Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 424: Tanokuni

 “Can education educate all snakes?”

 “Haha, off-road gentleman, then I’ll trouble you!”

Wan She is so arrogant, how can Orochimaru tolerate it?

Seeing the murderous intent in Orochimaru's eyes, why did he clearly want to kill Wan She, but in the end he couldn't even teach Wan She a lesson?

 Here, let’s talk about why Orochimaru can channel the snake clan!

 In the ninja world, there are three legendary places to "cultivate immortality", namely Miaomu Mountain, Ryudi Cave, and Shigu Forest.

The three ninjas in the Leaf Village are undoubtedly very lucky, because Jiraiya among the three ninjas is able to achieve what he is today thanks to the Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku, and Tsunade Hime's ability to channel slugs. It is because of the inheritance of the slug in the wet bone forest. As for Orochimaru, there is obviously no need to say more. The main reason why he can channel the snake clan is that he is the inheritor of Ryūchi Cave.

It’s just that the White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave is far less easy to communicate with than the Toad Immortal in Miaomu Mountain and the Slug Immortal in Shigu Forest.

 Hence, when using necromancy, the lower-end Ryūchi Cave Snake Tribe can obey Orochimaru's orders. However, for a guy like Wan She, who has a good reputation in Ryuji Cave, Orochimaru has no choice but to give orders. He has to pay the price of sacrifice every time. If he wants to teach him a lesson, he still needs to see the face of the White Snake Sage.

 At least in the original plot, during the War of the Three Ninjas, all the snakes were able to look down on Orochimaru, which shows that Orochimaru at that time actually did not have the capital to break through Ryūchi Cave.

As a result, now all snakes are causing trouble in off-roading, and off-roading needs to educate all snakes, which is something Orochimaru would like to see.

 Furthermore, Orochimaru also wanted to rely on Wanshe's hands to see how far off-roading had grown.

If Cross Country can defeat Wan She, then Orochimaru will definitely be able to continue to maintain a "cooperative" attitude with Cross Country. However, it is rumored that Cross Country is injured. If there is a possibility of defeat at the hands of Wan Snake, then the result of Cross Country can be imagined.

   It must have been eaten by Orochimaru, and not even the bones and dregs were left!

 Looking back at cross-country, is he really sure of defeating Wan She?

I am very sure of that!

Although Wan She is very fast and can completely crush ordinary Jōnin-level ninjas, in front of the fourth-generation Hokage's beloved disciple off-road, Wan She's speed is tantamount to using a machete in front of Guan Gong!

Therefore, just when Wan She disappeared in front of Off-road and Orochimaru with a "swish" sound, because he could not use chakra to fight to avoid trauma to the meridians in his body, the corner of Off-road's mouth raised a faint smile. He sneered, mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and slapped his palm directly on the ground!

“A snake will always be a snake, not a dragon. It cannot fly in the sky.”

"And as long as it is a creature on the ground, no matter what it is, it is impossible to escape my control!"

“Orochimaru, this is the S-level secret technique of the Nara clan that I improved!”

 “I’d like you to leave a review!”

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”


The moment Cross Country's words fell, under Orochimaru's slightly appreciative gaze, the shadow under Cross Country's feet suddenly spread. In less than two seconds, it spread all over the three sides of his body. within a hundred meters.

 Within a range of 300 meters, how could all the snakes have room to hide?

 Subconsciously, he saw the black shadow spreading under the feet of Cross Country. Because of Orochimaru, Wan She, who knew the structure of Konoha Village very well, knew that Cross Country was a member of the Nara clan of Konoha Village. Therefore, knowing that he was in the shadow and could not successfully cross-country, Wan She subconsciously wanted to dig a hole.


Even though the snakes in the original plot are like moles, they dig holes very quickly.

 But in the face of off-roading, Wanshe still had no chance to dig holes, and was restrained by the arrival of the shadow world in minutes.

And after the arrival of the Shadow Realm successfully restrained all the snakes, what did Cross Country do?

The arrival of the shadow world can bind the bodies of ten thousand snakes, but it cannot bind the mouths of ten thousand snakes. So, listening to Wan She's arrogant voice, which was constantly reaching his ears, Cross Country's eyes froze, and soon a black shadow emerged above it. That black shadow was clearly the condensed shadow clone of Cross Country. of.

