Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 470: Sin?

"Erwei Youlu, you liberated the power of "Tianjealousy" for me, isn't it to remove all the shackles on my body?"

“After I die, will the floods come to the sky?”

"Since I have released the power of "Heavenly Jealousy", I will soon become a useless person..."

“Then before I turn into a useless person, show off the madness of my shadow mage!”

Gazes filled with murderous intent suddenly fell on the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village and Konoha Village in front of them, almost as soon as cross-country eyes were cast, regardless of whether they were ninjas at the genin level or elite jounin levels. , under the cold gaze of off-road, all the strong men who have not passed the shadow level palace have lost their ability to resist under the murderous intention of off-road.

Even these ninjas from Cloud Ninja Village and Konoha Village originally viewed off-roading as enemies.

How can these people imagine that Cross-country is just a look in their eyes? The hostility in their hearts has completely disappeared, and what they are thinking about instantly becomes how to escape from the palm of Cross-country.

As for these ninjas from Cloud Ninja Village and Konoha Village ninjas, it’s not because their strategic qualities are insufficient that they have such an idea.

How can a ninja who can participate in the battles between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder be a mediocre ninja?

Let’s talk about the ninjas from Kumo Ninja Village led by Raikage!

 They are the elites in Yunren Village. The reason why they lost their fighting spirit in the face of cross-country is entirely because cross-country liberated the power of "Tianjealousy"!

If we say that completing the first stage of the ultimate change in the nature of wind attribute chakra is to initially borrow the power of "wind", then it is like the previous cross-country, the Fourth Hokage, completing the second stage of the extreme change in the nature of wind attribute chakra. A strong person in this stage is transformed into "wind", and the power of the wind escape secret technique used is naturally increased several times.

 And like cross-country, what about the ultimate power mastered by the Fourth Hokage, the power after liberating "Tianjealousy"?

 Completed the third stage of extreme changes in the nature of wind chakra, liberating the power of "Tian Envy". Strong men like Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage have become the masters of "wind"!

At this moment, all the "winds" are obeying the orders of cross-country.

 It seemed that Cross Country was just looking at the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village and the ninjas of Konoha Village in front of him with murderous eyes. In fact, when Cross Country casts his murderous gaze at these Yun Ninja Village ninjas and Konoha Village ninjas, the surrounding air contains the killing intent of Cross Country. Whenever these Yun Ninja Village ninjas , every time the ninjas of Konoha Village take a breath, the killing intent of cross-country will deepen in their feelings.

 The murderous intention continued to accumulate, and gradually turned into a secret escape technique.

This kind of fear originates from the heart and soul. No wonder even jounin-level ninjas can't resist it.

Fortunately, these Jōnin-level ninjas from Cloud Ninja Village and Konoha Village did have the intention to escape under the murderous intention of the cross-country liberation "Tianjealous" power, but as ninjas from the Great Ninja Village, they It’s not like you can really escape from off-roading. However, these ninjas from Cloud Ninja Village and Konoha Village must soon regret why they insisted on staying in front of Cross Country.

 Because, when the cross-country killings begin, the area within ten kilometers is no longer a battlefield.

 But the Asura Hell!


 There is no need to explode chakra, and the cross-country that liberates the power of "Tianjealousy" is commanding the "wind" to lead itself forward. When liberating the power of "Tianjealousy" and using the Wind Blink, the off-road figure was like a ray of breeze, quickly drifting past the two Konoha Village ninjas. On the other hand, when the two Konoha Village ninjas flashed past them, their senses were just a wisp of breeze, and no pain appeared on their bodies.

 But what if the off-road figure has already "drifted" past them?



Invisible wind blades condensed around the two Konoha ninjas. Without any pain, the two Konoha ninjas died tragically behind Cross Country.

  followed by.

 Use the ability of Yin Escape Brand and use "Northern Ming" to swallow up the spiritual energy that the two Konoha ninjas are about to dissipate. When Cross Country used the Yin Escape Brand's ability "Wu Xiang" to convert their mixed spiritual energy into pure spiritual energy, which slowly submerged into their own Yin Escape Brand, two ninjas from Yun Ninja Village attacked When they came, the kunai in their hands pierced directly into the cross-country chest.

 But, could the cross-country team that liberated "Tianjealous" be so easily injured in the hands of two ninjas from Yunnin Village?

 Of course it’s impossible!

 A second ago, the two ninjas from Cloud Ninja Village were secretly rejoicing, thinking that they had already injured the Shadow Mage of Konoha Village. But in the next second, the two ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village were shocked to find that they hit the cross country's chest with a kunai. When the sharp kunai slowly penetrated into it, the wound in the chest of the cross country Flesh and blood turned into invisible wind!

 The "wind" visible to the naked eye!

what is that?

Is ˜elementary?

 That’s right! It’s “elementation”!

 To liberate the power of "Heavenly Jealousy", Cross Country is the master of "wind". Every inch of flesh and blood in the body can be transformed into "wind" and can use the so-called "elementalization".

 Unfortunately, "Elementalization" only has the effect of resisting physical attacks and has no repair effect.

  Otherwise, by liberating the elementalization of "Heavenly Jealousy", Cross Country can re-condensate his own meridians and repair the broken meridians in his body. Moreover, if "Elementalization" has the ability to repair, what kind of backlash from "Jealousy" do we need to fear when going off-road?

  No matter what kind of backlash it is, it can be repaired by "elementation".

With the ability to liberate "Tenjealous" for an unlimited time, wouldn't it mean that the cross-country will become the most terrifying BOSS in the ninja world?

Then, he successfully avoided the assassination of the Yunnin Village ninja using "Elemental Transformation". A slight sneer raised his lips. Immediately, his body was completely "Elementalized" and turned into the invisible "wind" again. It directly enveloped all the ninjas of Konoha Village and all ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village.

 The next second.




 The invisible "wind" transformed into a terrifying wind blade.

In just one second, Cross Country tried his best to use the "Northern Ming" ability of the Yin Escape brand to devour the spiritual energy of the deceased, but even so, he wasted the spiritual energy of many people.

 Because, in the blink of an eye when Cross Country turned into "wind", all the ninjas of Konoha Village and all the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village died tragically at the hands of Cross Country who had unleashed the ability of "Tianjealousy". These ninjas of Konoha Village and ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village all have an obvious characteristic after death, that is, they don't know how they died before they die.

 There was only a deep bloodstain between their necks, proving how they died.

 As for who killed them?

I am afraid…

After they die, you can only know after asking the King of Hell!

However, after killing all the ninjas of Konoha Village and the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village in seconds, Cross Country actually didn’t have any too many thoughts. Who is willing to speculate on other people's thoughts and opinions when they are unable to protect themselves?

As long as he enjoys cross-country, after all, after he loses his strength, whether he is happy or not depends on other people's faces.

But he slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest and abdomen, feeling that his body could no longer withstand the power of "Tian Envy". He slowly sat on the ground, relieved the power of "Tian Envy", and stayed there quietly. While waiting for the abundant power in his body to disappear, what Chuang Chuang never expected was that before he became a cripple, he was very reluctant to give up. When the abundant power in his body was about to disappear, the first person to give him discomfort Appeared!

that person…

 Surprisingly, it was Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas!

 “Nara off-road, look at your crime!”

“You could just massacre the ninjas of Cloud Ninja Village, but why should you massacre the companions of Konoha Village?”

 “You are so sinful, please leave your life here for me!”

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