Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 419: verge of collapse


In an instant, Off-road was about to use a sharp spear to kill the "ten-tailed" Xia Xing in front of him. Who would have thought that Xia Xing, who originally only had three purple tails behind him, suddenly had six tails behind him!

Possibly, Natsuboshi was only using the "Ten-Tails Transformation" mode for the first time at this time. Although the tails on her back suddenly increased from three to six, it does not mean that Natsuboshi can truly compete with the Jinchūriki's Tailed Beast Transformation.

But it is enough to be able to break through the cross-country shadow clone's shadow imitation technique when the tail behind you suddenly surges!


 The off-road shadow clone, along with the shadow imitation technique used by the shadow clone, disintegrated directly in front of Xia Xingxing.

 The next second, with the help of the "eye of the wind", Cross Country found the figure of Xia Xing. It was as if he teleported and landed directly in front of him.

 In the moment of life and death, what is the off-road counterattack?


 Still a sharp spear!


 The prepared sharp spear shot out and collided with Xia Xing's chest. It was defended by the purple chakra on her body and sparked brilliant sparks. Although the sharp spear did not hurt Xia Xing, the strong collision still caused Xia Xing to jump into the air. He was unable to maintain his balance, and he was unable to continue attacking.

However, Xia Xingxing, who had six purple tails behind her at this time, had a method that ordinary people could not use to maintain her balance, and that was the tail behind her!

 It only took a few minutes for the "Ten-Tails Transformation" to break out. Xia Li's control of the purple chakra of the "Ten-Tails Transformation" was beyond the expectations of the cross-country. Immediately, Xia Xing, who had stabilized his body balance, saw Xia Xia Xing's tail lightly "click" on the ground. With a "bang", Xia Xing, who had stabilized his body balance, attacked in front of Xia Xing again.

This time, there is no way to dodge off-road.

 So under the collision of the summer stars, the off-road vehicle was like a meteor falling from the sky. With a "bang", it fell to the ground and created a deep pit.

 Hands of needless to say about physical pain, bone pain is more of a worry when going off-road.

The force of the impact was a bit too terrifying.

It’s so terrifying that even a body that goes off-road to unlock the secrets of the human body cannot withstand it all.

However, this is also related to the fact that the body is still suffering from the backlash of the sharp gun flow after using the sharp gun flow at full strength in the cross-country before. Otherwise, Xia Xingxing could not hurt the bones of Cross Country just by relying on the previous impact. After all, when Cross Country landed, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand had already been condensed, and he secretly used the Hand of Shadow to relieve the pain. Part of the strength!

 Then, he quickly used his mental energy to check his body. When he found that the pain on his bones was just a slight injury and the bones themselves were not damaged, he exhaled softly and thought:

“It’s good that the bones are not injured, otherwise I need to find a place to recuperate, and I won’t be able to go after the Red Star guy.”

“However, the power shown by Summer Star now is really terrifying.”

“If I don’t use all my strength, it’s really possible that I…”

“He died in the hands of that crazy woman from Summer Star!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country's eyes became more serious, and soon he formulated an almost perfect plan to kill Xia Xingxing.

Just when the plan in Cross Country's mind was just taking shape, there was another "bang"!

Just after the off-road hit the ground, Xia Xingxing's figure flickered without any pause, and then came to the front of the off-road again.

This time, Xia Xing also jumped into the air, and the six purple tails behind her became her weapons. Under precise control, the six purple tails were like six guns, piercing the cross-country directly from mid-air. body. If the off-roader is hit by Summer Star's attack, the consequences can be imagined, and he will definitely die off-road.

 But just when the tail of Summer Star just stabbed, the black shadow under the off-road feet suddenly spread!


 “Armor of Shadow!”

 Almost in the blink of an eye, the defense of the triple shadow armor was completed under the spiritual energy output of the Yin Escape Brand.

  Although the three shadow armors only bought a short three seconds for cross-country, within three seconds, cross-country was enough to use Wind Blink and disappeared from the eyes of Summer Star. The first step in the cross-country plan to kill Xia Xing is also to make Xia Xing unable to sense his own existence!

