Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 427: Yakushi Kabuto

"The following guilty?"


The mysterious man was injured, and his entire arm was lost in the hands of Cross Country. Unfortunately, Orochimaru didn't care at all. He just looked at Cross Country, licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and said with a smile: "King Cross Country, may I ask you a question?" How did you find out that this guy is a ninja under my command? It seems that I didn't reveal anything before, right?"

 Can I say that I have watched the original plot?

So you know that the guy in front of you is the BOSS who replaces you in the later part of the original plot, Yakushi Kabuto?

Listening to Orochimaru's words, Cross Country complained crazily in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and said calmly: "Orochimaru, even though you didn't reveal the identity of this guy, your attitude said it all. The dignified Sannin , how can you not even see a small disguise? So, since you were willing to talk to a person disguised as a daimyo of Tian Country, doesn't it mean that this guy is a ninja under your command?"

With that said, Cross Country saw Orochimaru nodded, obviously agreeing with what he said, and his eyes couldn't help but shift to the mysterious man, or Yakushi Kabuto.

 That’s right.

 The mysterious man who had fought off-road before turned out to be Kabuto Yakushi.

The guy who replaced Orochimaru in the later stages of the original work and was also called Orochimaru Kabuto by Naruto fans.

To say that at this time, Kabuto Yakushi was obviously not as strong as he was in the later stages of the original work. Judging from the feeling of fighting before the cross-country, the current Kabuto Yakushi is at best an elite chuunin, but he is probably only a short distance away from passing the level of a jounin-level ninja. It’s only half a step away.

Of course, despite the fact that Kabuto Yakushi is only an elite chuunin-level ninja now, he seems to be far worse than off-road and even Kakashi. But don't forget, there is only one cross-country in the ninja world, and he has the attainments of a quasi-kage level strongman at such an age. When Kakashi became a jounin-level ninja when he was a teenager, it was a sensation in the ninja world, making most people in the ninja world remember Kakashi's name!

 At this time, Kabuto Yakushi is not as mature as he was in the early stages of the original plot. According to Cross Country’s memory, he is younger than Kakashi. Therefore, to have the strength of an elite chuunin at such a young age, Kabuto Yakushi's talent is absolutely certain. What's more, what really depends on Kabuto Yakushi's survival is not his strength, but his ability to disguise?

 “If I’m not wrong...”

"At this time, Kabuto Yakushi must have just joined Orochimaru's command, right?"

“It seems that it was said in the original plot that when the Sound Ninja Village was founded, it was the time when Orochimaru recruited Yakushi Kabuto?”

“That is to say, Yakushi Kabuto’s adoptive mother Yakushi Nonou…”

 “How long ago did you die?”

 In his heart, based on the memory of the original plot, Cross Country silently recalled Kabuto Yakushi's past, and soon he couldn't help but sigh secretly, thinking that Kabuto Yakushi was also a poor person.

 A poor man who regretted his life under Danzo Shimura’s plan!

During World War III, Kabuto Yakushi was originally an orphan. He didn't even know his name or who his parents were, so he was taken in by the director of the orphanage, Yakushi Nonou. This was the beginning of Kabuto Yakushi's new life, and it was also the beginning of Kabuto Yakushi's life. The beginning of pain.

 Since being taken in by Yakushi Nonou, Yakushi Kabuto has shown great ninja talent. However, Kabuto Yakushi's eyesight was a little bad, and Yakushi Nonou's glasses happened to have a similar prescription to Yakushi Kabuto's, so Yakushi Nonou gave his glasses to Yakushi Kabuto, and a deep bond was established between the two. , is also a bond that affects Yakushi Kabuto for a lifetime.

Then, due to various incidents in the orphanage, Yakushi Nonou and the little Yakushi Kabuto both started espionage activities under the plan of Shimura Danzo. At the beginning of the espionage activities, Kabuto Yakushi thought that all his efforts were for Yakushi Nonou and the orphanage in his heart. Who would have thought that in Shimura Danzo's plan, Yakushi Kabuto would be replaced early on? Got it!

