Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 418: Ten-tailed transformation!

"what's the situation!"

“Summer Star, what on earth… happened?”

It is hard to imagine that Xia Xing, who wanted to kill Xia Xing, who was no different from trampling an ant to death, was obviously about to die, but there was a sudden explosion before death, which made Xia Xing somewhat unprepared.

Especially looking at the scar on Xia Xingxing's throat, repaired by that wisp of deep purple chakra, it instantly returned to its original state. I had a vague feeling that this might be the hidden danger of "Xingxing". Cross Country's eyes condensed, and he used Wind Shun Shen directly. And when he came to Xia Xing's side, he was ready to kill Xia Xing in a cruel way, so that there would be no possibility of her breaking out again.

Who would have thought that with a "swish" sound, the off-road wind teleportation body had just been used.

 Next second!

 The same "swish" sound!

Xia Xing's figure suddenly disappeared in front of the cross-country. The speed was completely comparable to the wind teleportation used by the fourth generation Hokage!

 “Awesome, really awesome!”

 "Is that the hidden power of "Star"? Or is that the power of the Ten-Tails?"

“The moment she was enveloped by that unusually violent chakra, Xia Xing’s strength was at least comparable to that of a quasi-shadow-level powerhouse like me. Coupled with the terrifying repair ability of that unusually violent chakra, her body enhancement ability…”

“Could it be that the Summer Star in front of me...could it be that in some aspects, it can be compared to a real shadow-level powerhouse?”

 “There’s some trouble!”

If Xia Xingxing was just wrapped in that deep purple chakra and repaired his injuries and did not die, then the cross-country trip would not be as tense as it is now.

But when Cross Country discovered that Xia Xia Xing was not only not dead at this time, but not only had his aura enhanced to the level of a shadow-level powerhouse, but even the power he displayed could be vaguely comparable to a real shadow-level powerhouse, he panicked. The expression flashed in the eyes of the cross country, and soon the eyes became firm. The cross country knew that he must not underestimate Xia Xing.

 Let’s talk about Summer Star.

 In fact, before she died, she never thought that she would have such a sudden change.

 But just when he was feeling discouraged, Xia Xingxing seemed to hear a voice calling him in his head.

Who could be that voice calling for the summer star?

 That person must have a certain relationship with the "star", or the source of power of the "star"!

However, at this time, Xia Xing naturally did not need to think too much about where her power came from. There was only one thought in her mind!

 Just kill off-road!

Therefore, when Xia Xing, wrapped in deep purple chakra, found that he could rival the off-road wind teleportation in terms of speed with just one dodge, a ferocious smile appeared on his lips. Like an evil ghost returning for revenge, he pounced directly in the direction of the cross-country!

 “Die! Nara Cross Country!”

 "Come with me and die in the wreckage of the Star Ninja Village!"


With a sudden dash, Xia Xia Xing obviously failed to control the strength and almost fell down on Cross Country.

Fortunately, Xia Xing's failure to master the strength did not affect Xia Xing's attack at all. Therefore, after getting close to the cross country, relying on his instantly enhanced physical fitness, Xia Xing, who originally had no attainments in physical skills, actually used his body to attack Xia Xing. He managed to withstand three sudden attacks from cross-country!

Thinking about how he didn’t even have the slightest ability to fight back in the face of cross-country before, but now he can use physical skills and cross-country to fight hard, Xia Xing is obviously more confident in revenge.

However, just when Xia Xingxing believed that he could kill off-road, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he was about to concentrate all his strength on his fist, and smash the mind of off-road with one punch, who would have thought that there was a sudden "whoosh"!

 The black shadow at the foot of the cross-country suddenly extended out and was directly connected with the shadow at the foot of Xia Xingxing.

 And when the shadows of the two people are connected together...

 Shadow imitation is successful!

Off-roading turned out to be just a low-level secret technique in the shadow escape flow, and the smooth summer star was bound there!

 “It’s good in terms of strength and speed, but it’s a pity...”

“What a shadow-level warrior really needs is not just strength. Combat experience and combat awareness are also very important!”

