Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 456: How to eat two tails


At this moment, when Cross Country glanced at Erwei Mata Brigade, his pupils were full of shock. On the one hand, it was because he didn't know whether Erwei Mata Brigade could hear him and Tsuna with his superb Yin Escape Secret Technique. What Tehime and others said during the spiritual communication of the shadow communication technique. On the other hand, Cross Country was secretly shocked that Tsunade Hime actually asked him to eat Erbi Mata's declaration!


 At least Erwei Matauri is also a tailed beast, how can he eat it?

 Should it be steamed or stir-fried?

 You can tell me how to eat it!

After Tsunade-hime finished speaking, Yue Yue glanced at Futaba Mata with shocked eyes, and found that there was no trace of surprise in Futai Mata's eyes. He subconsciously thought that what Tsunade-hime said was a joke. If you want to truly defeat the Erwei Mata Brigade, you cannot use the "eat" method at all. However, just when Cross Country was thinking like this, Orochimaru suddenly took a breath of air, a pair of snake eyes fell on Tsunade Ji, and asked in surprise:

"Tsunade, your "eating", could it be..."

“That’s right, it’s more straightforward to use “eat” to describe it. You have to use your method of describing it, including swallowing and absorbing. You can use it!”

Nodding, Tsunade Hime continued to use her iron fist to push back the two-tailed Mata Brigade in front of her, and continued to say in the spiritual communication: "Kid, if I guess correctly, you have the ability to swallow other people's spiritual energy, right?"

"Tsunade-sama, actually know?"

 The ability to escape from the brand, or the mental talent for off-roading, is the secret among secrets. Presumably even members of the Uzumaki clan who practice the Yin Release Brand would not be able to tell others about their Yin Release Brand talent. Uzumaki Kushina only revealed her spiritual talent, or Yin Release Brand, when she knew she was going to die. Secrets revealed to off-roaders.

It can be seen from this that in the practice of Yin Escape Brand, the ability of Yin Escape Brand, or spiritual talent, is a kind of trump card. Only when it is kept mysterious can it have surprising effects. Therefore, when Tsunade-hime saw that the mental talent of the cross-country, or one of the abilities of the Yin Escape brand, was "Beiming", one side of the cross-country was secretly shocked by Tsunade-hime's experience, and the other side was full of wariness. He looked at Jiraiya and then at Orochimaru.

Sure enough, when Tsuyoshi and Orochimaru's eyes looked at each other, he saw a touch of greed in Orochimaru's eyes!

 “Oops, I kind of underestimated Orochimaru’s ability.”

"Having developed so many forbidden arts and conducted so many human experiments, how could Orochimaru not understand the mystery of spiritual energy, and how could he not understand the real flaw in the art of reincarnation?"

“Previously, Orochimaru pretended not to understand, maybe to lower my alertness, or to test my attainments in spiritual energy cultivation.”

"If the result is the former, it may be better, but if it is the latter..."

“I’m afraid Orochimaru’s next target for experimentation will be me!”

Secretly thought that something was wrong, but it was a pity that Off-road could not stop Tsunade-hime from speaking. He could only silently smile bitterly when looking at Orochimaru.

However, what is more fortunate about cross-country is that the enemy he and Orochimaru and others are facing now is the Erwei Mata Brigade, and the battle they are facing is a life-and-death battle. It is estimated that if there was no threat from the Two-Tail Mata Brigade, Orochimaru would have directly taken action on cross-country and used the method of studying cross-country mental talents to perfect his own reincarnation technique.

 Before the threat of the Erwei Brigade is eliminated, there is no need to worry about Orochimaru's defection in the short term.

 However, after defeating the Erwei Brigade, the situation is hard to say!

 Back to the main story!

When Cross Country was secretly on guard against Orochimaru, and Orochimaru could defect at any time, Tsunade-hime verified Cross Country's spiritual talent through spiritual communication, and when she really had the ability to swallow other people's spiritual energy, the corners of her mouth raised. A faint smile symbolized a confident smile, and then said: "Let me just say, how can a kid who can swallow the fire of the underworld be an ordinary kid?"

