Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 465: The Backlash of Two Tails (Part 1)

 “Want to be free?”

 “Two tails are traveling again, it’s impossible, just accept your fate!”

 There is no doubt that Orochimaru's forbidden spirit technique was originally intended to imprison Erbi Mata in Cross Country's body so that he could use the power of his Yin Escape brand to devour Er Wei Mata's original power. But who would have thought that the Forbidden Spirit Technique used by Orochimaru would not only permanently imprison Erbi Matagi in Yuki's body, but also directly imprison Erbi Matagi's original power in the body by some combination of circumstances. Inside the off-road Yin Escape brand.

As for Orochimaru's spirit-forbidden technique, if it is just to imprison the two tails in the body of the cross-country, then it may be a little more troublesome for the cross-country to use its own Yin Escape Brand ability to start swallowing him. Now it's okay, Orochimaru directly used the Forbidden Spirit Technique to imprison Erwei Mataita in the cross-country's Yin escape brand. The "North Ming" who was about to use the Yin escape brand of Cross Country devoured Erwei Matauri's power and returned it. Isn't it something that can be easily grasped?

 In an instant, the situation of the battle was reversed again.

 The person who reversed the situation this time was Orochimaru as the protagonist, and Off-Road as the supporting actor.

Then, looking at Orochimaru's pair of snake eyes, feeling the power of Orochimaru's forbidden spirit technique, how could Cross Country not know that the forbidden spirit technique used by Orochimaru was to restrain Tsunade Hime's lover Kato Dan The secret technique of spiritual transformation that you master?

Furthermore, there is a faint feeling of off-roading. I am afraid that the Forbidden Spirit Technique must be restrained by more than just Kato Dan's Spiritualization Technique. It is very likely that Orochimaru was wary of those who also mastered the art of reincarnation, hoping to use the spirit-forbidden art he had developed early to seal the souls of others in a person's body, so that that person would be permanently lost. The possibility of using the art of reincarnation.

 Be prepared for a rainy day.

With the word "cross-country", Orochimaru gained a new understanding.

However, the cross-country at this time obviously did not have time to think about other things, so he just took a deep look at Orochimaru and prepared to use the Yin Escape brand's ability "Northern Darkness" to swallow up the power of Erwei Mata . As long as Erwei Mata is still living in this world, regardless of whether it is imprisoned in the body of the cross-country, or imprisoned in the Yin escape brand of the cross-country, Erwei Mata will always be a trouble.

 Then, just as Cross Country thought, the trouble caused by Erwei Brigade began!

"I want freedom!"

"I want freedom!"

“Orochimaru, Nara Cross Country, do you really think that a mere soul crystal can trap me?”

 “Look at the power of my Nether Fire!”



 It was finally released from Yukito's body. Every tailed beast must be very familiar with the two-tailed beast's longing for freedom. Therefore, even though he was trapped in the cross-country Yin Escape Brand, Erweiyou Brigade was always thinking about how to get free. Immediately, a dark blue flame appeared on its original energy. The dark blue flame was obviously Erwei. Omata Brigade is best at Nether Fire!

What it wants to do is to use the fire of the netherworld to burn off the Yin Escape brand of Cross Country.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

 He may not understand the terminology Erwei Mataru mentioned, that is, what soul crystal is.

 But with just a little thought, he could figure out that the soul crystal refers to the Yin Escape brand in the Uzumaki clan's secret technique.

Then the Uzumaki clan's Yin Release brand, since the tailed beasts think that it is the crystallization of the soul, does it mean that the tailed beasts also master the advanced cultivation method of Yin Release secret art?

  Can it be said that the Yin Escape cultivation methods in the hands of Erwei Mataita may be more than those in the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance?

Secretly thinking that as long as he can swallow Erwei Youlu's original power, he can browse Erwei Youli's memories and get more training methods of the secret art of Yin Escape. On the one hand, he feels happy when he crosses the road, thinking My own Yin Escape Secret Technique was finally able to take a further step. On the other hand, Cross Country was sighing silently. In his heart, he had the method of practicing the Yin Escape secret technique of Erwei Mataita, which could finally make up for the regret of the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance brand being broken.

 That’s right.

While going off-road to condense the four stages of the Yin Escape Brand, the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance disappeared.

That was to allow Cross Country to condense the Yin Escape Brand in the fourth stage. The Uzumaki Clan's Yin Escape Heritage Brand was independently shattered, preparing for the cross country to condense the Yin Escape Brand in the fourth stage.

Of course, the Uzumaki clan’s legacy of Yin Escape has been shattered, and Cross Country is sighing and rejoicing at the same time. After all, without the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance brand being shattered, Cross Country would not be able to condense the four stages of Yin Escape's brand. Now, with Erwei Mata's Yin Escape secret training method as compensation, Cross Country still feels that the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance brand is shattered, which is a sure profit.

But just when Cross Country was about to suppress the Erwei Mata Brigade in the Yin escape brand and swallow up its original power, the counterattack Erwei Mata Brigade brought trouble to Cross Country!

That is the power of the Nether Fire, and it is also the power that the Erwei Brigade is most proud of!

The dark blue fire of the netherworld burned in the off-road Yin Escape Brand. As a result, the fierce burning began to cause a little cracks in the off-road Yin Escape Brand. Seeing that the situation was not good, and the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand was not enough, there was no way to repair the cracks in the Yin escape brand, and there was no way to take the opportunity to suppress the Erwei Mata in the Yin escape brand, the cross-country expression instantly changed. Became livid!

"Oops, after the fourth phase of the Yin Escape Brand has been condensed, the spiritual energy in my Yin Escape Brand is still not enough! At the moment, it would be great if there was a way to replenish the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, so I don't have to worry so much. , just concentrate on suppressing the second tail of the Yin escape brand."

“Unfortunately, judging from the current situation, the lack of spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand has become a problem.”

"in the end…"

 “How can we solve this problem?”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country's fierce eyes fell on Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade Hime.

 No poison, no husband!

 Except for Orochimaru and Cross Country who have a little "cooperative" relationship, I am afraid that only Jiraiya has a little bit of friendship with Cross Country. It's a pity that when he met Jiraiya for the first time, Cross Country had a very bad impression of Jiraiya, so now Cross Country has a way to swallow up Jiraiya's mental energy. To be honest, he can't blame Cross Country.

 If you want to blame it, just blame Jiraiya’s foolish loyalty!

As for Tsunade-hime, she has nothing to do with off-roading.

Since this is the case, then Cross Country can completely use the method of swallowing the spiritual energy of Jiraiya and Tsunade Hime to supplement the spiritual energy missing in his own Yin Escape brand. Who would have thought that just when Cross Country had such a dark thought, Erwei Mataita, who was trapped in the Yin Escape Mark, suddenly burst into laughter.

And while he was laughing wildly, Erwei Youlu slowly said something that directly made Xiqiao's heart sink to the bottom!

 “It’s a dark idea, but it’s an idea I like very much!”

“Nara Cross Country, you think I can’t fight back because I’m in your soul crystal, right?”

“My counterattack by borrowing the Nether Fire is just the first step!”

 “Using the counterattack from the dark thoughts in your heart is my ultimate goal!”

 “Die to me!”

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