Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 472: After a fierce battle

 Respect yourself?

What's the meaning?

The most intuitive meaning of cross-country is that you, Jiraiya, are no match for me now, so just squat there obediently and stop thinking about "judging" others.

People should always act within their capabilities!

As a weak person, if you want to "judge" a strong person, it cannot prove how deep you are, it can only prove that you are a joke!

At this moment, what Cross Country said is undoubtedly a fact. The shadow mage who liberated the power of "Tianjealousy" is far from being able to "judge" the seriously injured Sannin. Unless Orochimaru and Jiraiya are seriously injured and work together sincerely, the cross-country to liberate the power of "Tianjealousy" will feel more difficult. Jiraiya alone comes to "judge" himself, let alone whether there is a way to "judge" the cross-country , it’s a question whether you can be convinced of off-roading.


If these words of cross-country are really meant for the weak, then the weak who want to "judge" cross-country must weigh their own capital.

On the contrary, it is Jiraiya, one of the dignified Sannin and the beloved disciple of the Third Hokage. What a proud person he is?

Listening to what Cross Country said, and thinking that Cross Country was a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, Jiraiya instantly felt as if Cross Country wanted to bully his master and destroy his ancestors. The fire burning in his eyes was a mixture of humiliation and anger. The flame together!

 Angry eyes were locked on the body of the cross country. Jiraiya took a deep breath and was about to get up and continue fighting with the cross country to wash away his shame. However, just when Jiraiya reluctantly stood up, Orochimaru had already arrived beside Jiraiya. He first looked at the ninjas of Konoha Village who died tragically in front of him. Orochimaru's eyebrows were slightly frowned. Together.

Looking at the state of the cross-country again, Orochimaru's frowning eyebrows straightened out. Soon he licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue excitedly and asked: "Cross-country, have you suppressed the second tail and traveled again?"


Facing Orochimaru is not as bad as facing Jiraiya.

Taking a deep breath, knowing that Orochimaru wanted to clear himself of his guilt, Cross Country finally had the opportunity to release the power of "Tian Envy". Feeling the terrifying backlash after the power of "Tian Jealousy" was released, Cross Country half knelt down in unbearable pain. He landed on the ground and said: "Lord Orochimaru, fortunately you have lived up to your mission. In the confrontation with the Second-tailed Brigade, I won the final victory. But unfortunately, I could not suppress the power of the Second-tailed Brigade before, so Our companions may be..."

 “It’s okay, off-road, something I can understand.”

A pair of snake eyes slowly transferred from the cross country body to Jiraiya's body. Orochimaru said slowly: "In this battle, we not only rescued Ding Zao, but also severely damaged the real elite of Yun Ninja Village. The Raikage was seriously injured, the Eight-tailed Gyuki Jinchuuriki was defeated, and the two-tailed Mata Brigade was killed by Yukito, and the two-tailed Mata Brigade was successfully taken away from the Kumo Ninja Village. With so few casualties at the moment, our achievements In comparison, it’s nothing worth mentioning.”

"So Jiraiya, don't make it difficult for Cross Country. After all, he is Minato's disciple and your disciple. No matter how many mistakes he makes, as the elder of Cross Country, you always need to tolerate him. What's more, Jiraiya, according to me It seems that Cross Country is far more talented than Minato. If I'm not wrong, Cross Country, you just unleashed the power of "Jealousy," didn't you?

"The legendary power of "Heavenly Jealousy" in the ninja world is indeed..."

 “It’s very interesting!”

Orochimaru said that, although Jiraiya still had anger in his heart, he still suppressed it.

Especially when Cross-Country is half-kneeling there, it seems to be a bit like "taking it at a loss". If Jiraiya only thinks about "judging" Cross-country and then goes to find trouble for Cross-country, then it will be his fault.

Besides, what Orochimaru said makes sense?

 Severely inflicted heavy damage on Lei Ying, defeated Kirabi, and killed Yumu Ren.

 In cross-country, which achievement cannot offset his achievements?

 So, all Jiraiya can do now is to open one eye, close one eye, and hold all the anger in his heart. If the cross-country is really pushed to the limit and Jiraiya succeeds in forcing the Shadow Master to defect, neither the Third Hokage nor all the ninjas in Konoha Village will be able to let him go, right?

  followed by.

 With Orochimaru going cross-country and Jiraiya mediating, the relationship between the two has indeed eased.

However, rifts are very difficult to mend. This cross-country confrontation with Jiraiya has made the rift between the two deeper and deeper. Orochimaru cannot make up for it alone.

  It is estimated that only by adding the Fourth Hokage's bargaining chip, the rift with Jiraiya can be eliminated.

 As for whether the rift in the hearts of off-roaders can be eliminated, that is another matter.

 When Orochimaru saw that the relationship between Jiraiya and Orochimaru was off-road, he first fired a signal flare and asked the Konohagakure ninjas from Ding Zao to come to support and clear the battlefield instantly. On the other hand, Orochimaru took Jiraiya to see Tsunade-hime. After all, Tsunade-hime was a reinforcement and was now suffering from hemophobia. It was Orochimaru and Jiraiya who helped her solve the problem. It’s something that must be done!

 However, just as the vanguard troops sent by Ding Zao came to see what happened at the camp of Yun Ninja Village where Raikage was personally stationed, the physical condition of Cross Country suddenly deteriorated a lot. That was something that Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Cross Country, who silently endured the backlash of the power of "Heavenly Jealousy", had never thought of!

 The physical problems of off-roading can be divided into two points!

 The first point is that the Erwei Brigade was destroyed!

Yes, the cross-country at this time has indeed suppressed the Erwei Brigade within its own Yin Escape brand, forming a restraining force. But don't forget that when Futai Mata was still able to exert his power, all the meridians in the cross-country body were broken, and there was no longer any possibility of storing chakra for use, and he became a "waste" among ninjas!

Moreover, that was the damage done before the Erwei Brigade was imprisoned!

 Now that the Erwei Brigade has been imprisoned, it can be said that it has also caused trouble for cross-country.

The trouble is that cross-country needs to use nearly 90% of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to severely suppress the Erwei Brigade, so that the power of the Erwei Brigade can be restrained. If the cross-country uses more of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, the result, needless to say, is that the Erwei Brigade will start making waves again, making it impossible for the four sections of cross-country that have condensed the Yin Escape Brand to easily limit its power. .

But if you have to use 90% of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to suppress the Erwei Mataru...

The four condensed Yin Escape Brands in cross-country are probably not as effective as the one that can fully release the spiritual energy inside. One condensed Yin Escape Brand is stronger!

 The second point is the counterattack force of "Jealousy".

 Liberate the power of "Tianjealousy". When using the power of "Tianjealousy", off-roading can be described as majestic. But after undoing the use of the power of "Tianjealousy", Cross Country only felt that the backlash of "Tianjealousy" was invading every cell in his body, causing every cell in his body to collapse.

 The backlash in this regard is undoubtedly the most serious injury that an off-road person has to endure.

Previously, in front of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, Off-Road showed a "defeated" appearance because Off-Road's body could no longer support him in combat.

Now the Anbu sent by Ding Zuo have come to observe the battlefield here. The fierce battle in the Yunren Village camp can be said to be over.

 The backlash in Cross Country's body had just begun, so when Orochimaru and Jiraiya had comforted Tsunade and were about to go to see the situation of Cross Country, there was a sudden "pop"!

The shadow mage who was half-kneeling there...


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