Until Yakushi Kabuto accidentally rescued Yakushi Nonou and discovered that Yakushi Nonou didn’t recognize him, all of Yakushi Kabuto’s negative emotions exploded!

 It happened to be at this point in time that Orochimaru appeared.

 What he brought to the pharmacist was another new life, and also another value of survival.

 Otherwise, judging from the feeling of off-roading, Kabuto Yakushi might have killed himself immediately when he knew he was being replaced.

Rather than living in front of yourself like now.

However, even though Kabuto Yakushi has a pitiful life experience and is pitiful, Cross Country still doesn't like Kabuto Yakushi because he is a person who is very good at disguising.

At this moment, when Cross Country knew Kabuto Yakushi's identity as a ninja under Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi immediately removed his disguise and revealed his original appearance. However, Kabuto Yakushi, who had returned to his original appearance, looked at Yukio with no trace of hatred in his eyes, as if his arm was wasted not in Yukio's hands, but in the hands of others.

With a hypocritical smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, a hint of murderous intent could not help but appear in Xiqiao's eyes.

Yakushi Kabuto still smiled as if nothing happened under the murderous eyes of Cross Country.

  followed by.

 What happened under the slightly shocked eyes of off-roaders?

 Yakushi Kabuto's arm that was injured by the blast blade gradually recovered under the embrace of a bright green chakra!

You know, Kabuto Yakushi’s arm was injured by the “annihilation” property of wind chakra!

Even if you are going off-road, if you accidentally fail to control the "annihilation" characteristic of wind chakra and injure yourself, you will need a lot of recovery. Nowadays, Yakushi Kabuto can actually heal his injuries in just a few seconds with his palm sensibility. How terrible is his recovery ability?

 For a moment, Cross Country seemed to understand why Orochimaru was so optimistic about Yakushi Kabuto.

 Maybe it’s just like what Kabuto Yakushi said in the original plot, Orochimaru can take a fancy to him because of his terrifying healing talent!

 Then, he quickly used Palm Senjutsu to treat the injury on his arm. Kabuto Yakushi flashed and returned behind Orochimaru, smiling: "Lord Orochimaru, my injury has been cured."

 “At the same time, I would like to thank Mr. Off-road, you punished...”

 “It’s not very heavy!”


Hearing Yakushi Kabuto's words, Cross Country raised his eyebrows slightly and sneered: "Then let's fight again? Let you see if I hit hard this time?"

 “Mr. Off-road, you are joking.”

Yakushi Kabuto smiled and said: "How can I be your opponent? What's more, if there is a chance for us to fight, what's more..."

 “It depends on what Orochimaru-sama wants!”

“Hehe, Kabuto, it seems that Mr. Cross Country doesn’t like you very much.”

Listening to the conversation between Cross Country and Yakushi Kabuto, Orochimaru waved his hand casually, then locked his eyes on Cross Country, and said: "Ku Cross Country, you have a lot, so don't be the same as Kabuto. Because Cross Country Lord , when you return to the village, I still need you to do me a favor, which is to return to the village with Kabuto and arrange his identity. "

 “As for now…”

“Off-road gentleman, do you mind starting to delve into my experimental records?”

 “My problems are still waiting for you, Mr. Cross Country, to help solve them!”

"no problem."

 I know that what Orochimaru really cares about is to remove the sequelae of the reincarnation technique.

 So, he nodded in front of Orochimaru, knowing what was going on here, followed the footsteps of him and Yakushi Kabuto, and went to Orochimaru's secret laboratory in Tiannokuni.

Just when we were going to this laboratory, there was one thing we didn't expect when we were off-road.

The two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, who were captured alive before the cross-country trip, were turned into specimens in Orochimaru's laboratory!

  Or rather…

 Became Orochimaru's experiment!

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