Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 466: The Backlash of Two Tails (Part 2)

 “Dark thoughts?”

“That’s right! It seems that the first step to taming the tailed beast is to eliminate the dark side in one’s heart!”

 “Could it be that…”

“Tailed beasts use the power to control other people’s dark thoughts? Can those dark thoughts make the tailed beasts stronger?”

 A second ago, Cross Country just thought about swallowing Jiraiya and Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy to make up for the lack of spiritual energy in his own Yin Escape brand. Who would have thought that in the next second, a dark force would come out from the Yin Escape brand of the cross country, which made the hairs on the whole body of the cross country stand up. As he got stronger and stronger, Cross Country discovered once again that he could no longer control his body.

 The sudden change obviously shocked the off-roader.

 Fortunately, Orochimaru used the spirit-forbidden technique to forcibly imprison Erwei Mata in the off-road Yin Escape brand. Therefore, even if Cross Country finds that he cannot control his body skillfully at this time, the power extending from the Yin Escape Brand is still relatively weak. It is also because of this that the state of off-roading has only changed to the state of fighting for the body with Erwei Mata Brigade before, and the external appearance has changed into one eye with a beast pupil, and the other eye with a pitch-black human pupil. .

 However, just because the off-roader knows what his own situation is like, does not mean that Jiraiya, Orochimaru also knows what the off-road situation is like.

Seeing that Cross Country's pupils changed again, Orochimaru's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly, and he said to Jiraiya next to him: "Jiraiya, it seems that we are in trouble. I originally thought Cross Country can suppress Erwei Mata Brigade. Who would have thought that Cross Country would be at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Erwei Mata Brigade. If we want to help Cross Country, the best way is for us to go and suppress Cross Country so that he can concentrate. Fight against Erwei Brigade."

 “Jiraiya, you should still be able to fight, right?”

 “Don’t make me look down on you, you idiot!”

 “Idiot Orochimaru, I can definitely fight!”

 Listening to Orochimaru's words, Jiraiya cast a very fearful glance at Cross Country. It happened to be that look that made the dark thoughts in Cross Country's heart grow even more.


 Because from Jiraiya's eyes, he clearly saw a hint of killing intent.

 Obviously, in order to make the Cloud Ninja Village permanently lose the Two-tailed Brigade, Jiraiya already had the idea of ​​killing the Two-tailed Brigade and also killing Cross Country. However, Jiraiya hides himself deeply, and even Orochimaru cannot understand his thoughts except for cross-country. Therefore, the effect caused by Jiraiya's slightly murderous gaze was completely counter-productive, that is, the dark thoughts of cross-country increased, and Futao Mataburi instantly controlled the negative effect of cross-country body. !

 “Jiraiya, I want to thank you very much!”

 “If it weren’t for you, maybe…”

 “I still have some trouble controlling the Nara Cross Country!”

"What's the meaning?"

 The voice of Futao Mataru came, and Jiraiya raised his eyebrows slightly. The look in his eyes was a thoughtful look. It was obvious that he had thought of something when Futao Mataru was talking.

  However, it is impossible for the Two-Tail Mata Brigade to point at Jiraiya and Orochimaru to explain too much.

  followed by.

Just when Erwei Mata Brigade had just gained control of his off-road body, he heard a "swish" sound!

That is the cross-country wind teleportation, and it is also the secret technique of cross-country inherited from the Fourth Hokage.

Using the Wind Shuttle, the cross-country under the control of the Erbi Mata Brigade disappeared directly in front of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, leaving two of the three ninjas stunned.

 Didn’t we agree to have a fierce battle?

 Why did you escape?

Seeing Matata Futa control the cross-country body to escape, Jiraiya and Orochimaru were stunned for a few seconds at the same time, obviously not expecting Mata Futa to give in directly. It's a pity that even if Futao Matagi gave in, he only gave in in front of Cross Country. How could he give in in front of Jiraiya and Orochimaru?

 The two tails disappeared in front of Orochimaru and Jiraiya. The real purpose was not to escape.

 But to absorb the spiritual energy of others outside, and increase the dark thoughts in cross-country's mind to make oneself stronger!

Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade-hime, and everyone among the three ninjas are shadow-level experts at least. How difficult is it to absorb their spiritual energy for your own use?

 But the ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village and the ninjas from the Leaf Village outside have become different.

Even if the Futai Mata Brigade has only initially controlled Yuki's body, it will be very easy for it to rely on its preliminary control over Yuki's body to deal with the ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village and the ninjas from Konoha Village outside. matter. Especially when the two-tailed Mata Brigade controlled the cross-country body and used the wind teleportation to disappear in front of Orochimaru and Jiraiya, and then suddenly appeared in front of the first ninja from the Cloud Ninja Village, he just heard " "Rumble" sound!

 The fiery red chakra suddenly followed the center of Yuji's eyebrows and enveloped his whole body.

That's the tailed beast's chakra!

 In other words, it is the Tailed Beast Clothes that only the Jinchuriki can master!

Wearing the flaming red tailed beast's clothes, Cross Country appeared in front of the Cloud Ninja, and bumped into the Cloud Ninja's body without any hesitation. Using the backlash effect of the tailed beast's chakra, he just hit the cloud ninja's body. The fiery red chakra on the off-road body was like a flame, burning on the cloud ninja's body.

When the cloud ninja had lost the ability to fight back, Erwei took control of the off-road body and used the "Beiming" ability of his Yin Escape brand!


 The process of swallowing up spiritual energy is extremely easy.

Because, Erwei Mataita used Cross Country's body to devour the mental energy of the Kumo ninja. He swallowed up all the spiritual energy of the Cloud ninja, and did not use the "phaseless" ability of the Cross Country Yin Escape brand to purify it at all. the meaning of. When mixed mental energy enters the Yin Escape Brand of Cross Country, in addition to facing the backlash that swallows up the mixed spiritual energy, Cross Country also needs to expend a certain amount of energy and independently use the "phaseless" ability of the Yin Escape Brand. Used to purify the mixed spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand.

In this way, wouldn’t Erwei Youlv have the ability to control his body off-road and control more time?

 So, when the Erwei Mata Brigade used the cross-country body to swallow up the spiritual energy of the first Kumo ninja, its desperate counterattack had already entered a relatively smooth stage. Instead, he went off-road, controlled the power in his Yin Escape brand, and used "Shadowless" to purify the cloud ninja's mixed spiritual energy, a faint bitter smile could not help but rise at the corner of his mouth.

“The Erwei Youli controls my body, and the more spiritual energy it swallows, the more spiritual energy it can replenish in my Yin Escape Brand.”

“But the longer Erwei Mata controls my body, the more troublesome it becomes for me to regain control of my body.”

“Next, what should I choose?”


 “How can I take back control of my body?”

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