Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 474: three sins

 Hero treatment?


What Cross Country said is completely ironic. What kind of hero treatment is there? It is completely the treatment of prisoners!

Of course, if you are resting in your room without handcuffs or anklets on your body, then it is understandable that there are ANBU guards outside. Orochimaru can definitely tell Cross Country that those Anbu are here to protect the safety of Cross Country, instead of blatantly telling Cross Country like now that we treat you as a prisoner. No matter what you, Nara Cross Country, are set up by the Leaf Village, Your merits cannot offset your guilt on the battlefield!

 However, when the cross-country eyes became cold, Orochimaru was silent.

And after being silent for a long time, Orochimaru did not tell him about the "hero's treatment" to him. He only told him about Tsunade-hime's treatment, and said: "Kunji, I think what you need to care about is not what you want." The treatment you receive is your injury, right? I can definitely say that Tsunade feels that the injury must be very serious. How long will it take for you to recover to your peak strength?"

 “The peak period?”

Cross Country smiled self-deprecatingly and said: "Orochimaru, my peak period has passed. It's ridiculous, isn't it? For the sake of the village, I will fight the Raikage with you, the eight-tailed Gyuuki Jinchuriki, and the two-tailed traveler Jinchuriki. In the end, The victory over the Erwei Mata Brigade established the victory of our village, and in this battle, the final glory of our Nara cross-country was handed over to the Konoha Village. After this battle, there is probably no more shadow mage in the world. ”

"because I…"

 “Totally useless!”

 Listening to Cross Country's self-deprecating words, Orochimaru fell silent again.

This silence is different from the last silence. When Orochimaru was silent last time, he thought that Cross Country had his own trump card, which could heal his injuries and restore the terrifying power of the decisive battle. Orochimaru's silence this time was because he felt sorry for Cross Country, because he knew that what Cross Country said was probably right. If Cross Country really didn't have any trump cards to treat his injuries, even Tsunade Hime would This is how you judge the severity of off-road injuries.

That is the shadow mage of Konoha Village...

 It’s useless!

 So, listening to Cross Country's story, Orochimaru remained silent. He really didn't know whether he should comfort Cross Country or explain directly to Cross Country and terminate the "cooperative" relationship between the two. Immediately, Orochimaru just told Cross Country to come to me if anything happened, and Orochimaru slowly exited the Cross Country room.

 Just off-road, did you really tell the truth to Orochimaru?

Is the Shadow Mage of Konoha Village really completely useless as Tsunade-hime judged?

 Of course not!

Let’s talk about the physical injuries caused by off-roading first!

His body has suffered the backlash of "Heavenly Jealousy", and now every cell on the cross-country course is filled with the pain of "Heavenly Jealousy"'s backlash, making him miserable. However, the backlash of "Tianjealousy" is limited, not to mention that off-roading is only the first time to liberate the power of "Tianjealousy", so although the backlash of "Tianjealousy" now makes off-roading feel very painful, as long as the off-roading is given Within a certain period of time, the backlash of "Heavenly Jealousy" can not only be completely eliminated from the cross-country body, but it can also further improve the physical fitness of cross-country!

 Liberating the power of "Heavenly Jealousy" and withstanding the backlash of "Heavenly Jealousy", off-roading can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

Because when he checked himself with his mental energy, Cross Country suddenly discovered that after enduring the backlash of "Heavenly Jealousy", the secrets of the human body in his body had already made leaps and bounds!

 The degree to which the secret of his human body has been opened...

 It has reached 100%!

Without practicing the Eight-door Dunjia or using the Eight-door Dunjia to open the first door, the secret of the human body has been opened to 100%!

"A blessing in disguise! Because I liberated the power of "Heavenly Jealousy" and withstood the backlash of "Heavenly Jealousy", I actually used three levels of wind-attribute chakra with extremely changing properties to forcefully open my human body's secrets to a level that I had never experienced before. Using the Eight-door Dunjia, when the first door is opened, it is increased to 100%, which is a huge gain! "

"Let's not talk about the benefits of increasing the secret of the human body to 100%. Let's just say that without using the Eight-door Dunjia and opening the first door of the Eight-door Dunjia, you can open the secret of the human body to 100%, which can offset me. I have to bear the pain of the "Jealousy" backlash."

