Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 425: assassination of daimyo

  In the original plot, how did Orochimaru create the Oto Ninja Village?

 The process of creating the Oto Ninja Village in Tanano Country is as follows...

 At first, Orochimaru bribed the Daimyo of Tian Country to create the Sound Ninja Village in Tian Country, which borders the Land of Fire. However, Tian Country, which had no Ninja Village before, gradually became unable to control the power of the Sound Ninja Village. Therefore, after Orochimaru finished using Tian Country, he occupied Tian Country.

 At this point, Tian Country is no longer an era ruled by the daimyo, but an era ruled by Orochimaru.

Even in the later stages of the original plot, Tian No Country was Orochimaru's main base. After all, even though the power of Konoha Village was huge, it was still impossible to search every piece of land in Tian No Country to find Orochimaru's secrets. It's from the base!

 What a pity, can such a reason really be established?

Let’s not talk about whether Orochimaru really controls the country of Tian. He still needs the daimyo of the country of Tian to be in office to avoid suspicion from the other big countries and the Ninja Village.

Let's just say that a great name of a country, no matter how ignorant he is, he can't just accept bribes from Orochimaru, right?

 What kind of bribe can Orochimaru use?

 Money? Fame? Beauty?

A great name in a country, these are not lacking!

Over time, cross-country people will inevitably doubt the name of Tian Country. If they can cooperate with Orochimaru, there must be something fishy.

 Then, after hearing about the visit from the Daimyo of Tiannokuni, the cross-country in the Konoha camp casually dressed up as an ANBU and quietly followed Orochimaru. Although Orochimaru discovered that an ANBU next to him was disguised as an off-roader, Orochimaru didn't say much and just walked into a camp with a smile on his face.

 At the end of the day, he is just a fat man!

 A fat man with a very vulgar expression, who looks like he wants to be beaten up!

 “It seems like it’s in the original plot…”

 “Every country’s famous names look like this!”

Looking at the fat man in front of him with twitching eyes, it was really hard to imagine that the fat man, who was no different from the ordinary otaku before time travel, turned out to be a famous name in a country.

But soon, off-roading became easier.

  In any case, the daimyo of most countries in the original plot are fat men, and most of the time they behave in a stupid and unscrupulous manner. Therefore, the daimyo of Tianzhi Country looks like a fat man, and he doesn't pay much attention to cross-country.

However, when Orochimaru and the daimyo of Tiannokuni chatted for a few words, under Orochimaru's order, all the other ninjas around them withdrew from the camp, which made Xue Chuang slightly raise his eyebrows.

 “Lord Orochimaru, this one beside you…”

 After all the ninjas around Orochimaru, including the guards of the Taino Kuni daimyo, had withdrawn from this camp, the off-roading next to Orochimaru was undoubtedly very conspicuous.

 The name of Tian Country obviously had some secret quarrel with Orochimaru.

Therefore, seeing that the cross-country did not exit, the Daimyo of Tianzhiguo frowned slightly, and then heard Orochimaru smile casually and said: "Lord Daimyo, there is no need to care about him, he is my confidant. I just don't know... What is the purpose of your visit, Lord Daimyo? Is it about the Kingdom of Thunder, or..."

 “Of course that’s the thing.”

Even though Orochimaru said that the cross-country was credible, the Daimyo of Tiannokuni still looked very embarrassed. He hesitated for a moment, then took a deep look at the cross-country and asked: "Lord Orochimaru, are you ready for that "skill"? How is he doing? He really can't hold on for long. Lord Orochimaru, please keep your promise and save him!"

At this moment, even if the conversation between Orochimaru and the Daimyo of Tano no Kuni was very obscure, Cross Country knew what the deal between Orochimaru and the Daimyo of Tano Kuni was.

 Obviously, the technique Orochimaru used to bribe the Taino Kuni daimyo must have been the reincarnation technique in the original plot!

 After all, the daimyo of Ta no Kuni who can easily obtain money, beauties, and fame cannot buy their lifespan at any cost!

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the Dai no Kuni Daimyo, it seems that he is not worried about his own life being over, but is concerned about an important person. Therefore, after learning about the quarrel between Orochimaru and the Daimyo of Tano no Kuni, Cross Country actually had no interest in the Dai Ming of Tano Kuni. However, he never expected that when Orochimaru and the Dai Ming of Tano Kuni were talking, an accident suddenly happened. !

That was the topic of Orochimaru and the Daimyo of Tian no Country, when it was just placed on the art of reincarnation in the original plot.

Originally, Cross Country knew about the intrigue between the two and was already planning to leave. Who would have thought that at this moment, there were sudden "swish" and "swish" sounds!

●The previous guards of the Daimyo of Ta no Kuni all lost their disguises and transformed into ninjas with the sound of "bang" and "bang"!

As for the target that the ninjas wanted to kill, it was clearly not off-road, and it was even more unlikely to be Orochimaru!

 The target they wanted to kill turned out to be the great name of Tian Country!

But when he was suddenly assassinated, the daimyo of Tian Zhiguo showed that he was very worthy of his appearance.

 With a "pop", he collapsed on the ground. The Daimyo of Tiannokuni wished he could hide directly in Orochimaru's arms and be protected by Orochimaru. On the contrary, Orochimaru, watching the ninjas around him going to assassinate the Daimyo of Ta no Kuni, actually looked at Kiyoshi with a smile on his face, and looked at Orochimaru's eyes. Kiyoshi naturally knew what Orochimaru meant.

“I am under your protection, so I have to work for you?”

 “Orochimaru, you are indeed a person who makes the best use of everything!”

 A few ninjas are nothing for off-roading.

So, when Cross Country knew that Orochimaru had no intention of taking action, but was preparing to let himself act as a "thug", Cross Country suddenly snorted coldly!


With the sound of "hum", the shadow under the off-road foot suddenly rose!

That is undoubtedly the use of shadow control in Shadow Escape!

Using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country controlled the shadows under his feet, and wrapped around the strongest of these ninjas with a "whoosh" sound.

Originally, the guy was a jounin-level ninja, but because he did not expect the sudden attack from the cross-country, he was restrained by the shadow. With two "click" and "click" sounds, the bones were violently broken, and he was directly Lost combat capability.

  Let’s talk about Orochimaru.

 Inadvertently caught a glimpse of the shadow control technique used by Off-Road. The smiling Orochimaru raised his eyebrows slightly. Apparently, he felt that there were more secrets in Off-Road and it became more interesting!

After Cross Country killed the strongest assassin in Tian Country, the shadows under his feet never stopped attacking. It only took a few seconds for all six assassins to die in cross-country's shadow control technique. Unfortunately, when these people died, even Orochimaru couldn't know the cause of their death. !

 Because when Cross Country killed them, he used the spiritual energy of these ninjas to repair the cracks in his own Yin Escape brand!

 The mental energy of the six ninjas is obviously very abundant.

 Continuously using the two spiritual talents of "Bei Ming" and "Wuxian", the purest spiritual energy began to repair the cracks on the Yin Escape Brand, and gradually reduced the cracks on the Cross Country Yin Escape Brand.

But just when Cross Country thought that after all the ninjas who came to assassinate the Daimyo of Tian Country were dead, there would be no accidents, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound!

In the eyes of the cross-country, the Daimyo of Tiannokuni, who was no different from an ordinary fat man, suddenly took off his disguise, his hands suddenly turned into palms, and he attacked in the direction of the cross-country!


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