Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 444: Chess pieces VS chess pieces (Part 2)


The chess piece that the Raikage planted early on turned out to be the Jinchuuriki of the Second Tails Brigade!

 There is no doubt that whether it is cross-country or Orochimaru, it is impossible to imagine that the chess piece arranged by Raikage early is another jinchūriki in the Kumo Ninja Village. After all, with the Raikage and Kirabi, there are two Kage-level experts hiding in the Kumo ninja camp. If we add the Jinchuuriki of the Two-tailed Mata Brigade, then there will be a lot hidden in the Kumo ninja camp. That’s three shadow-level experts!

 Putting it into the three battles that can be dominated by a shadow level, what a luxurious lineup it is!

However, in order to deal with the two Orochimaru and Cross-country, the Raikage used the two-tailed jinchuriki as chess pieces. Needless to say, what he did was to kill Cross-country and Orochimaru in the Kumo ninja camp. Two people!

There are Raikage, Kirabi, the Two-Tails and the Traveling Jinchuuriki, all working together with Bokuto. Unless they go off-road, Orochimaru will leave the Kumo Ninja camp directly with the intention of breaking out, otherwise he will be in a three-on-two situation. Next, one of Cross Country and Orochimaru must have died tragically here. This is the advantage of having one more shadow-level strongman.

However, according to the information obtained by Cross Country, there is still no need for him and Orochimaru to evacuate for the time being.

Because the Raikage holds the chess pieces in his hands, why doesn’t Orochimaru hold the chess pieces in his hands?

 Let’s not talk about the off-road, the battlefield where Orochimaru, Yukito and Raikage clash, let’s talk about the battlefield outside.

 There is a strong man disguised as Orochimaru, which limits Kirabi's power. On the battlefield outside, the Konoha side and the Kumo ninja side are at a disadvantage.

Let’s talk about cross-country. In the battlefield where Orochimaru, Yukito and Raikage clashed, the Shadow Realm Advent that was used for cross-country just failed to restrict Yukito’s ability to move. However, after imprisoning the Raikage for just two seconds, Orochimaru gained the upper hand in the confrontation with the Raikage.

  In other words, as long as the cross-country can persist in Yukito's hands for a while, Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, may successfully defeat the Raikage!

By then, when Cross Country and Orochimaru work together, whether it is to eliminate the two-tailed jinchuuriki Yukito in the Cloud Ninja Village, or the eight-tailed ox-demon jinchuuriki Kirabi outside, the Konoha side will definitely win. Therefore, he gritted his teeth and stared at the two-tailed jinchūriki in front of him with a look of astonishment. When the shock in Cross Country's eyes completely disappeared and turned into a look of solemnity, Cross Country He took a deep breath and said to Yumu in front of him:

"bring it on!"

“Let me see which of the eight-tailed jinchūriki is more powerful in the Cloud Ninja Village, or the two-tailed jinchūriki!”

 “Yumu people, come and fight!”


 Obviously, listening to Cross Country's fierce words, Yumu Ren was very surprised as to how Cross Country recognized her identity. However, thinking that Cross Country could easily decipher her secret technique before, Yukito suddenly realized that in her mind, Cross Country must be a very strong perceptive ninja who could sense the aura of the tailed beast on her body.

 So, now that the jinchuriki's identity has been exposed, Yukito feels that there is no need to suppress his own strength.

  The face hidden under the mask of the Kumo ninja Anbu revealed a faint smile.

 Next second!

Just as Yumu Ren rushed towards the cross country, a blue flame suddenly followed Yu Mu Ren's palm and struck directly in the direction of the cross country!

 “Shadow Mage, huh?”

“As long as you survive this round of confrontation, I, the Yumu people, will recognize your title of Shadow Mage!”


"Even someone as strong as Raikage-sama cannot resist my flames easily. How can you, a mere brat, compare with the great Raikage-sama?"

His eyes were full of cold murderous intent. What Yumu Ren said was obviously not a lie. The blue flame must contain some kind of killing move.

 Looking back at off-roading.

When he saw the blue flame controlled by the wooden man coming in, and could vaguely detect wisps of black aura contained in the blue flame, what was Cross Country's first thought?

 The first thought when going off-road is that the blue flame is not caused by the power of the wooden man at all!

 It’s the power of Erwei Mata Brigade!

 What is the image of the two-tailed Mataru in Tailed Beast?

 Isn’t it just the image of a “cat”?

 It's just that the shape of Erwei Mata's "cat" is different from that of ordinary cats. It's a "cat" with dark blue flames burning all over its body and black stripes inside!

Therefore, looking at the flames used by Bokuto, which were very similar to the flames burning on the body of Erwei Mataru, the pupils in the cross-country eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately controlled the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand, and it was completed in an instant Using the secret technique of Shadow Escape, he controlled the shadow under his feet and turned it into a shadow shield, instantly defending himself in front of him!

 Just when he saw Cross Country using the Shadow Shield in the Shadow Escape to defend himself, Yumu Ren's eyes flashed with contempt.

 Others don’t know the mystery behind the deep blue flames burning on the body of the Two-tailed Mata. Doesn’t Yukito, who is the Jinchūriki of the Two-tailed Mata, not aware of it?

 The flame controlled by Erwei Youlu is the real fire of the netherworld, a flame that directly acts on spiritual energy!

Whenever a ninja comes into contact with a little bit of the netherworld fire controlled by Erwei Mata, the ninja who touches the netherworld fire will be attacked by spiritual energy. The spiritual energy contained in the body may only take a few seconds. It will burn out. In the ninja world, not all ninjas have the secret technique of cultivating spiritual energy. Therefore, it is a little troublesome for a ninja as strong as Raikage to successfully resist the invasion of the Nether Fire. It can be seen that Yukito said before All the words are true.

It's a pity, how can Yumu imagine that off-road is one of the few masters in the ninja world who specializes in spiritual energy?

Therefore, under the control of Yumu Ren, the Nether Fire of the Erwei Brigade had just invaded and directly collided with the cross-country Shadow Shield. Just when Yumu Ren was about to raise a smile of victory, suddenly "bang" A sound!

The Shadow Shield, which was condensed using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, actually defended against the Nether Fire controlled by the wooden man!

 Follow up!

The Yin Escape Brand on the crossroads' eyebrows actually began to silently swallow up the Nether Fire controlled by the wooden man!

When such a strange situation happened, Yumu Ren, the owner of Nether Fire, was not the only one who was stunned!

Even when going off-road, they were frozen in place at the moment of sudden changes.

At this point, the battle between the cross-country and the wooden people has reached a stalemate. If the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand is consumed first, then the cross-country will be invaded by the fire of the netherworld controlled by the wooden people. But if Yumu Ren is unable to output more Nether Fire, the result can be imagined. The Yin Escape Brand of Off-Road must have swallowed up the Nether Fire of Erweiyou Brigade, making it possible for Off-Road to master the mysterious and terrifying blue flame.

 When the battle between Cross Country and Yukito reached a stalemate, how did the battle between Orochimaru and Raikage change?

 On the one hand, he controlled the Yin Escape Brand to output spiritual energy, and carefully contended with the two-tailed jinchūriki in front of him.

On the other hand, when Cross Country's eyes shifted to the direction of Orochimaru, he suddenly discovered that the chess piece that Orochimaru had arranged early had actually severely injured Raikage when he showed up. When he saw the appearance of the chess piece clearly, Cross Country I can't help but show a look of enlightenment!

 “It turns out that Orochimaru’s chess piece is him!”

“Raikage, compared to Orochimaru’s chess pieces, your chess pieces are really weak!”

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