 “After all, I am now…”

“It’s like finding the third way to cultivate the secrets of the human body, isn’t it?”

Huttered to himself, the self-deprecating smile on Cross Country's face disappeared and turned into a faint smile.

However, there is no need to pay attention to the physical injuries. Instead, it is because of liberating the power of "Heavenly Jealousy" that I have found a third way to cultivate the secrets of the human body through cross-country travel, which seems to be full of rewards. However, the internal condition of Cross Country's body is still very bad. Just say that all the meridians are crushed, making Cross Country unable to use chakra. This is a very headache for Cross Country and needs to be solved slowly.

Like Tsunade Hime, Orochimaru felt that Cross Country was useless. In fact, the main reason was that the internal meridians in Cross Country's body were completely shattered.

In the eyes of ordinary ninjas, and even strong men like Tsunade Hime and Orochimaru, if a ninja cannot use or cultivate chakra, it means that a ninja has lost the way forward.

 But does it look like this off-road?


totally not!

Well, all the meridians inside the body have been shattered, and I won’t be able to use chakra when traveling cross-country. It’s even more likely that I won’t be able to use the secret technique of the rush flow that I created. But don't forget, the nickname of cross-country is Shadow Mage, and the secret technique of shadow escape is the foundation of cross-country. At this stage, cross-country requires the use of most of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to tightly imprison the Erwei Brigade and complete the cross-country condensation of the four stages of the Yin Escape Brand in a short time. The secret technique of Shadow Escape used may not be as good as before. powerful.

But what if the cross-country devours the strength of the Erwei Brigade?

When the off-road excavation is completed, what about the two new abilities that will be extended after the four stages of the Yin Escape Brand are condensed?

 Similarly, not to mention the two new abilities that off-road can master from the Yin Escape Brand after the four stages of Yin Escape Brand are condensed. Just say that Cross Country can truly devour the Erwei You Brigade, then there is no need for him to worry about all the meridians being shattered, because with the power of the Er Wei You Brigade, the Yin Escape Brand of the Cross Country may be condensed into six levels!

 Six sections of condensed Yin Escape brand, what a terrifying Yin Escape achievement is that?

By then, with just the six condensed Yin Escape Brands and the secret technique of Shadow Escape, Cross Country will be able to take a step forward and become a true shadow level powerhouse, or even a peak shadow level powerhouse.

 Just these things, Off-Road decided to keep them secret.

 He is ready to see who can stand by his side when he loses his power, and who can take the opportunity to harm him!

Soon, when Cross Country had the mentality of testing others, the first person who came to care about Cross Country entered the Cross Country retreat room not long after Orochimaru left.

That person is the elder of the cross-country, Shikaku's good friend, and the commander of the Konoha camp at this time, Ding Zao.

Looking at the emaciated figure lying on the hospital bed, as well as the handcuffs on the wrists and ankles, and the anklets, a look of pain flashed through Ding Zuo's eyes. Immediately, Ding Zai sat down next to Chui Chui and asked:

"Off-road, your serious?"

“Uncle Dingzuo, please take the trouble, it’s not serious.”

Feeling Ding Zuo's care, Xue Chuang's originally cold heart became warm at this moment, and he almost revealed that his own situation was not serious in order to comfort Ding Zuo.

But just when Off-Road was forcibly restraining himself and resisting revealing his secrets to Ding Zuo, who was worried about him, what Ding Zuo said next directly made Off-Road's eyes become cold again.

 Because in Ding Zuo's words, Cross Country clearly knew who the person who came to "step on" him for the first time was!

“Off-road, there are some things that it’s really hard for an uncle to say directly.”

"But in my opinion, off-road, you are the hero of Konoha Village, and even more so the hero of Konoha Village. So keep what you hear and see below in mind, and don't say it out loud. ”


“What is recorded on this scroll are the three crimes that Lord Jiraiya is going to accuse you of.”

 “Off-road... take a good look!”

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