Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 454: Elementalization again?

Whose fight to the death?

It is a life-and-death battle between Yukito and a cross-country, Orochimaru, Tsunade-hime, and Jiraiya, a life-and-death battle between four shadow-level experts!

Just like what Futai Mataita said now, for the Raikage, for Kirabi, and even more for the future of Kumonin Village, Yukito gave up his life without any hesitation and liberated the things in his body. Erwei Brigade has already completed its own battle to the death. Next, all they need is for the Erwei Mata Brigade to continue exerting their strength, and while maintaining their bodies and in extremely strange circumstances, they will face off against four Kage-level experts from Konoha Village including Cross Country, and then Cross Country and the others will face a deadly battle. .

 Someone may want to ask.

Off-road is a quasi-kage-level strongman, and together with the Sannin, there are three true shadow-level strongmen. It would be very simple to defeat a two-tailed Mata Brigade.

After all, when the "Akatsuki" organization in the original plot reclaimed the Second-tailed Brigade, Kisame Inogaki, a Kage-level powerhouse, easily conquered the second-tailed Brigade's Jinchūriki Yukito!

 There are undoubtedly several misunderstandings here.

 The first misunderstanding is that the person who crosses the line and others are fighting against is the real Futusa Mata Brigade, not the Jinchūriki Yukito of the Futai Mata Brigade.

No matter how advanced the jinchuriki's training is, unless he and the tailed beast in his body trust each other and establish a deep bond with each other, like Kirabi and Uzumaki Naruto in the original plot, can the jinchuriki be able to Unleash the true strength of the tailed beast sealed within your body. Otherwise, even if Lao Zi in Iwa Ninja Village has been a Jinchuriki for so many years, when he uses the power of the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong, he only borrows the power of the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong. Compared with the real Four-Tailed Sun Wukong, it is still There are some differences.

 In the original plot, the one Kisame Kisaki had to deal with was just Yukito, not the Futai Mataru inside Yumuto's body, so it seemed a little easier. Instead, it was Cross Country and the others. What they saw in front of them was the real Erwei Mata Brigade. Although its appearance was still that of Yumu Ren, its inner nature had changed, wasn't it?

 The second misunderstanding is that the state of cross-country and Sannin is no longer what it was at its peak.

Needless to say, Cross Country has problems with his meridians, which restricts him from using the secret technique of the Swift Wind Style. There is not much spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, which limits the secretary who can use the Shadow Release Style in Cross Country, and even the secrets of the Uzumaki Clan. technique. Don't forget, when Erwei Youlu escaped from Yumu Ren's body, he was truly at the peak of his strength.

 What about off-roading?

He had been fighting the Raikage before, and later defeated the Yukito. Now in this state, the Futai Mata Brigade, which was facing its peak period, naturally fell into a disadvantage.

 Let’s talk about the Sannin.

 Among the three ninjas at this time, Jiraiya Kirabi was seriously injured when he transformed into the Eight-tailed Ushio Demon, and his strength level could only be used at a few percent. Moreover, after Tsunade-hime was able to successfully heal Jiraiya's injuries, it was estimated that Jiraiya, who had multiple damaged bones all over his body, would not be able to exert even 10% of his own strength.

 Orochimaru's situation is far more miserable than Jiraiya's.

As I said just now, the Nether Fire of the Two-Tailed Mataru is simply a perfect way to restrain Orochimaru. If it were placed during the plot period of the original work, Erbi Mataita might not need to use the dark blue Nether Fire, but only need to use the light blue Nether Fire. Orochimaru has been reincarnated many times, and the problem of mental energy can no longer be solved. , he will probably die tragically at the hands of Erwei Mata.

Although the current situation is still a little better, it is not much better.

 Under the Nether Fire of Erwei Mata Brigade, Orochimaru also lost his combat ability.

When Cross Country turned to look at Orochimaru, he found that the dark blue netherworld fire on Orochimaru's body continued to burn. He found that Orochimaru's face suddenly became much pale, and there was a lot of cold sweat on his forehead. He knew that Orochimaru was no longer there. ability to continue fighting.

So, it seems that the situation now is that the four shadow-level strongmen of Konoha Village and the two-tailed brigade are fighting against each other. In fact, it is the cross-country that is not in good condition, and Tsunade Hime has enough energy to fight against the two-tailed brigade.

If such a battle is not a life-and-death battle for Cross Country and others, then what kind of battle can be considered a life-and-death battle for Cross Country and others?

 Follow up!

Orochimaru instantly lost his fighting power, and Tsunade-hime's face instantly turned livid.

 The situation is different from cross-country.

Off-road found out that the Erwei Mata Brigade could peek into the spiritual communication between himself and others, and he immediately felt the threat from the Erwei Mata Brigade to him. Nowadays, with the power of quasi-shadow level, off-road can barely compete with the real shadow-level experts, relying on his attainments in spiritual energy cultivation. The second stage of condensation of the Yin Escape Brand is the biggest trump card that Cross Country has. At this time, knowing that the biggest trump card he has is likely to lose its effect in front of the Erwei Brigade, how can Cross Country not worry about the situation in front of him?

On the contrary, it was Tsunade Hime, whose face turned livid. It was only after she found out that Orochimaru was injured that she missed her companions, and her face suddenly turned livid.

Moreover, Tsunade-hime is indeed the one with the most bad temper among the three ninjas.

Listening to the words spoken by Futatsu Mata in a calm tone, and seeing Orochimaru being seriously injured in Futao Mata's hands, Tsunade-hime took a deep breath and rushed directly in the direction of Futao Mata.

“You said it was our fight to the death, are you a little arrogant?”

“Orochimaru was injured in your hands, but it doesn’t mean that we will also be injured in your hands!”

 “The art of shadow clone!”



Almost as soon as Tsunade-hime finished speaking, she formed a seal and used the shadow clone technique to separate two shadow clones.

When Tsunade Hime separated her shadow clones, one of her two shadow clones came to Jiraiya and continued to heal Jiraiya, while the other came to Orochimaru and began to check. Orochimaru's injury. Speaking of Tsunade Hime, she is truly the most powerful ninja in medical ninjutsu in the ninja world.

Just using the shadow clone to look at Orochimaru's injury, Tsunade Hime's shadow clone's hand lit up with green chakra, and soon began to heal Orochimaru, and Orochimaru was in the hands of Tsunade Hime's shadow clone. After the treatment, his face became much rosier, far less pale and feeble than before.

Seeing Orochimaru, Jiraiya's injuries were stabilized, and he let go of the burden in his heart. The guy Tsunade wanted to deal with was the two-tailed Mataru in front of her. Under the attention of Off-Road, the chakra erupting from Tsunade Ji's feet actually cracked the ground in the camp at the moment of concentrated blasting. It can be said that Off-Road was stunned to see it. .

 Is that the power of a shadow-level powerhouse?


 Should I say, is that the power of Tsunade-hime?

 In an instant, Tsunade-hime's sudden burst of power gave Cross Country a certain amount of confidence when fighting Erwei Mata Brigade. Thinking of the sight of Tsunade-hime's iron fist falling on Erwei Mataita, Cross Country slowly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he was finally not worried about the situation of himself and others. But who would have thought that just when Tsuyoshi was relieved and Tsunade-hime rushed in front of Futō Mata and punched Niu Mata's body, there was a sudden "boom"!

Tsunade-hime's fist fell, and the one that hit was not the body of Futao Mataru, but...

 A deep blue flame!

"That is…"

 “Is that the ability of the Erwei Mata Brigade? Is it elementalization again?”

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