Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 458: Dove occupying magpie's nest

 “The second tail travels again…”

 “So treacherous!”

Feeling the original power in Erwei Youlu's body, he continuously rushed into his own Yin escape brand. Although there was no direct feeling of cross-country, but seeing that the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand was already saturated, for some reason, cross-country Suddenly, there was a feeling that the Yin Escape Brand was full and about to burst.

 The Yin escape brand exploded due to "eating" too much. What are the direct consequences?

 There is no doubt that the off-road Yindun brand is completely shattered!

Before devouring the power of the Second-tailed Mata Brigade, Cross Country never expected that the Second-Tailed Matabrigade would actually spy on his conversation with Tsunade Hime and others early on, and never showed any strange emotions, just for the sake of Designed to go off-road. However, since there are still helpers around for cross-country, in fact, one of Tsunade Hime, Orochimaru, or Jiraiya has the power to help cross-country.

 The simplest way is undoubtedly for Tsunade-hime to step forward and stop the conspiracy of the two tails.

 However, just when Tsunade Hime noticed something was wrong with Cross Country's expression, and was about to go to interrupt the war between Cross Country and Erao Mata Brigade, another accident happened!

That accident is Tsunade-hime's weakness!


Tsunade-hime's anemia is a secret among secrets. Only a few people in Konoha Village know about it. Orochimaru and Jiraiya, who are fellow Sannin, naturally know that Tsunade-hime has anemia of secret. In the past, although Tsunade-hime severely injured Futaba Mata Brigade, Futai Mata Brigade relied on the "elementalization" of her body to recover from her injuries in seconds, so Futao Mata Brigade's body was It wasn't stained with any blood, but it didn't trigger Tsunade-hime's hemophobia.

 But when Cross Country and Erwei Brigade engage in a spiritual energy confrontation, the situation becomes different.

Without the energy to pay attention to the trauma on the body, the things that the two tails and the thoughts in their hearts are about how to burst off the off -road. Therefore, when the two-tailed Mata Brigade had no time to focus on recovering from the injuries on his body, Tsunade-hime punched the two-tailed Mata Brigade on the body, causing the two-tailed Mata Brigade to vomit blood and fall to the ground, but Tsunade-hime herself was stunned. Got there.


 It’s all red!

 Tsunade-hime's eyes were filled with red fear, and at the moment when Futa Mata was spitting out blood, she was half-kneeling on the ground like Futa Mata.

 As for the second tail, we traveled again.

Looking at Tsunade-hime half-kneeling on the ground, there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes, and soon it was replaced by a look of enlightenment.

“It turns out that your weakness is blood. I should have browsed your memory and caught your weakness a long time ago!”

 “As for you…”

As he said that, the beast pupils of the Second Tails Brigade fell on Orochimaru again, a slightly mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he continued: "As for you, little loach, your weakness is the fire of the netherworld! Just now That Netherworld Fire attack has already damaged your fragile soul. You think, if I use Netherworld Fire on you again, will you die immediately?"

"If you try to gain eternal life by cultivating your soul, you are on the right path, but unfortunately you have gone astray!"

“Do you want me to give you some advice on how to cultivate your soul? Or... should I say how to cultivate your spiritual energy?”

“Compared to the secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan, the secret techniques used by our tailed beasts to cultivate spiritual energy are more effective!”

Although, Cross Country cannot speak, because he is fighting against the Erao Mata Brigade in terms of mental energy. However, just because he couldn't speak, it didn't mean that he couldn't hear what Mata Ryu was talking about. Especially when he heard that Mata Ryu was using the method of immortality to seduce Orochimaru, a thin stream of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He was afraid. Orochimaru was tempted and immediately switched sides and went to the command of Erwei Mataita!

However, at that time, he obviously thought too much about cross-country, or he underestimated Orochimaru's ambition.

Even though Orochimaru really wants a way to live forever, it doesn't mean that he will beg others, nor does it mean that Orochimaru can shamelessly become a tailed beast's lackey!

 If you want to get something, grab it with your own hands! Take it!

 The word "alms" has never been found in Orochimaru's dictionary!

 So, just when Erwei Youlv finished speaking, Cross Country only heard a few "swish" and "swish" sounds!

  Even though his mental energy was damaged, Orochimaru wanted to help cross-country and eliminate the two tails.

It was also when the two sounds of "swish" and "swish" sounded, Orochimaru was like a real "snake", his body twisted and wrapped around the body of Erbi Mataru, which looked like a Yukito body. . Immediately, with only a slight contraction of his body, Orochimaru used his own body to strangle the bones in Erbi Matagi's body alive.

However, the bones in his body were broken, and Erwei Mataru still seemed to be fine. Even after all the bones were broken, Erwei Mataru still sighed silently, as if mocking, and said like a sigh:

 “The human body is really fragile.”

 “If that’s the case, then change your body!”

 “Nara Cross Country, your body is mine!”


Just when Futai Mataru just finished saying this, Orochimaru didn't see it, but Yukio really saw it. Futao Mataru's shadow suddenly condensed on the top of Yukito's body, spinning. Even if it suddenly invades my body.

 In an instant, there was another "click" sound.

 The Yin Escape brand of off-roading is completely shattered!

What does that mean?

 It shows that Erwei Matauri, who gave up Yumu's body, directly transformed into a spirit body and invaded Yuji's body!

 So, the off-road Yin Escape brand couldn't stand the impact of the spiritual energy of the Erwei Brigade, and burst into flames!

 So, Erwei Mata's declaration that he wants to change his body is true!

 It has taken a fancy to the cross-country body, and is ready to occupy the magpie's nest and take away the cross-country body!

However, Erweiyou Brigade was ready to give it a go and directly use the method of occupying the body to kill off-road, but he really underestimated the willpower of off-road. Yes, Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand has been shattered, but if the Yin Escape Brand wants to be condensed in three stages, doesn't Cross Country need to crush its own Yin Escape Brand and then complete the three stages of Yin Escape Brand's condensation?

At this moment, Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand was shattered, but Cross Country did not lose directly. He still had a chance to re-condensate the Yin Escape Brand. Especially when he was devouring the spiritual energy of Erwei Youlu, Cross Country had no need to worry about the insufficient "quantity" or insufficient "quality" of the spiritual energy. He just started the practice of condensing the Yin Escape Brand three times with confidence and boldness.

 Just a few seconds!



Yin Escape Brand, three stages of condensation, success!

 Just when Cross Country's Yin Escape brand had just completed three stages of condensation, Cross Country suddenly felt that his eyes were going dark!

In the real world, when Orochimaru looked at the cross-country again, he found that the eyes of the cross-country were no longer the same color as before, and suddenly turned into a pair of beast eyes!


 “This kid’s body seems to be worse than Yumu’s body!”

“The meridians are all damaged like this? Then...”

 “Just smash them all into pieces!”

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