Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 473: Hero treatment?

 “This battlefield is really tragic!”

"Yes! I didn't expect the Raikage to be so powerful. Orochimaru-sama personally led the ninja troops. The ninja troops he led were completely wiped out, and the Raikage was forced back!"

“But Orochimaru-sama is indeed powerful, haven’t you noticed? The elite Kumo ninja led by the Raikage were basically wiped out, that is to say… that is to say…”

 “That means? The war is about to end!”

Seeing the signal flare launched by Orochimaru, Dingzuo hurriedly sent the Konoha ninja here, firstly to observe the situation on the battlefield here, and secondly to finish the finishing work on the battlefield here.

Stepping into this battlefield, I saw countless ninjas from Cloud Ninja Village and Konoha Village ninjas died tragically in the battlefield, turning the original Yun Ninja Village camp into a scene like Shura hell. While Ye Ninja felt a little chilled, he soon became happy that the war was over.

 That’s right.

 The war is over and I can finally go home!

In the eyes of ordinary ninjas, it is an obligation to protect their homeland from infringement, but war in their eyes is still as terrifying as the "devil". They wish that the war would end quickly and return home to be with their relatives and friends. Reunion.

Now, Orochimaru's army has arrived, giving the ninjas under Ding Zuo some hope of returning home. If they don't have any joy, it will naturally be impossible. Therefore, temporarily forgetting the death of their companions, and even more so how tragic the battlefield was, the ninjas sent by Ding Zao had smiles on almost all their faces, and immediately began to clear away the tragic traces of this battlefield.

 It is said to be cleared, but in fact there is nothing to clear.

There are corpses in front of them. Except for the corpses of the Konoha Village ninjas who need to be handled more carefully to avoid being destroyed, the corpses of the Cloud Ninja Village ninjas can simply be burned. This is what Ding Zuo sent here. The intuitive thoughts of a Konoha ninja.

But just as several Konoha ninjas were cleaning up the battlefield and were about to burn the bodies of all the ninjas in the Cloud Ninja Village, a "pop" sound suddenly caught the attention of these Konoha ninjas.

 “Huh? Why is there a kid here?”

“Looking like he’s dressed as a ninja from Konoha Village, he’s not dead. This kid is really lucky!”

“What a life! Is this an ordinary brat? You idiots, this kid is obviously wearing a jounin outfit. Is there any chance that he can become a jounin at such an age? Hurry... inform Lord Orochimaru!”

 “Yes! Captain!”

Recognizing the jonin attire of the cross-country, several Konoha ninjas hurriedly lifted the unconscious cross-country and ran straight to where Orochimaru and Jiraiya were.

At that time, Orochimaru and Jiraiya had just comforted Tsunade-hime, and finally did not embarrass Tsunade-hime, who was suffering from hemophobia, in front of the Konoha ninjas sent by Ding Zao. But after Tsunade-hime was comforted and regained some of her spirit as a Sannin, several Konoha ninjas who came in a hurry carrying cross-country came into the sight of the Sannin.

Seeing that Yuan Yu was in pain while in a coma, Orochimaru, whose eyes had been emotionless for a long time, suddenly showed a hint of "concern" in his eyes.

That concern does not mean that Orochimaru really cares about off-roading.

 But Orochimaru is concerned that if Cross Country really dies, wouldn't it be difficult to perfect his reincarnation technique?

 So, in order to perfect the art of reincarnation and to squeeze out all the value of cross-country, Orochimaru took a deep breath and looked directly at Tsunade Hime. Looking at Tsunade Hime again, since she was able to regain some of her Sannin spirit under Orochimaru and Jiraiya's persuasion, when she felt Orochimaru's gaze, Tsunade Hime naturally understood Orochimaru. As Maru meant, he stepped forward to check the off-road situation and said:

“Orochimaru, this kid’s condition is very bad and needs timely treatment.”

"Unfortunately, I am afraid I can't treat him personally now, so hurry up and get help from the medical ninja at Dingzuo!"


“The medical ninjas under Ding Zuo can stabilize this kid’s injury and delay it until I fully recover!”

"Is it that serious?"

Hearing what Tsunade-hime said, Jiraiya next to him frowned and asked, "Just now I saw that this brat was still lively and arrogant, but now he can't afford to be seriously injured. Isn't this a joke?"

"Jiraiya, he is Minato's disciple. Did you say something too much?"

Without giving Jiraiya a chance to vent his anger, Orochimaru personally took over the cross-country from the hands of the Konoha ninjas and said: "No matter what, we cannot let our hero die easily."

"Jiraiya, I will temporarily hand over the command to you now."

“Tsunade, come with me to Dingzao’s camp to heal from the off-road injuries!”

"no problem!"

  He nodded and followed Orochimaru, and soon the figures of Tsunade Hime and others disappeared in front of Jiraiya.

And when Orochimaru and Tsunade Hime came to Ding Zao's camp with the seriously injured Cross Country, they recognized at a glance that the person in Orochimaru's arms was Cross Country. Ding Zuo's heart immediately sank to the bottom. I never expected that this battle between Konoha and Kumo Ninja would cause Cross Country to suffer such serious injuries!

However, as a good friend of Shikaku, Dingzao would definitely support Tsunade-hime unconditionally when he saw the injury in the cross-country, and provide treatment for the cross-country.

 Six medical ninjas are all the resources Ding Zuo can mobilize.

Without first healing Orochimaru among the three ninjas, and even more so without first healing Jiraiya among the three ninjas, in the next three days, Cross Country could be said to monopolize all the medical resources in the Ding Zao camp. In the hands of six medical ninjas led by Ji, the physical injuries were barely stabilized.

 It’s also thanks to Tsunade Hime’s participation in this battle, otherwise the cross-country trip would really be life-threatening.

Three days later, it was Tsunade-hime and six medical ninjas who stayed awake. In a quiet room filled with the smell of disinfectant, Shijie, who was in unbearable pain all over his body, reluctantly opened his eyes.

  followed by.

Just when Off-Road was about to get up, Orochimaru's familiar voice echoed in Off-Road's ears.

“Xiujiaojun, I advise you not to move around at will...”

“After all, even Tsunade finds your injury difficult.”

 “Is it tricky? I understand!”

 Although in a coma, off-roading is almost always unconscious.

 However, Cross Country knew his own situation very well, so after listening to Orochimaru's advice, Cross Country had no intention of getting up. Just when he opened his eyes and saw the familiar figure of Orochimaru, he quickly found that his hands and feet were restrained. He closed his eyes and reluctantly used the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand to open Kagura's mind. one look.


Off-road eyes looked at Orochimaru and gradually became cold.

“Handcuffs, anklets, and surveillance by more than a dozen Anbu.”

 “Excuse me, Orochimaru-sama, is this the so-called hero treatment?”

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