"Xia Xingxing, I have said before, there is still a big gap between you and a real shadow-level powerhouse."

"If you are a true shadow-level warrior with the power of "Ten Tails", maybe I won't be able to kill you with such a simple plan."

 “But it’s a pity that you are just a pseudo-level powerhouse!”

“Without the power of a shadow-level warrior, I will inevitably die in my plan!”


 “Give me a girdle!”

 “Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Just as the cross-country disappeared from Xia Xing's perception, Xia Xing suddenly heard a few loud noises and subconsciously looked back. Then three brilliant blue lights were reflected in her eyes!

That is the off-road trident!

However, the trident used in this cross-country trip is not for attack, but for imprisonment!

The originally sharp trident fell and actually nailed the three purple tails behind Xia Xing to the ground.

 The next second, use the trident with your left hand again!

With both hands using the Palm Trident at the same time, Off-Road nailed all six purple tails on Xia Xing's back to the ground at the same time, which was equivalent to only limiting nearly half of Xia Xing's "ten-tailed" power.

 However, the six purple tails were restrained at the same time, and Xia Xingxing didn't feel anything at all.

 Without those six purple tails to attack, I can’t use my fists?

 With your feet?

So, just when the six purple tails behind Summer Star were completely restrained, Summer Star himself rushed off-road. However, seeing the summer stars approaching fiercely, the smile that raised at the corner of Xue Yu's mouth became more intense. Because, when Xia Xing attacked the cross-country aggressively, the shadow under Xia Xing suddenly ejected!

“The same mistake can be made twice!”

“Summer Star, pay more attention to your steps, maybe you can cause me more trouble!”

 “Shadow Suture!”


 That’s right!

When Summer Star attacked fiercely, Cross Country was the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand. He controlled the shadow under Summer Star's feet and cast the Shadow Sewing Technique!

Shadow Suture Technique attacks, and Xia Xingxing has no possibility of evading it.

With the six purple tails behind him being restrained, Xia Xing lost the ability to maintain balance in the air and fell to the ground with a "pop".

  Instead, it’s off-road.

At the moment Summer Star fell to the ground, another secret technique of Shadow Escape was used!

The secret technique of shadow escape was apparently the shadow hand restraint technique that was used before cross-country to restrict the progress of the three-tailed rock!




The spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was output in a surge, and countless shadow hands emerged from the shadow under the cross-country foot, tightly wrapping Xia Xing who fell to the ground with a "plop".

Immediately, with the contraction of the Shadow Hand Binding Technique, it can be seen that Cross Country's real killing move is to use the shadow to directly crush Xia Xing's body, similar to Gaara's sand waterfall funeral in the original plot, and kill her The living being was crushed into pieces by the Shadow Hand Binding Technique.

 When the cross-country plan reaches this point, it is undoubtedly the end of the plan, and it is also the time for Summer Star to die.

However, the only thing that Off-Road did not calculate was that when Natsuhi Hoshi "transformed into the Ten-Tails", her body, wrapped in that deep purple chakra, was simply stronger than diamonds!

Obviously the Shadow Hand Binding Technique has been tightening, but when it was tightening, Cross Country felt great resistance.

Gradually, Cross Country's Shadow Hand Restraint Technique was stretched by the purple chakra on Xia Xing's body. Even Cross Country felt that as long as he withdrew a little strength, perhaps Xia Xia Xing could directly explode his Shadow Hand Restraint Technique. Get out of the trap inside!

 Sure enough!

Next, as the mental energy in the cross-country Yin Escape brand decreased, the pressure on the shadow hand restraint technique was slightly reduced. Xia Xing relied on the purple chakra of the "Ten Tails" to use the cross-country shadow hand restraint technique. Opened up a little gap.

But there was a "click" in Cross Country's heart, thinking that his plan was about to be shelved and Xia Xing was about to break away from the restrictions of the Shadow Hand Binding Technique, when suddenly there was a "click"!

  The Summer Star, who exploded into the "Ten-tailed Transformation", was on the verge of collapse at the moment when he was about to escape!

 “Her body…”

 “Finally can’t bear the power of the “Ten-tailed Transformation”?”

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