"This is…"

 Obviously, not everyone can understand the mystery of shadow clones, just like Orochimaru next to the off-road.

 Originally, Orochimaru thought that his evaluation of cross-country was already very high. But now, looking at the black shadow condensed on the cross-country hand, Orochimaru's pupils narrowed slightly, and he felt that he really underestimated the cross-country. Instead, he went off-road, controlling the shadow clone in his hand, and soon combined with the secret of Peacock's magic to further change the shape of the shadow clone.

 In an instant, I only heard a "buzz" sound!

 The shadow clone in Cross Country's hand suddenly turned into a gun!

 Then, gently throw the shadow clone into the sky and continue to change the shape of the shadow clone.

 Next second!


The giant spear transformed from the shadow clone fell from the sky, followed the upper jaw of the snake, and penetrated its mouth.

Off-road uses the "gun form" of the shadow clone, just like the giant sword used by Toad Culture in the original plot, forcibly fixing Wan She there.

 There is no need to say too much about what happened next.

 Under Orochimaru's slightly smiling gaze, Cross Country defeated Wan She in just two rounds, and then cut off its tail in order to teach Wan She a lesson.

It's a pity that Wan Snake has such an arrogant personality, how can he just watch himself suffer?

 So, under the instruction of Orochimaru, the cross-country was placed in Wanshe, and the guy who wanted to die became arrogant again. On the contrary, it was off-road. The more arrogant he saw Wan She, the more severely he gave Wan She a lesson. When Wan She's body was several hundred meters long and only less than 200 meters were left after being cut off by the off-road, he saw Wan She, who had half of his body cut off, finally begged for mercy.

"Master Yue...Xiujiang, please...please let me go?"

 “Not arrogant?”

 “No…stop being arrogant!”

“You have to listen to Orochimaru from now on, you know?”


 “What about the sacrifice?”

 “The sacrifices were all given to you by chance, Mr. Cross Country, it’s just a small thing, not a sign of respect!”

"very good!"

 After finishing educating Wan She, Cross Country smiled at Orochimaru and said, "Orochimaru, are you satisfied with the result?"

 “I’m very satisfied, I also like your method off-road, but it’s a pity...”

As he said that, Orochimaru sighed deeply, but soon a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and asked: "Now that the problem of the Star Ninja Village has been solved, then Cross Country Lord, please follow me to Tian Country! "


 Solving all the snakes is actually a way to show off your muscles when it comes to off-roading.

Being able to convince all snakes will also make the "cooperation" between Cross Country and Orochimaru more stable. These are things that Orochimaru seems to know well in Cross Country, but he just doesn't say it explicitly. On the other hand, Ten Thousand Snakes are nothing more than cross-country, and they are victims of Orochimaru's "cooperation". Of course, if they were not too arrogant, they would not have suffered such tragic consequences.

Who knows how much of a psychological shadow this incident caused to Wan She. Until many years later, when Wan She saw the cross-country again, he ran away without any trace of the Sannin psychic beast. But these were all That’s a story for another day.

 The book returns to the main story.

  After leaving the Country of Bears and Orochimaru, they started on their way to the Country of Fields.

Although he was injured during the cross-country trip, the things Orochimaru had to deal with in Tian Country were really far beyond his imagination. Therefore, just like when Orochimaru went to the Star Ninja Village, it took only three days for the cross-country to follow Orochimaru to the territory of Tian Country and entered the camp of Konoha Village.

 Fortunately, Orochimaru carried a secret healing medicine, which prevented Cross Country's injuries from deepening. On the contrary, they stabilized a lot, so Cross Country did not have to worry about his own injuries.

After entering the Konoha camp in Tianno Country, I spent every day leisurely recuperating and training, and it felt very comfortable to go cross-country.

Until nearly a month later, when I suddenly heard that the name of Tian Zhiguo was actually coming to visit, the leisurely life of Cross Country was immediately over.

 “What is the name of the country of Tian?”

“I’m afraid his relationship with Orochimaru is not shallow, right?”

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