Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 428: The mystery of reincarnation

 Who is the ruler of the Kingdom of Tian?

There is no doubt that from the time Orochimaru prepared to establish the Oto Ninja Village in Tian Country, the ruler of Tian Country was this famous cold lord in the ninja world, not the so-called daimyo of Tian Country.

Even, Orochimaru did not need to bribe the daimyo of Tian Country and slowly create an Oto Ninja Village in Tian Country as mentioned in the original plot. According to Cross Country's understanding, I am afraid that when Orochimaru was about to bribe the daimyo of Tiannokuni, the poor daimyo died tragically in the hands of Orochimaru.

 Later on, the person who always replaced the daimyo of Ta no Kuni was the pharmacist Kabuto who was good at disguising.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and knew that the daimyo of Tiannokuni was dead, he might have been kept in the dark by Orochimaru, thinking that there was still no change in Tiannokuni, but that there was just an extra sound ninja in it. Village!

Then, with Orochimaru completely controlling the country of Tian, ​​the number of secret laboratories in the country of Tian has undoubtedly increased. Nowadays, Cross Country follows Orochimaru, and the laboratory Kabuto Yakushi goes to is probably just one of the many laboratories built by Orochimaru. However, Cross Country never expected that as soon as he stepped out of this laboratory, he saw Two familiar faces.

 That’s what he gained in the Bear Country, the two brothers Wind God and Thunder God who opened up the secrets of the human body!

 There is no doubt that when Cross Country saw the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, now completely dead and turned into specimens of Orochimaru, Cross Country was very angry.

An alternative method of unlocking the secrets of the human body is likely to help off-road better master the Eight Gate Dunjia, or even create his own "Eight Gate Dunjia". At the beginning, Cross Country transferred the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, to Orochimaru in order to let Orochimaru take care of the two brothers, God of Wind and Thunder, on his behalf. Who would have thought that Orochimaru would start studying the God of Wind and Thunder without the consent of Cross Country?

Moreover, after studying the God of Wind and Thunder, why didn’t you tell even a little bit of the research results to Off-Road?

For a moment, looking at the corpses of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, Cross Country frowned slightly. Fortunately, Orochimaru is a guy who is good at seeing people's hearts. He found that Cross Country was a bit dissatisfied, so he slowly walked to Cross Country and said with a smile: "King Cross Country, it seems that you are very fond of the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God." Interested, did my private research cause you a lot of trouble? "

“Yes, Orochimaru has indeed caused me a lot of trouble.”

A faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Cross Country knew that his cooperation with Orochimaru was a very easy one to fall out with. However, most of the time in cross-country, the person who "falls out" must be Orochimaru. So now that cross-country has a chance to "fall out", it is necessary to use the reason of "falling out" to blackmail Orochimaru. .

 Looking back at Orochimaru.

 He is undoubtedly a very "high-minded" person!

Therefore, after discovering that Cross Country's "falling out" was just for blackmail, Orochimaru smiled softly and said: "I'm really sorry, Cross Country Lord, the two brothers of Wind God and Thunder God you entrusted to me are very interesting. Do you know, When the two of them practice chakra, will 80% of the chakra in the body flow to the body and slowly achieve the strengthening effect? ​​"

"When I started doing research, I just felt that the body-building method of the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen was very interesting. I wanted to see how far their bodies could be strengthened and whether there was a limit. I never thought that the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen could actually strengthen their bodies. He died during my experiment, which directly made it impossible to continue my experiment."

“But it’s okay, the kind practiced by the two brothers Wind God and Thunder God…”

"Well, let's call it a "secret method"! I recorded it in the scroll."

"As a gift of apology, Mr. Cross Country, I will give you the "secret method" practiced by the God of Wind and Thunder!"

As he spoke, Orochimaru suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a scroll from his stomach.

  Taking the wet scroll, I felt really sick to my stomach.

 Isn’t it good to store the scrolls properly?

