Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 446: Sannin (Part 1)

Still in the cross-country stalemate with the Yuki people, just after hearing Orochimaru's declaration of death, Kirabi flew in from outside the camp, as if to prove that Orochimaru's words were true!

 For a moment, off-road was stunned.

Together with Yukito and Raikage, the two shadow-level powerhouses were stunned on the spot!

Just kidding, how many people in the ninja world can defeat Kirabi, and how many people can defeat Kirabi like him?

At the moment when he was stunned in the cross-country, he could already imagine that Orochimaru's substitute outside must be one of the few shadow-level experts in the ninja world. Moreover, the guy who can crush Kirabi and fight outside in place of Orochimaru is probably the best among Kage-level experts in terms of strength.

 Because that person is the teacher of the Fourth Hokage, the master of cross-country!

 One of the Sannin...

 Crazy ghost!


Sure enough, just when the corner of the cross country's eye twitched a few times, he speculated that the strong man who replaced Orochimaru in fighting outside and knocked Kirabi into the camp was none other than Jiraiya, the mad ghost among the three ninjas, and laughed wildly. Following the flash of a figure, it suddenly echoed in the ears of Cross Country, Orochimaru and others, making Yukito and Raikage's expressions turn livid.

The only person who can remain calm is probably Orochimaru.

However, listening to the harsh laughter, Orochimaru couldn't help but frowned, licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and snorted: "Idiot, your identity has been exposed, what's so funny?"

 “I invited you here, not to entertain, but to kill the Raikage!”


“Orochimaru, you really don’t have any humorous talent. It’s so boring to be with you.”

 Listening to Orochimaru's words, another Orochimaru walked into the camp.

There is no doubt that this Orochimaru is the mad ghost Jiraiya among the three ninjas, and he is Orochimaru's real trump card.

So, why can Orochimaru invite Laiya?

 Why did Orochimaru conceal Jiraiya's arrival in the face of cross-country?

 This is about the plan of the Third Hokage!

At the end of the Third World War, Orochimaru conducted human experiments, and Tsunade-hime ran away due to various incidents involving the Senju clan. Jiraiya, who was also a Sannin, also left Konoha Village in a depressed mood. The direct result was the emptiness within Konoha Village. The only shadow-level strongmen in Konoha Village were the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage. Just two people.

 But don’t forget, it was a special period, and the emptiness was created under special circumstances.

If Konoha Village is really in trouble, the Third Hokage gives the order, Tsunade Hime aside, how could Orochimaru and Jiraiya just sit idly by?

 So, as early as the Third Hokage was preparing to send Orochimaru to rescue Ding Zao, the Third Hokage told Orochimaru that he wanted Jiraiya to come to help. Orochimaru still did not defect, and he and Jiraiya were still partners. In addition, the Fourth Hokage was able to successfully escape from the Leaf Village because Orochimaru had a share of the credit. With the help of the Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru made Jiraiya, who was also a Sannin, his own trump card.

 Now, Jiraiya suddenly appears, and the balance of victory is naturally tilted towards Konoha.

 Although the cross-country and wooden people's battles still contain very high risks, either the cross-country will win, the wooden people will die, or the wooden people will win. The Yin Escape brand of the cross-country will be completely wiped out under the fire of the netherworld. However, seeing Jiraiya transformed into Orochimaru appear, a faint smile still appeared on the corner of Cross Country's mouth.

 Smile that symbolizes victory!

 Unfortunately, not long after that smile appeared, Kirabi regained his fighting strength.

Kirabi appeared behind the Raikage with an apologetic look on his face. Just as Kirabi was about to apologize, Raikage took a deep breath and said: "Bee, you don't need to apologize. The defeat at the hands of the Sannin is yours." It's an honor. Today, the most influential people in the ninja world are still people of our generation. So, you just need to know that one day you can replace us old guys and become influential people. . Now, we just need to focus on the victory or defeat in front of us, follow me..."

 “Follow the Yumu people…”

 “Let’s fight out!”

“I’m afraid it’s impossible for you to fight your way out.”

As soon as Lei Ying finished speaking, Kirabi was about to nod, but who would have thought that the silent Xiujiang would actually speak out.

 Obviously, from the end of the confrontation between Off-Road and Raikage to the appearance of Orochimaru, Off-Road can be said to be the protagonist in this battle. However, since Jiraiya appeared, plus Orochimaru, and two of the three ninjas appeared here, the status of cross-country has changed from the protagonist to a supporting role, and the one who can affect the trend in this battle is obviously It can't be a supporting role.

However, whether it was Konoha's Orochimaru, Jiraiya, or Kumo Ninja's Raikage, Kirabi never expected that the person who could really affect the trend of the battle at this time was precisely a supporting character like Cross Country. !

The smile that heralded victory rose at the corner of his mouth and became a little stronger.

Just when Raikage and Kirabi frowned and looked at Cross-country, Cross-country first used the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand to cast the shadow communication technique in the Shadow escape flow, connecting the shadow under Jiraiya's feet. Then, focusing all his energy on the dangerous stalemate with Yumu Ren, facing the Raikage off-road, Kirabi said slowly:

"Raikage, Kirabi, let's not talk about how likely it is for you to escape from Lord Orochimaru and Lord Jiraiya, nor talk about what kind of fate the Kumo ninja who follows you will face. Don't you think so? Think about it, Yukito? The second-tailed jinchūriki of the Cloud Ninja Village shouldn't be a small character who can be given up at will, right?"

"Now, the confrontation between Yukito and I has reached a stalemate. No one can help or intervene. Only when there is a winner between the two of us can Yukito and I move freely. ”

“So, Raikage, Kirabi, if you want to escape, you can do whatever you want!”

“If we can capture a second-tailed jinchūriki, we in Konohagakure will have made a profit, right?”

 Having said that, off-roading is about spiritual communication. To Orochimaru, Jiraiya said:

“Lord Orochimaru, Lord Jiraiya, what I said is true!”

"Even if you come to help me, you can't help me deal with the Yumu people. Even if you kill the Yumu people in a sneak attack, I will be in danger. As I said before, you only need to focus on Raikage, the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki will be fine!"

 “I’m not sure about anything else…”

“But I can still hold Yumu down for dozens of minutes!”

 Listening to what Cross Country said in the mental communication, Orochimaru nodded slightly, while Jiraiya looked at Cross Country with a face of surprise.

 Unfortunately, Jiraiya was not given time to communicate with Cross Country. Raikage and Kirabi confirmed from the eyes of Yumu that what Cross Country said before was true.

 So, when Raikage and Kirabi's eyes fell on Orochimaru and Jiraiya again, a total of six shadow-level powerhouses directly kicked off the fierce battle!

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