Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 457: Stretched alive!

 “Tsunade-sama, I understand!”


Almost as soon as Tsunade-hime finished speaking, Cross Country already understood the method of "eating" Erwei Mataita.

 Obviously, when Tsunade-hime was explaining the method of "eating" the two-tailed beasts for cross-country, what Tsunade-hime was talking about was actually the method of devouring the tailed beast's spiritual energy and permanently killing the tailed beast. Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone. It is only suitable for ninjas who are relatively special like cross-country and have some profound attainments in spiritual energy.

 Presumably, Tsunade-hime knows the real way to kill the tailed beast, for at least three reasons!

 The first aspect, needless to say, must be because of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama!

You must know that in the ninja world, the first Hokage was the first to collect all tailed beasts after the Sage of Six Paths. Therefore, the first Hokage's understanding of tailed beasts must be better than any ninja after the Sage of Six Paths. It is also because of this that the first Hokage can master the method of killing tailed beasts, and it is very normal for him to tell some of the secrets about tailed beasts to his granddaughter Tsunade Hime.

However, since the First Hokage can distribute tailed beasts to various ninja villages and maintain the balance of the ninja world, the First Hokage naturally does not want to see the balance being broken.

 That's why Tsunade-hime kept urging her to go off-road and devour the two-tailed beasts in front of her to resolve the crisis. Never use the same method to devour other tailed beasts!

 The second aspect, the Second Hokage Senju Hashirama!

If the first Hokage only developed a method to kill tailed beasts without prior knowledge, then the second Hokage Senju Tobirama who developed various forbidden techniques must be the one who first devoured tailed beasts and gradually became stronger. The existence of occult arts. However, just like what the first Hokage thought before, most of the time the second Hokage Senju Tobirama respects his brother very much. In this way, it seems that even if the Second Hokage really had a way to devour tailed beasts and become stronger, he had only developed it and not taught it to anyone.

Tsunade Hime had heard something and could already see the closeness between her and the Second Hokage and the First Hokage.

But Tsunade Hime's ability to truly understand the secret of the method of swallowing tailed beasts actually depends on the third reason, and that is Tsunade Hime's lover, a ninja named Kato Dan.

In fact, to be honest, when I watched the original plot of the early cross-country, I always thought that Kato Dan was a pretty boy who just helped Tsunade-hime a little when she was in the most difficult time. In fact, the opponent's strength was not that great. , it is impossible to be a famous Kage-level powerhouse among the Kage-level, and it is even less likely to be as famous as Tsunade Hime.

However, during the Fourth War in the original plot, Kato Dan was resurrected, used his own power to break the power of the reincarnation of the dirty land, and went to help Tsunade Hime, Cross Country knew that he was wrong.

 Kato Dan, who masters the art of spiritual transformation, is definitely not as weak as he thought!

Let’s talk about Kato Dan’s spiritual transformation technique!

Transforming oneself into a soul body is a terrifying secret technique that can travel without distance and invade other people's bodies and spiritual worlds at will!

With such a terrifying secret technique, Kato Dan estimates that with the strength of the elite Jonin level, he can kill the strong man who steps into the shadow level palace. And Tsunade Hime must have also understood Kato Dan's spiritual transformation technique, so her attainments in the Yin Escape Secret Technique, or the knowledge of the Yin Escape Secret Technique that she has mastered, can crush the current Yin Escape Secret Technique. Off-road.


 As Tsunade Hime said, knowing how to devour tailed beasts does not mean that you can devour tailed beasts.

Tsunade Hime knows how to devour tailed beasts. Now, doesn’t it still require off-roading to devour tailed beasts?

 So, after Tsunade-hime told Cross Country the method of swallowing the tailed beast, in the spiritual communication, Tsunade-Hime still said that she had to play a supporting role. Whether she could truly swallow the tailed beast would require the strength of Cross Country.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

 Listening to Tsunade Hime's worried words, she didn't feel any nervousness at all.

The whole thing about swallowing tailed beasts and the consequences of failure has been completely forgotten in cross-country!

 Thinking that today, when he was facing a life-and-death battle, he was able to obtain a method to devour the tailed beast, Cross Country's heart was filled with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, when Tsunade-hime exploded again and suddenly rushed towards Erwei Mata Brigade, the excited cross-country raised a faint smile, and then showed an extremely solemn look in his eyes, aiming at Tsunade. Thouji's method is to cast a secret technique of shadow escape!

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “Armor of Shadow!”


Suddenly, Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to use a shadow armor directly at Tsunade Hime. Naturally, the purpose was not to add a layer of protection to Tsunade Hime, but actually to help Tsunade Hime. By forcing the Erwei Brigade back more easily, it gives itself an opportunity to devour the power of the Erwei Matai Brigade.

However, just when Jiujiu had just added a layer of shadow armor defense to Tsunade-hime, Erwei Brigade's sudden counterattack made both Jiujiu and Tsunade-hime feel a bit lucky.

At that moment, Futatsuma suddenly controlled the dark blue netherworld fire and burned it on Tsunade-hime. If the cross-country shadow armor hadn't protected Tsunade-hime very well and had the power to withstand the fire of the netherworld, Tsunade-hime might have suffered a loss from Futatsuma Ryu. But with the defense of the Shadow Armor, the result is naturally different.

Not only did the Shadow Armor successfully defend against the Nether Fire of the Second Tails Mata Brigade, but it also made it unnecessary for Tsunade-hime to use a precise burst of chakra to hurt the Second Tails Mata Brigade, who still looked like a wooden figure. .


 Because the shadow armor used for off-roading is also produced through the use of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand.

Since it is the Shadow Armor composed of spiritual energy, Tsunade-hime can use her fists to directly damage the origin of the two-tailed Mata Brigade by borrowing the shadow armor of the Shadow Armor. This is something that neither Cross Country nor Tsunade-hime ever expected. matter.

Moreover, just when Tsunade-hime collided with Futata Mata with her fist covered with shadow armor, causing Futai Mata's origin to be slightly injured, there was a sudden "buzz"!

 The Yin Escape Brand is in full bloom!

Off-road's eyes were full of dark color. At that moment, he clearly used his spiritual talent "Beiming" and was ready to directly start to devour Erwei Mata's original power, or in other words, Erwei Mata's spiritual energy.

 The process of devouring was very smooth at the beginning.

 Feel Erwei Youlu's purest spiritual energy, which does not require the spiritual talent "No Phase" to be purified, and can be directly replenished into one's own strength. After just devouring a tiny bit of the original power of Erwei Youlu, the spiritual energy in the cross-country Yin Escape brand was already full, instantly re-energizing the cross country, and even more thinking about whether to swallow Erwei Youyou again. When using the original power, he borrowed the power of the Erwei Brigade to make breakthroughs in the Yin Escape Brand and complete the condensation of three or even four stages of the Yin Escape Brand.

But just when Xue Yuan fantasizes about his own Yin Escape Brand, it is very likely that when he can completely devour the Erweiyou Brigade and complete the third stage of Yin Escape Brand, or even the fourth stage of training...

 Sudden changes occurred!

 Suddenly, the speed at which Cross Country was swallowing Erwei Brigade's original power suddenly increased several times!

 Next second!

 The cold voice of Erweiyou Brigade echoed in Cross Country’s mind!

“Since you know that I can hear everything you say through spiritual communication, then why weren’t you careful about my counterattack?”

“Nara Crossroads, I have known for a long time that you, who practices the Uzumaki clan’s secret escape technique, most likely have the idea of ​​​​driving all our tailed beasts away!”

"Now that you have this idea, I will let you devour me..."

 “Blast until you’re alive!”

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