 Always eat it alive. Do you think you are really a snake?

 Although off-road, Orochimaru's method of storing scrolls is very helpless, and even somewhat disgusting. But he slowly opened the scroll Orochimaru handed him. It didn't take long for him to be attracted by what was written on the scroll. At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly sigh in his mind. If he conducts experiments on the God of Wind and Thunder, I'm afraid his The harvest is really not as good as the Orochimaru in front of me.

  Orochimaru is indeed the mad scientist in the world of Naruto.

Even though there are only a few words written in the scroll, the "secret method" used by the God of Wind and Thunder to fortify the body has been written in detail.

Immediately, he put away the scroll and prepared to study it carefully after going back. Cross Country looked at Orochimaru with curiosity and asked: "Orochimaru, you must know the power of the Wind God and Thunder God. So, since you know the Wind God Why don’t you practice the secret method used by the God of Thunder yourself? If you have the power of the God of Wind and Thunder, you must have the strength..."

 “Can it be improved a lot?”

“The secret method of the God of Wind and Thunder is indeed good, but it’s a pity…”

 Sighed, Orochimaru felt that there was no need to hide in front of Cross Country, and explained directly: "Unfortunately, this secret method is not suitable for me. I guess Cross Country Master, you know one of my secret techniques, software modification, right?"

 “Software modification?”

  He nodded vigorously, and when he heard Orochimaru mention the secret technique of software transformation, he understood why Orochimaru didn't use the training methods of the God of Wind and Thunder.

 What is Orochimaru's software modification?

 To explain it simply, it is a secret technique that uses alternative methods to transform the body so that the body can expand and contract freely, or twist at any angle.

 And Orochimaru's physical skills can appear so weird, to be honest, software modification is indispensable. Without the secret technique of software transformation, Orochimaru's taijutsu style would probably have lost one word of "cunning", causing his attainments in taijutsu to decline rapidly. This may be the reason why Orochimaru did not practice the secret method of body training like the God of Thunder. .

Because of the Wind God and Thunder God’s secret body-building method, Cross Country just browsed for a while and discovered that the two people’s body-building secret method mainly lies in the word "rigid"!

 In the future, if off-roaders can practice using the body-building secrets of the God of Wind and Thunder, then the strength of the off-roaders themselves will be much enhanced. However, as strength increases, the flexibility of the body will slowly decrease. The direct result is that the cross-country Konoha Goken-ryu attainments will increase a lot, while the Hyuga clan's Soft Fist attainments will begin to decline.

 This is the drawback of the secret method of body training practiced by the God of Wind and Thunder. It is also the main reason why Orochimaru and even Cross Country will not practice this secret method in the future.

Immediately after talking about the matter of the God of Wind and Thunder, under the guidance of Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi, the cross-country team quickly arrived in front of another experimental tank.

 And in this experimental tank, what did Cross Country see?

 In this experimental tank, Cross Country suddenly saw the body of a big white phosphorus snake!

 To be able to see the body of the white phosphorous snake in the experimental tank was really unexpected when going off-road. Because, in Cross Country's inference, Orochimaru's reincarnation technique has a certain relationship with the condensation of the Yin escape brand. Who would have thought that the corpse of the big white phosphorus snake in front of him instantly made Xue Xue feel that his guess might be wrong.

 After all, cross-country has not been seen before, who can put the Yin Escape brand in the experimental tank!

But just when Cross Country took a breath of cold air and silently thought about the mystery of Orochimaru's reincarnation and how much he had in common with the Uzumaki clan's Yin Release Brand Condensation Method, the spiritual energy in the Yin Release Brand was affected by Cross Country The control of the White Phosphorus Orochi in the experimental tank was shrouded in the body of the white phosphorous snake. With the mysterious smile on the corner of the mouth of the cross-country, the mystery of Orochimaru's reincarnation technique was already clear to the cross-country!

 “It turns out that the secret of the art of reincarnation...”

"Is such that!"

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