Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 445: Declaration of death

The Raikage's chess piece is the Jinchūriki of the Two-Tailed Brigade, a Kage-level powerhouse.

So, who is Orochimaru's chess piece?

 Is he a shadow-level powerhouse?

Of course not. After all, the current ninja world is not an era where shadow-level people are everywhere. No matter how powerful Orochimaru is, how can he freely drive shadow-level warriors to fight for him?

However, even though Orochimaru's chess piece is not a shadow-level powerhouse like Yukito.

 But when Orochimaru's chess piece appeared, it still gave Raikage a double blow, both physical and mental!

 Because Orochimaru had placed the chess pieces early, and he was one of the people Raikage trusted the most!

That person is Toshiro!

 Tushiro once almost died in an off-road attack, but was later saved by Orochimaru!

 Why did Toshiro betray the Raikage and join Orochimaru?


Let’s start talking about using Orochimaru to save Toshiro!

In Konoha Village, due to the Battle of Nine Tails, the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina "died", and the Third Hokage returned to power. Shimura Danzo was completely suppressed by the Third Hokage, which made Orochimaru feel a sense of crisis. and a sense of urgency. Therefore, when he led Konoha's ninja troops to station in Tian No Country, he knew that the Fourth Hokage was faked death and Orochimaru prepared to create a force in Tian No Country, that is, he started to create the sound ninja in the original Naruto novel. Village.

 However, it is not that simple to create a ninja village.

Especially when the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder are at war, if Orochimaru wants to successfully create the Sound Ninja Village, he must place a spy in the Sound Ninja Village.

 In Orochimaru's original plan, he was planning to contact the Fourth Hokage, cooperate with him, and plant a spy in the Cloud Ninja Village. After all, the Fourth Hokage faked his death in Konoha Village, but Orochimaru understood the character of the Fourth Hokage and knew that he must be paying attention to the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder.

 So, after contacting the Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru was ready to start his own plan.

Who would have thought that after contacting the Fourth Hokage, in order to resurrect Uzumaki Kushina, the Fourth Hokage actually rejected Orochimaru's proposal?

However, the plan to cooperate with the Fourth Hokage failed, but from the Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru learned a very important piece of information, that is, going cross-country to the Country of Grass to carry out decapitation tactics.

Thinking that Cross-Country failed to execute the decapitation tactic, I could give Cross-Country a favor.

Thinking that if the cross-country trip was successful, Orochimaru would be able to harvest a perfect spy. With a new plan in mind, Orochimaru embarked on a journey to the Land of Grass.

The off-road performance undoubtedly made Orochimaru extremely satisfied.

 Because in the battle where the Shadow Mage became famous, except for the genin-level Kumo Ninja Nozomi, only the commander of the Kumo Ninja side, Toshiro, survived this battle!

Immediately afterwards, after completing the deal with Cross Country and establishing a "cooperative" relationship, Orochimaru used genjutsu to control Toshiro, making this Kumo ninja, who was reused by the Raikage, successfully become Orochimaru's spy!

This time, Orochimaru had the confidence to come and ambush the Raikage, no doubt because of the help from cross-country on the one hand, and because of the traitor Tochiyo on the other!

 Let’s talk about the battle between Cross Country and Yukito, which has entered a stalemate stage. How did Toshiro inflict heavy damage on Raikage?

I still remember that time, the shadow world used for off-roading came and successfully imprisoned Raikage for just a few seconds. And Orochimaru took advantage of the short two seconds when the Raikage was imprisoned, and quickly stepped forward to the Raikage's side. Immediately, his body was like a poisonous snake, tightly wrapped around the Raikage's body.

With the Raikage's pupils narrowing slightly, Orochimaru suddenly opened his mouth and bit the Raikage's neck with one bite!

 There is no doubt that the attack method is exactly the same as that of the poisonous snake, which makes Raikage feel cold all over.