Obviously, it was not a coincidence that the shadow imitation technique suddenly used by Cross Country was successful. It was because Xia Xing suddenly gained such a powerful power. Firstly, he could not fully control the surge of power. Secondly, Xia Xing and the real shadow level Among the strong, there are still natural gaps in combat experience and combat awareness.

It is true that a child with a gun in his hand can kill an ordinary adult.

 But can a child with a gun in his hand kill a battle-hardened special forces soldier?

 Of course it’s impossible!

Even more so, let alone a child holding a gun in his hand who cannot kill a veteran special forces soldier, let alone an ordinary adult holding a gun in his hand, he may not be able to kill an experienced special soldier with empty hands. opponent.

At this moment, Off-Road is undoubtedly the experienced special forces soldier, while Xia Xingxing is the adult holding a gun.

 With excellent combat experience, Off-Road could see through Xia Xia Xing’s weaknesses at a glance.

She was blinded by hatred, she was blinded by the power in front of her, and she didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation at all. She only thought about revenge.

Off-road has seized on this weakness, and with a casual shadow imitation technique, Xia Xing was tightly bound in place.

But just when Xia Xing thought that Xia Xing had been restrained in place, and that he only needed to use another shadow neck binding technique to easily solve the hidden danger of Xia Xing, suddenly more people floated out from behind Xia Xing. Deep purple chakra!

Suddenly, those dark purple chakras, just like Summer Star exerting peacock magic control, formed tentacles like tails one after another, attacking in the direction of cross-country.

Fortunately, Cross Country sensed the changes in Xia Xingxing’s body in advance at the moment when those purple tentacles were condensed. Therefore, using the shadow clone technique in time, Cross Country used the shadow clone to continue using the shadow imitation technique to tightly restrain Xia Xing's body. He used a substitute technique to dodge, and successfully avoided the attack of those purple tentacles.

But even though Off-Road did not encounter much danger, as the number of purple tentacles behind Xia Xiaxing increased, the corners of Off-Road's eyes still twitched fiercely.


 Because Natsuhi's current situation is so similar to the Jinchuriki's tailed beast transformation!

When Summer Star erupted due to the deep purple chakra full of violent aura, Cross Country had a vague feeling that it was the power of the "star", or the power of the Ten-Tails. However, if the theory before Cross Country was just a guess, then when we see Natsuhi Hoshi's situation now, it is almost like the Jinchūriki's Tailed Beast Transformation, Cross Country is basically certain that Natsuhi Hoshi has become a "Ten-Tails Transformation"!

 The power she cultivates comes from the "star", which is equivalent to coming from the Ten-Tails!

In the original plot, Natsuhi Hoshi is a person who uses a small amount of "stars" to practice without any backlash, which shows that her body has a certain degree of compatibility with the Ten-Tails chakra, and she has a certain possibility of becoming the Ten-Tails' jinchuriki!

 It’s just that none of these things were shown in the original plot!

Only when Cross Country destroyed the Star Ninja Village and gave Xia Xing too many blows, did Xia Xing suddenly burst out of his potential in this area, making Cross Country suddenly feel that he had not killed Xia Xing before, and had allowed Red Star to escape. , are two huge hidden dangers!

“In the original plot, Hongxing also used the “star” to practice, and his body was not damaged. What if…”

"If Red Star can understand the secret of "Ten-tailed Transformation" like Summer Star, it will be really troublesome!"

 “No, we must get rid of Summer Star’s trouble as soon as possible, and then I have to chase Red Star immediately and kill him before he realizes the “Ten-Tailed Transformation”!”

 “As for the Summer Star…”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country looked at Xia Xingxing again, and a blue chakra light suddenly appeared in his palm.

 Obviously, at this time, although the purple tentacles, or purple tail, behind Summer Star continued to increase. However, Xia Xing did not perfectly control the purple tail behind him to cause any trouble to Cross Country, so Xia Xing, whose palms lit up with blue chakra light, was already preparing to use his sharp spear to kill Xia Xing, who was restrained in his body.

But who would have thought that just when the off-road sharp gun is ready to be used...


 Suddenly, the number of tails behind Summer Star suddenly increased to six!

Even the shadow imitation technique used continuously by the off-road shadow clone instantly disintegrated under Xia Xing’s feet!

 “Hahahaha! Nara off-road!”

"You are dead!"

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