Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 471: respect yourself


 “Are you trying to judge me?”

Jiraiya's voice came, and Cross Country, who was about to release the power of "Tianjealousy", was stunned, and then a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 Is it wrong to massacre the ninjas of Konoha Village?


The ninjas of Konoha Village are particularly off-road. Killing their companions is more like what Jiraiya said. It is an act of betrayal from Konoha Village and it is completely a sin.

However, this statement is from the standpoint of the ninjas of Konoha Village. If it is put from the standpoint of Yunnin Village, after cross-country slaughtering so many ninjas of Konoha Village, those who returned to Yunnin Village would be regarded as heroes. Average treatment. This is what is meant by the saying that the **** determines the head. Sitting in different positions, the things that need to be considered will become completely different.

Whether it is in the original plot of Naruto or in the perception of cross-country, Jiraiya belongs to the type of person who is loyal to the Leaf Village. I won’t say much about the real world at this time. After all, off-roading is in the real world and there is not much communication with Jiraiya. But in the original plot, Jiraiya really gave up love, friendship, and family ties for the sake of Konoha Village. He basically gave up everything he could give up, for the sake of Konoha Village.

Because of this, after listening to Jiraiya's scolding, Xiqiao made no move except for the sneer raised at the corner of his mouth.

Watching the seriously injured Jiraiya attack, Cross Country didn't even have the slightest intention to fight back. He just sneered and stood there silently, waiting for Jiraiya to vent all the anger in his heart.


 Off-road VS Jiraiya, the first round of confrontation.

As mentioned before, Cross Country knew that Jiraiya was a foolish and loyal person, so he had no intention of trying to reason with Jiraiya. Simply venting is indeed wrong for Cross Country. Because of the power of "Heavenly Jealousy", Cross Country could no longer hide the dark side in his heart and completely indulged in the darkness. He not only massacred all the ninjas in Yun Ninja Village, but also Even the Konoha Village ninjas led by Orochimaru were slaughtered there. After calming down, Cross Country felt that he was a little wrong.

 But mistakes do not lead to death.

 In other words, the merits of the cross-country trip are enough to offset the mistakes, and he can just wait to be punished when he returns to Konoha Village.

 Jiraiya, a mere Jiraiya, who has released the power of "Heavenly Jealousy" and is already comparable to a true shadow-level powerhouse, believes that he is not qualified to "judge" himself, so he should just play with him.

However, as one of the three ninjas and a beloved disciple of the Third Hokage, Jiraiya did not feel that he had done anything wrong in "judging" Cross Country.

 In an instant, using the technique of bursting chakra, which was the prototype of the Wind Shunken developed by the Fourth Hokage, Jiraiya rushed in front of the cross country and prepared to land his fist on the cross country's chest. As long as this punch can hit, Jiraiya thinks that the bones in Yu Yu's chest will be shattered, and the broken ribs will be stabbed into Yu Yu's lungs and even his heart. This is the best thing he can think of. The tricks used to "trial" off-road are up.

 But what’s the result?

 Suddenly, Jiraiya attacked, and his fist indeed hit Yuki's chest.

 However, when Jiraiya's fist was about to hit the flesh and blood body on the cross-country chest, there was a sudden "whoosh"!

 The off-road body is like turning into a ray of breeze, completing the "elementalization" in an instant. Before the power of "Heavenly Jealousy" is released and the "Elementalization" ability is mastered, all physical attacks are a joke in the cross-country view, even the physical attacks of one of the three ninjas.

 Perhaps among the Sannin, only Tsunade Hime has mastered the method of using physical skills to break the "elementalization". Like Jiraiya and Orochimaru, if they use physical skills to attack now, Cross Country is completely capable of ignoring them. It was also because of this that the first round of confrontation between Cross Country and Jiraiya turned into just Cross Country standing there with a sneer and indifferently watching Jiraiya making a joke.

 Looking back at Jiraiya.

 He also didn’t expect that Cross Country actually had the ability to “elementize”!

His pupils narrowed slightly, and when he found that the cross-country body was drifting with the wind and turned into a wisp of breeze, in addition to the slight contraction of the pupils in his eyes, which could prove the shock in Jiraiya's heart, the unconsciously opened mouth could also prove that How was Jiraiya feeling? However, the end of the first round of confrontation and Jiraiya's failure to successfully injure Cross Country does not mean that Jiraiya can give up the idea of ​​continuing to "trial" Cross Country.

Whenever he saw the corpses of his friends from the Leaf Village around him, Jiraiya felt an unknown flame burning in his chest and abdomen.

 So, when he used "Elementalization" just a second before going off-road to avoid Jiraiya's attack, Jiraiya formed seals with his hands and immediately used a fire escape ninjutsu!

 “Nara Cross Country, don’t think your little tricks can work in front of me!”

“Wind Kehuo, you can use the Wind Escape Secret Technique to dodge my fist, but you can’t use the same method to avoid my Fire Escape Ninjutsu!”

 “Fire Escape!”

 “The Art of the Great Fire Ball!”


Jiraiya's seal was formed very quickly, and without giving him time to release his "elementalization", he discovered by listening to the "wind" that Jiraiya had already taken a deep breath, and then spat out hot water. Flame, completed a C-level fire escape ninjutsu, which is the use of fire escape and high fireball jutsu commonly used by the Uchiha clan.

 At this time, when he completed the fire escape and high fire ball technique, the shocked look disappeared from Jiraiya's face and turned into a look of confidence.

 Wind defeats fire, which is the law of escape.

Even if it is the Wind Release Ninjutsu used by the Fourth Hokage, Jiraiya has a way to use Fire Release Ninjutsu to break it. What's more, Jiraiya wanted to cross-country and was a disciple of the Fourth Hokage. His attainments in wind release ninjutsu were definitely not as strong as those of the Fourth Hokage. Therefore, just using a C-level fire release ninjutsu, the fire release: Hao Fireball Jutsu, Jiraiya thought of using a C-level ninjutsu to forcefully break the power of "Tenjealous" used off-road.

 But what Jiraiya did looked so ridiculous in the eyes of off-roaders!

 That’s right!

Wind defeating fire is indeed the law of escape. When Cross Country used the wind escape secret technique before, he repeatedly broke through the enemy's thunder escape ninjutsu. What he used was not the mutual restraint between escape techniques. The principle?

 But restraint between escape skills is not omnipotent.

 To put it in the simplest way, Fire Release with a power of 1 can indeed restrain Wind Release Ninjutsu with a power of 2. However, what if the fire escape ninjutsu with a power of 1 wants to restrain the wind escape ninjutsu with a power of 10?


 It is estimated that the Wind Release Ninjutsu with a power of 10 only needs a little resistance, and the Fire Release Ninjutsu with a power of 1 will be blown away alive!

At this moment, the power of the Fire Release Ninjutsu used by Jiraiya may be far more than 1, but the power of the Wind Release Ninjutsu used to release the power of "Tianjealousy" off-road is also far more than 10!

In this way, when Jiraiya's Fire Release and Fireball Technique attacked, the sneer raised at the corner of Cross Country's mouth became more intense. Immediately afterwards, he just waved his right arm, and a strong wind instantly passed in the direction of Jiraiya, directly blowing out Jiraiya's fire escape ninjutsu. Immediately, he looked at Jiraiya again, and even more He was instantly blown away by the strong wind from off-road. After a long time in the air, he fell heavily to the ground!

"Jiraiya-sama, you are a high-ranking Sannin, and I respect you."

 “So now I’m troubling you, please also...”

 “Respect yourself!”

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