Especially when he discovered that Orochimaru's teeth could successfully break through the protection of the Thunder Armor, and bit his neck hard, delivering the terrifying poison, the Raikage's pupils contracted slightly, and then exploded. All the chakra in the body was absorbed, and Orochimaru was forcefully knocked away.

 However, Orochimaru flew away and fell to the ground, but Raikage's situation was very bad.

You must know that when Orochimaru used the latent snake hand before, he used the two pythons shot out from his sleeves to deliver venom to the Raikage's body, hoping to disintegrate the Raikage's thunder escape armor. Nowadays, Orochimaru delivers the venom himself, and the venom is naturally much more toxic than ordinary pythons.

 So, the poisoned Raikage suddenly discovered that his chakra could not be used for the time being!


  Proficient in the extremely powerful Thunder Release, the ordinary poisonous Raikage can be driven away with the Thunder Release Chakra. The Raikage also has a way to deal with the more violent toxins nowadays.

 It's just that Raikage needs some time to resolve the poison in his body.

First, he looked in the direction of Orochimaru and found that Orochimaru was knocked away by him and fell to the ground to gain just a few seconds. Raikage nodded slightly. However, when the Raikage discovered that the Jinchūriki of the Second-Tail Mata Brigade, Yukito, was actually in a stalemate with the cross-country battle, the Raikage frowned slightly for fear of Orochimaru's sudden attack.

Coincidentally, at this critical moment, Toshiro, who seemed to have been "killed" by Orochimaru before, suddenly stood up and came to the Raikage's side.

  It was said that he wanted to protect the Raikage, but in fact, Toshiro, who was possessed by an illusion and controlled by Orochimaru, was already ready to assassinate him.

 The next second.

Just when Off-road turned to look at the battlefield where Orochimaru and Raikage were fighting, and was about to see what the confrontation between the two would be like, there was a sudden "bang"!

 The kunai in Toshiro's hand penetrated deeply into Raikage's chest!

 Look at Raikage!

When he realized that it was Toshiro who was sneaking up on him, Raikage's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, full of shock and anger. He knocked Toshiro away with one punch, and immediately asked in a solemn tone:

 “Tushiro, why did you betray me?”

 “Betrayal? No, he never betrayed you!”

Looking directly into Raikage's eyes, and then looking at Toshiro, whose life and death were unknown, Orochimaru smiled indifferently, stood up, and said: "Raikage, do you know how hard Toshiro's bones are? If it weren't for the ANBU under my command who are proficient in genjutsu, I'm afraid that even if he died, Toshiro would never have been able to betray you and betray your Kumo Ninja Village. It's a pity that under the control of genjutsu, let alone just a mere Toshiro. , just say that your brother, Rabbi the Eight-Tailed Jinchuriki, will definitely betray you."

“Okay, now that you have punished Toshiro Raikage, let’s talk about your problems again!”

As he spoke, Orochimaru's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he stared at Raikage closely and asked:

“Leikage, do you still feel that you still have hope of survival?”

“Hmph, you’re just a drug addict, and you want to kill me?”

 He ​​glanced at Orochimaru with disdain. The Raikage was indeed a Raikage. He held the kunai on his chest with his backhand and pulled it out despite the pain.

 “You want to kill me with such despicable means, Orochimaru, you are dreaming!”

"Even if it means death, I will drag you into the water today!"

 “Die to me!”

 After saying that, Raikage's aura suddenly began to increase, which made Orochimaru's snake eyes cast a solemn look.

 But just when the Raikage was next to him and was about to fight Orochimaru, following Orochimaru's cold voice, there was a sudden "pop"!

From outside the camp where Cross Country and the others were, a black shadow suddenly flew upside down and crashed in!

  Just as Orochimaru's cold voice finished, Raikage took a closer look at the figure that crashed into the camp, what did he see?

Thunder Shadow suddenly discovered in horror that the figure that flew upside down into the camp was actually his younger brother!

 Eight-Tails Jinchūriki!


“Raikage, today I am Orochimaru…”

 “I will definitely kill you!”

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