"You really have the ability to swallow other people's spiritual energy. If that's the case, then things will be easy to handle!"

 Speaking, Tsunade Ji paused and smiled slightly, adjusted her state, and continued to fight with Erwei.

 While fighting, Tsunade-hime explained to the cross-country what the true meaning of "eating" the two tails is.

 “Kid, your name is Cross Country, right? Are you from the Nara clan?”

 "That's right, Tsunade-sama."

“Since you are from the Nara clan, what is your relationship with Shikaku?”

 “Uncle Shikaku? He is my biological uncle!”

“Humph, it turns out he is Lu Jiu’s nephew. I owed Lu Jiu a favor before, and Lu Jiu helped me pay off my gambling debts several times, so I’ll give you this benefit.”

As she spoke, Tsunade-hime's expression became much more solemn, and then she slowly explained to Cross Country: "Xiao Cross, I know how to "eat" the Erwei Brigade, and it was also a coincidence. So this time, you "eat" "After losing two tails and gaining benefits, I hope you will not attack other tailed beasts. As for Orochimaru and Jiraiya..."

“I can’t trust you, off-road, just talk to me alone using the method of spiritual communication!”


 Discovering that Tsunade Hime, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya are no longer the companions they once were who could share any secret with each other, Cross Country suddenly discovered that at the end of the Three War, the relationship between the three ninjas was already very tense.

Of course, these are not things that need to be concerned about off-road these days.

What really needs to be taken care of off-road is how Erweiyou Brig eats.

Then, when Cross Country canceled the shadow communication technique and only used the shadow communication technique to connect himself and Tsunade-hime, Cross Country learned from Tsunade-hime how to "eat" Erwei Mataita, or...

 How to "eat" all the tailed beasts!

“Off-road, what do you think the situation is like for tailed beasts?”

 “Isn’t it the form of chakra?”

Cross Country asked: "As Orochimaru said before, tailed beasts survive in the form of chakra, so they can transform into various elements at will without any burden. Every time after killing a tailed beast, only It is necessary to accumulate enough chakra so that the tailed beast can be resurrected. Could it be...Tsunade-sama, the tailed beast does not survive in the form of chakra, but..."

 “You are right about your guess. The tailed beast can be immortal forever because of its spiritual energy!”

“To put it bluntly, the secret of their infinite resurrection lies in their spiritual energy, or soul!”

Taking a deep breath, Tsunade-hime revealed the secrets of the ninja world without any hesitation, and said: "It's like the Two-Tail Mata Ryu, why can it invade Yukito's body, and why can it be reborn instantly with the help of other people's bodies? ? The reason is that after we killed Yumu, Erwei Mata's spiritual energy did not suffer any damage. Even if Erwei Mataita was really killed, his spiritual energy would still exist and his soul would not be destroyed. After accumulating some chakra, he will be resurrected."

"Over time, the secret of the tailed beast's immortality spread to the ninja world."

“But only those who are skilled in the secret art of Yin Escape know that the way to kill tailed beasts is to destroy all their spiritual energy, or in other words, destroy their souls!”

"Unfortunately, with the development of the ninja world, many secret techniques have been lost. Even the true secrets of the Yin Escape secret technique can only be passed down to a few limited families."

"Cross Country, you are lucky. You were born into the Nara clan who practiced the secret art of Yin escape, and you were able to obtain the Yin escape inheritance from the Uzumaki clan. Therefore, you are one of the few in the ninja world today who can truly eliminate tailed beasts! "

“Why is Erwei Youlu unwilling to leave Yumuren’s body? It’s because it’s afraid that you will directly destroy its soul and prevent it from being resurrected forever!”

“However, it needs to be afraid, and what do we need to be afraid of?”

 Speaking, Tsunade-hime's eyes flashed, and she suddenly exerted her strength!

“Go cross-country now! I’ll distract the Erwei Brigade’s energy, and you can find an opportunity to go and devour all the mental energy of the Erwei Brigade!”

 “Eat it!”

 “Kill it!”

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