Ninja Village knelt directly in front of Cross Country and begged:

"Sir...sir, you have destroyed the Star Ninja Village. Look at us..."

 “Is it time to leave?”

 “Hmm? Leave?”

  Although when dealing with those star ninjas, cross-country did not consume much effort, it only consumed a certain amount of chakra and a certain amount of spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand. However, in order to break through the peacock magic defense of the ninja troops of the Star Ninja Village, Cross Country tried his best to use the S-level secret technique of the Hayate style and the sharp spear style!

Using the sharp gun style with all his strength, the cross-country instantly shattered the defense deployed by the ninja troops of the Star Ninja Village.

However, the backlash effect of the sharp gun flow is still tormenting cross-country, so when listening to the civilian of the Star Ninja Village in front of him, he couldn't control the murderous aura in his body because of the pain in his body.

For a moment, Cross Country looked at the civilian from Star Ninja Village, as if he was the **** of death coming from **** to the world. The civilian from Star Ninja Village couldn't help but shudder, and he quickly changed his words. :

“Sir, since you are not willing to let us leave, how about we work for you?”

 “The former Star Ninja Village is now... now belongs to you, sir!”

 "The tax every year...will not be...not less!"

“Do you think I’ll take that income seriously?”

 Obviously, when Cross Country said this, he had no idea what an astronomical figure the tax revenue of a Ninja Village was.

  Konoha Village, Cloud Ninja Village, needless to say such great ninja villages, their annual tax revenue can support a small country. Let's talk about the Xing Ninja Village in front of the cross-country. Although it is inside the canyon and there is a poisonous fog outside as a natural hazard, the land where the Xing Ninja Village is located is still very fertile. To put it simply, it is the tax revenue of the Star Ninja Village. As long as the cross country can be fully embraced, it will only take a few years for the cross country to become the richest man in the ninja world!

 After all, there has never been a businessman in the ninja world who can only control the tax revenue of a ninja village!

 In the world of ninjas, money may not be as important as it was in the world before cross-country travel.

 But don’t forget, during the plot of the Land of Waves in the original Naruto novel, what did Kado use to hire Zabuza, and Shiro!

Isn’t it just money?

 So, in the world of ninjas, although the strong are respected, money is also very important. If Konoha Village does not have a stable source of income, how can it train so many ninjas every year, and how can it become the number one ninja village in the ninja world? It has stubbornly occupied the title of the number one ninja village in the ninja world in many ninja battles. Where's the number?

However, if it were another person, if the Star Ninja Village was removed from the list now, he might really want to take the Star Ninja Village into his pocket in the face of financial interests.

It's a pity that the person in front of this civilian of Star Ninja Village is off-road!

  Can’t be said to be an off-roader who regards money as dirt, but can only be said to be an off-roader who knows how to look at moderation!

Originally, the Third Hokage of Konoha Village wanted to use Cross Country to attack the Nara clan. Cross Country was thinking about using the matter of expelling the Star Ninja Village to taint himself. He wanted to give the Third Hokage a little step down, so that there was no need to be so tense between the two. . If at this time, Cross Country takes the Hoshi Ninja Village into his pocket, wouldn't the Third Hokage be so angry that he directly believes that Cross Country has a rebellious intention, and will the Nara clan suffer as well?

In this way, it can be said that anyone can take over the Star Ninja Village, except those who are more sensitive such as off-road people!

What's more, when he was preparing to remove the Star Ninja Village from the off-road, he never thought of publicizing the removal of the Star Ninja Village?

"I just stole the "star" from the Star Ninja Village and the secret scroll of the Peacock Magic. As long as I can hand these things over to the Third Hokage calmly when I return to the Leaf Village, I will be the leader of the Leaf Village. With my achievements in battle and the threat from the Cloud Ninja Village, I think the Third Hokage cannot punish me too severely."

“But if the news spreads when the Star Ninja Village is destroyed by me..."

"I'm afraid the Third Hokage will be ruthless just to appease public anger, right?"

“Therefore, the secret of the expulsion from the Star Ninja Village must not be exposed. Since this is the case..."

 “Then I’ll wrong you!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country's indifferent eyes fell on the few civilians from the Star Ninja Village in front of him, and he murmured:

“I’m sorry, your fate was determined long before the Star Ninja Village was removed from the list.”

"If you really want to blame it, blame your village chief Hongxing for not seeing clearly whether he was provoking a snake or a dragon!"

 “Shadow Escape! The Shadow Realm is coming!”


The palm of his hand fell heavily to the ground. The shadow world used for off-road use this time came and shrouded the entire Star Ninja Village.

When the black shadow under the feet of Off-Road slowly spread and gradually enveloped Star Ninja Village completely, Off-Road used the perception from the shadow world to come back from above, and could know all the civilians in Star Ninja Village, and even some were secretly hiding. All the ninjas were unable to move under the constraints of the shadow world.

In addition, the natural danger of Star Ninja Village acts as a barrier when resisting. When faced with destruction, it becomes a dead end that the people of Star Ninja Village cannot easily escape from. This consumes almost all the energy in the Yin Escape Brand. Energy, after Cross Country came to the shadow world, he used a group shadow neck binding technique. The civilians in the Star Ninja Village died tragically one after another under the indifferent gaze of Cross Country.

For the sake of safety when going off-road, I closed my eyes and used Kagura's inner eye to perceive. I found that except for Red Star and his group who escaped, there was only one prisoner left in the Hoshi Ninja Village that I did not kill. The cross country of Tucun slowly collapsed on the ground and muttered to himself:


"it's over!"

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