Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 459: Fierce Battle with the Sannin (Part 1)



 The second tail also occupied the magpie nest, and actually occupied the body of the cross country, which was something Orochimaru never expected. Therefore, almost when the dark eyes of the cross country were transformed into a pair of beast eyes, Orochimaru's snake eyes tightened slightly. Watching the two tails invade the body of the cross country again, Orochimaru was a little agitated. I don’t know how to fight anymore.

 Is "cooperation" with off-roading really that important?

I am very sure of that!

  If before, Off-Road and Orochimaru were just making "trades", then even if Off-Road died, Orochimaru would not have any mercy. Seeing the two-tailed Mata Brigade occupying Cross Country's body, Orochimaru only needs to take away Jiraiya and Tsunade Hime. He believes that in front of the Two-tailed Mata Brigade, with his true Kage level powerhouse With strength, it is still possible to take away one's companions.

  But after Cross Country showed its own value and changed from "deal" with Orochimaru to "cooperation"...


 The help of off-roading to Orochimaru is unique in the entire ninja world!

 In the ninja world, only Cross Country can help Orochimaru resolve the sequelae of the reincarnation technique. Because, in the ninja world, only the cross-country Yin Escape Brand is in a two-stage condensed state, and the other two Yin Escape Brand abilities mastered are "Northern Ming" and "Wuxian". Every time when Cross Country uses his Yin Escape Brand ability "Wu Xiang" and "North Ming" to provide Orochimaru with pure spiritual energy, Orochimaru can feel that the sequelae of using the reincarnation technique are reducing. This is The first reason why Orochimaru needs to go off-road.

As for the second reason, needless to say, it must be that if Orochimaru wants to perfect the art of reincarnation, he still needs to rely on cross-country's attainments in mental energy!

After the battle with the Second Tails Mata Brigade, Orochimaru has truly realized the shortcomings of the Reincarnation Jutsu. So perfecting the effect of the Reincarnation Jutsu so that the Reincarnation Jutsu does not have so many backlashes is what Orochimaru urgently needs to accomplish. . And begging the two tails to travel again is something that Orochimaru cannot do, so cross-country has become Orochimaru's "hope" to perfect the art of reincarnation. It was also because of this that Orochimaru felt so troubled when he saw Erwei Mata brigade occupying Cross Country's body.

 After all, the two tails invaded Cross Country's body. If he really gets rid of Cross Country, it would be equivalent to ruining Orochimaru's hope of perfecting the art of reincarnation!

“It’s really troublesome, because I have used the reincarnation technique, and Erwei Mata has the ability to restrain me.”

“Tsunade’s hemophobia has recurred, and Jiraiya’s trash was injured in the hands of the Eight-Tailed Gyushi Jinchuriki. The job of expelling the Two-Tailed Mata Brigade from the cross-country body has fallen on me.”

 “Could it be that…”

"Do you really want to use that "jutsu" in front of Tsunade and Jiraiya?"

“Hmm…if we use that technique, it is really possible for the cross-country to return to its original state. It seems that the only way is to expose that trump card in advance!”

In the choice between perfecting the reincarnation technique and exposing his own forbidden technique, the decisive Orochimaru only hesitated for a few seconds before he wanted to expose the forbidden technique to save the cross country, and then use this matter to make the cross country owe Lower your mood and perfect the art of reincarnation for yourself in the future. But just when Orochimaru was thinking this, a scene happened that made Orochimaru slightly surprised.

After the Erwei brigade invaded the body of the cross country, it did not directly smash the meridians of the cross country as it wanted.

By the time Futao Mata was completely familiar with the cross-country body, Futao Mata's figure actually rushed directly in the direction of Jiraiya!

 Follow up!

Aiming at the seriously injured Jiraiya, Erwei Mata started to attack!

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Palm blade!”



If Orochimaru was surprised when the Second-tailed Brigade suddenly attacked the seriously injured Jiraiya, then Orochimaru was shocked again by the Second-tailed Brigade's ability to use the cross-country Hayate-ryu secret technique. . There is no doubt that Orochimaru doesn't know why the Futao Mata Brigade can use the cross-country Hayate style secret technique.

Among the three ninjas present, the only one who might know why the two-tailed Mata Brigade can use the secret technique of the Hayate style may be Tsunade-hime, who is familiar with the Yin Escape practice, but has lost her combat power due to fear of blood!

 The soul is originally a relatively mysterious thing in the human body.

In the world before cross-country travel, even if technology was so advanced, many scientists could not easily study the mysteries of the soul.

 In contrast, in the world of ninjas, the soul has another name, called spiritual energy.

Since then, the soul has had a method of cultivation, which is called the cultivation method of spiritual energy, or the cultivation method of Yin Escape Secret Technique.

Since the Yin Escape Secret Technique and the Spiritual Energy Secret Technique are both spiritual cultivation, Erwei used his own original spiritual energy to forcefully occupy the body of Cross Country, even though the Yin Escape Brand of Cross Country was already in three stages. The condensation is complete, but the Erwei Mata Brigade, which takes the initiative, can still use its own spiritual energy to peek at the cross-country spiritual energy.

 Simply put, this method of peering into other people's spiritual energy is to read other people's memories.

 After reading all of Cross Country’s memories in just a moment, Erwei Mata was a little curious at first as to why Cross Country’s memories before he was four years old were just a shadow. Even Erwei Mata, who was proficient in the secret art of escape, could not read them. On the other hand, Erwei Mata was quite surprised when browsing his off-road memories. Because even he has never thought that the off-road life is so rich, and the secret of off-road creation is so interesting.

It is also because of this that the Erwei Brigade, which originally had the idea of ​​abolishing the cross-country meridians, suddenly stopped trying to crush the cross-country meridians. Thinking of using the cross-country Hayate style secret technique to taste the freshness of using the Hayate style secret technique, Erwei Matari was preparing to use the Hayate style secret technique to kill the Sannin in front of him and avenge Yubokuto.

 The first target of the Erwei Brigade is obviously Jiraiya.

 Because Jiraiya, who was seriously injured, had just recovered some combat power under Tsunade-hime's treatment.

 Compared to Tsunade Hime, who has bloodphobia, and Orochimaru, who uses the art of reincarnation to have backlash, Jiraiya is undoubtedly a more troublesome existence in the mind of Futaba Mataru.

 So, the moment he used the Hayate-ryu Palm Blade, Erwei Matauri rushed in the direction of Jiraiya.

But just when Erwei Mata controlled the cross-country body and used the wind-flow palm blade to attack Jiraiya, and was about to cut Jiraiya's throat with the sharp palm blade, there was a sudden "bang"!

A strand of white hair on Jiraiya's forehead suddenly turned into a solid shield, blocking the two tails of Mata's blast blade!

Moreover, just when Jiraiya's eyes met the beast eyes of the Two-Tailed Mataru, Jiraiya, who was mentally depressed due to injury, suddenly burst out with a strange brilliance in his eyes!


 Fighting spirit!

"You want to kill me, one of the three ninjas, but you're still not qualified!"

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