Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 455: Eat it!

 Elementalization means elementalization. Why do we need to add the word "you"?

Because, when Cross Country saw Tsunade Hime's iron fist with his own eyes, it did not land on the body of Erbi Mata. Instead, Erbi Mata turned part of his body into dark blue nether fire and successfully avoided Tsuna. When Tehime's fist hit him, for no reason, Yukio remembered an enemy who almost defeated him. That person was one of the members of the Seven Mist Ninjas in the future and the current master of the Thunder Tooth Fang, Lin Yuri!

I still remember that when he was fighting against Lin Jiaoyu Yuri in the cross-country, he learned the true meaning of "Heavenly Jealousy" from Lin Jiaoyu Yuli, and he even scared himself. Thanks to Kushina Uzumaki being by Yujio's side, she explained to Yujiang what it means to be a "jealous" person, otherwise Yujiang might have given up the use and study of the secret technique of the blast flow.

Once upon a time, I saw "Elementalization" in Yuri Lin's body, turning his body into thunder and lightning. In the understanding of off-roading, it was the ultimate expression of thunder escape.

 So what now?

  What exactly is going on with Erwei Mata’s “elementalization”?

Seeing Tsunade-hime's shocked look on her face when she missed her punch, Cross Country thought that he must cooperate well with Tsunade-hime in order to defeat the two-tailed brigade in front of him. He took a deep breath and was about to use the secret of the Uzumaki clan. The Art of Kagura's Eyes of Mind is used to gain insight into the mystery of Erwei Mata's "elementalization".

However, without giving him any time to use the secret skill of the Uzumaki clan, Kagura's Heart's Eye, Erwei Mataita's eyes suddenly fell on him again, and he said slowly:

“Are you going to use the Uzumaki clan’s secret technique again? Unfortunately, kid, the Uzumaki clan’s secret technique is useless in front of me!”

 “Let you see the true power of Nether Fire!”


As the words of Erwei Mataru slowly came, a wisp of dark blue flames soared into the sky in the direction of Orochimaru, and in an instant it attacked the cross country. There is no doubt that if this wisp of dark blue Nether Fire hits Cross Country, then Cross Country will once again engage in a battle to devour the Nether Fire, and there will be no way to properly assist Tsunade Hime.

 So, when watching the Nether Fire attack, Cross Country's first thought was to use Wind Blink to directly avoid the Nether Fire of Erweiyou Brigade. However, just when Off-Road was about to use the Wind Blink to dodge, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Tsunade-hime's mouth, and she immediately pointed in the direction of Erwei Mata, and Tsunade-hime said another Punch out.


The iron fist that had failed to land on Erwei Mata Brigade's body before was unexpectedly hit on Er Wei Mata Brigade's body this time.

Even when he was hit by Tsunade-hime's iron fist, Futamata looked stunned. This meant that he obviously didn't understand why Tsunade-hime could instantly break its "elementation"!

 Looking back at Tsunade-hime.

Her iron fist landed on Erwei Mata's body, followed by a concentrated burst of chakra.




Three consecutive bursts of chakra directly shattered the chest area of ​​Erwei Mata's body.

In an instant, his chest was completely covered in blood and flesh. Erwei was injured under Tsunade-hime's iron fist, and then half-knelt on the ground, with the same surprised look on his face as before. Tsunade-hime looked at the stunned Futa Mata, but she was unprepared, as she often showed in comics. As soon as she gained the advantage, she began to explain to Futa Mata how she cracked the "elementalization", and It was punch after punch that hit Erwei Mata Brigade continuously, not intending to give Erwei Mata Brigade the slightest chance to breathe.

Only in Cross Country's shadow communication technique, when using spiritual communication, Tsunade Hime explained to Cross Country the principle of "Elementalization" used by the Second Tails Brigade in order to defeat the Second Tails Mata Brigade.

“Kid, are you curious as to why my fist can successfully hit Erwei Mata’s body?”

 "No...that's right, Tsunade-sama."

Witnessing the fierce battle in front of him, Cross Country asked curiously: "Tsunade-sama, what exactly is the secret technique used by the Second Tails Brigade?"

 “Secret technique? It’s just a joke!”

Listening to Cross Country's questions during the mental communication, Orochimaru, who was in a more stable condition, sneered and said: "Kisu Cross Country, that is not a secret technique, but a unique ability of tailed beasts. The two-tailed Mata Brigade in front of us looks like He still looks like Yukito, but in fact from the moment when the two-tailed jinchuuriki Yukito died, the guy in front of us was the two-tailed jinchuuriki!"

"As for the tailed beasts, they don't have their own bodies. Even if you cut off part of the nine-tailed beasts in our village, they can quickly use chakra to re-condens their bodies. The reason is that the tailed beasts have The body is originally composed of Chakra. However, the technique of using Chakra is very exquisite, giving us the illusion that its body is transformed into the fire of the netherworld. Therefore, it only requires the ability to control Chakra. With a certain amount of heat, it’s very easy to hurt the Erwei Mata Brigade.”

 “As for Tsunade…”

“How could she, who is so good at medical ninjutsu, not have enough chakra control ability to injure Futaba Mataita?”

 “So…that’s what happened!”

With Orochimaru's explanation, Cross Country finally understood. It turned out that the "elementalization" of Futao Mata was a fake "elementaryization", which was far less advanced than Yuri Lin's "elementaryization"!

 Furthermore, after Orochimaru's explanation, Cross Country knew the principle of "Elementalization" used by the Two-tailed Brigade, and his awe for the Second-tailed Brigade was undoubtedly reduced. In any case, Erwei Mata's Yin Escape skills previously showed off the cross country, so it is impossible to say that Yue Wei Mata has no respect for Erwei Mata.

But just when Cross Country thought that Orochimaru's explanation was completely reasonable, who would have thought that Tsunade Hime's cold snort sounded during the mental communication.

 “Orochimaru, do you think that the physical transformation of Futai Mata is such a simple principle?”

"you are wrong!"

"In my opinion, the principle behind Erwei Mataita's use of secret techniques is far from as simple as you think! This guy should have mastered some kind of secret technique like Dan's spiritual transformation technique, which allows him to transform his body into It has become a soul body and invaded Yumu's body, so it can now control Yumu's body to fight, so it can use Yumu's body to transform into the form of Netherworld Fire! "

"It is also because of this that if we want to truly deal with the Erwei Brigade, we probably cannot rely on conventional means. Because even if we destroy Yumu's body, it can also invade other people's bodies, even ours. Physical combat!"

“Whether we can win next depends on the kid you brought, Orochimaru!”

 Speaking, Tsunade-hime, who was in a fierce battle with the Erwei Brigade, glanced deeply at the cross country.

Moreover, just when Cross Country and Tsunade-hime were looking at each other, Tsunade-hime suddenly said something in the spiritual communication that surprised even Cross Country!

“Kid, if I guess correctly, you should have inherited part of the Uzumaki clan’s secret techniques?”

"Hmm... When you were fighting Yumu just now, it seemed that you used the Uzumaki clan's Yin escape to swallow up the Nether Fire that can only be used by the Two-tailed Brigade?"

“In that case, then come and help me defeat the Erwei Mata Brigade!”

“Of course, the best way to defeat Erwei Mata Brigade is...”

 “You little devil! Eat it!”

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