Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 464: Forbidden Spirit Art

 Who cares who you are?

I am who I am!

 Let me die to all the demonic obstacles that stand in front of me!

With rough and simple ideas, the off-roading instantly broke through the dreamland and the demonic barrier, and the sight once again returned to the condensation of the Yin Escape brand. However, at this time, looking at the cracks on the four condensed Yin Escape marks, Cross Country had another breakthrough in his state of mind, but he was really shocked and broke out in a cold sweat, because he knew that if he broke through the dream, if he broke through the demon barrier any slower, If it's a few words, then his Yin Escape brand will be completely shattered, and there will really be no possibility of survival.

However, recalling the feeling of breaking through the magic barrier before, a dark light flashed in Xue Yue's eyes, and he suddenly found that mysterious and mysterious feeling. Even with the four condensed parts of the Yin Escape brand, he could not fully comprehend it, so he took a deep breath. tone, put this matter aside for now. Immediately, through the line of sight of the Second-tailed Brigade, he saw Jiraiya. Orochimaru was being attacked by the Second-tailed Brigade. He also saw that Orochimaru actually wanted to use the triple Rashomon gate to resist the attack of the Second-tailed Brigade. When it came time to escape the Rasen Shuriken Jutsu, Off-Road was defeated by Orochimaru's innocent thoughts. After all, the Wind Release: The Rasen Shuriken Jutsu was the murder weapon in the hands of the original protagonist Naruto Uzumaki!

Thinking that Erwei You Brigade must be stopped, Cross Country suddenly mobilized the power in the Yin Escape Brand and began to compete with Erwei You Brigade.

He really didn't believe that the four condensed Yin Escape Brands could not cause any trouble to the Erwei Brigade!

 At the beginning, because there was no spiritual energy in the off-road Yin Dun brand, all he wanted to defeat the power of Erwei Mata Brigade was only the ridicule of Erwei Mata Brigade. However, as Cross Country used four stages of condensed Yin Escape Brand to begin to devour the original power of Erwei Matsuri, Erwei Matsuri's expression suddenly changed, and he put down his energy and was about to defeat Erwei Matsuri.

 Unfortunately, by the time the Erwei Brigade discovered the danger, it was already too late.

 So, under the control of the Second Tails Brigade, he wanted to attack Orochimaru. Jiraiya's Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Technique was controlled by the off-road and flew to the other side.

 So, Cross Country has regained some control of his body. Although it is only half, he is able to compete with Erwei Mata Brigade!

It is a pity that when Cross Country had just regained control of his body, neither Orochimaru nor Jiraiya launched an attack on the Two-tailed Brigade. Otherwise, relying on the cross-country containment, Orochimaru and Jiraiya must be able to defeat the Erwei Mata Brigade. But if the opportunity was missed, it was really missed. Almost as soon as Erwei Matai Brigade used his strength again to seize back part of the body control taken away by the cross-country, Erwei Matata Brigade's pair of beast eyes fell on it again. Jiraiya, Orochimaru's body.

It knows that if it cannot solve the external troubles, off-roading will become a serious problem for it.

Because of this, when the Two-tailed Mata Brigade once again gained the upper hand in the battle for the body, the first thing it did was to crush Orochimaru!


Dark blue flames suddenly emerged. Even though they used the Nether Fire this time, the Erwei Brigade had to be suppressed by cross-country in the whole battle for the body. However, in order to defeat, or rather kill, Orochimaru, the Two-tailed Mata Brigade could no longer think so much. Immediately, the dark blue netherworld fire directly invaded in front of Orochimaru, making Orochimaru's face become much uglier, because even Orochimaru did not have the confidence to avoid, or in other words, defend against the second tail. Brigade suddenly used the Nether Fire.

 Fortunately, there are cross-country forces there to contain the Erwei You Brigade. It is somewhat difficult for the Erwei You Brigade to perfectly use the Fire of the Netherworld. Not long after the dark blue flames hit Orochimaru, the original dark blue flames turned into light blue. Obviously, this was a sign that the cross-country had once again suppressed the Erbi Mata Brigade.

As for the light blue Nether Fire, it may not be a problem to hurt ordinary ninjas, but if it wants to hurt Orochimaru, there will be some problems.

 Although Orochimaru uses the art of reincarnation, there is already trauma in his mental energy.

 In addition, before that, Erwei Mata also used Nether Fire, which deepened the trauma in Orochimaru's mental energy, causing Orochimaru's resistance to Nether Fire to weaken a bit.

 But Orochimaru is a Sannin after all, and after all, he is incomparable to ordinary ninjas.

Therefore, just when the light blue netherworld fire was about to begin to destroy Orochimaru's own soul, Orochimaru, who suddenly began to form seals on his hands, actually used Orochimaru-ryu's Substitution Technique to avoid it. That wisp of netherworld fire under the control of Erwei Brigade. Immediately afterwards, Orochimaru's substitute technique was used, and Orochimaru's figure came to the front of the two-tailed brigade, or the cross-country body.

He found that the eyes of the cross-country were flickering. The glasses looked like two pairs of beast pupils, and then they looked like one beast pupil and a cross-country pupil. How could Orochimaru not know that it was the fight between the cross-country and the two tails? the result of?

 Since it’s a fight, does it mean there’s a winner and a loser?

As long as we help Cross Country win, the Erwei Brigade will be considered a loser, right?

Thinking of a secret technique that could help cross-country, Orochimaru raised a faint smile on his lips, and his hands formed seals again. Moreover, just as Orochimaru's seal was completed, Erwei Mataitai finally suppressed the cross-country, and when he was about to use the Nether Fire attack again, his hands were stained with milky white light, and Orochimaru's palm fell on The head position of the off-road body is a cold shout:

 “Secret method!”

 “The art of forbidden spirits!”


 Hearing Orochimaru's cold drink, even the cross-country was slightly sluggish.

 Because in the original plot, we have never seen Orochimaru use the secret technique called "Forbidden Spirit Technique"!

On the contrary, Futao Matauri was the one who directly felt Orochimaru's secret technique. It was almost Orochimaru's palm that was stained with milky white light. As soon as it touched the head position of the cross-country body, Futao Matauri felt something. A terrifying suction force swept over him. Immediately, under that terrifying suction force, the original power of the Erwei Mata Brigade was completely trapped in the cross-country body!

It turns out that this is the true effect of the forbidden spirit technique!

So who is the main target of the forbidden spirit technique?

 In fact, the real reason why Orochimaru developed the spirit-forbidden technique was not to seal the soul of the tailed beast in a human body. Orochimaru's real idea of ​​developing the forbidden spirit technique is to use the forbidden spirit technique to restrict Tsunade Hime's lover, that is, Kato Dan's spiritual technique.

 When Kato Dan uses the art of spiritual transformation, isn't it possible to turn his body into a soul body and invade other people's bodies at will, or kill others?

With the Soul Forbidden Technique, Orochimaru can prevent Kato Dan from using the Spiritualization Technique and directly seal his soul in his body. Now, Orochimaru used the Forbidden Spirit Technique on the Second-tailed Mata Brigade, and the first effect was naturally to seal the Second-tailed Mata Brigade's power tightly in Cross Country's body. As for the side effects of Orochimaru's use of the Forbidden Spirit Technique, probably even Orochimaru himself never thought of it!

 Because, the second effect of Orochimaru's use of the Forbidden Spirit Technique...

It was amazing to help cross-country, sealing the original power of the Erwei You Brigade in his four condensed Yin Escape Brands!


 “I want to be free!”

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