Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 475: Patience is a virtue


 It’s Jiraiya again!

I heard from Ding Zao that when he was in trouble, the first person who came to "step on" him turned out to be Jiraiya. While his eyes turned cold, he was extremely shocked.

 Because when traveling off-road, the first person to "step on" him should be Orochimaru!

 After all, Off-Road knows Orochimaru’s secret in Tian Country. In order to prevent the secret from leaking, shouldn’t Orochimaru do something?

Then, with a skeptical attitude, Cross Country took the scroll from Ding Zao and browsed the contents carefully, hoping to find out whether the person who wanted to "step on" him was really Jiraiya or Orochi. Maru calculated against Jiraiya and turned Jiraiya into the one who "stepped on" him.

As he browsed the content on the scroll, he felt more and more frightened.

Especially the information scroll that Ding Zuo handed over to Cross Country. When Cross Country finished browsing it, the sneer raised at the corner of his mouth became a little more intense. There was even a trace of murderous intent in the cold eyes of Cross Country!

"It's you, Jiraiya. I didn't expect you to be the first one to suppress me."

"The three crimes on the intelligence scroll, if it were Orochimaru, it would be impossible for him to come and accuse me. Because if the Third Hokage learns the three crimes you accuse me from the intelligence scroll, then he will be very Anbu may be sent to investigate, and Orochimaru who "cooperates" with me will suffer some losses."

"but why?"

“Isn’t Mr. Minato your disciple? Am I not your disciple?”

 “Why do you target me everywhere and make me...”

 “What if I become your enemy?”

  After confirming that the enemy was Jiraiya, the murderous intent in Cross Country's eyes soon faded away and turned into a hint of disappointment.

So next, let’s talk about the three crimes that Jiraiya accused of off-roading!

 The first crime of off-roading is to destroy the alliance between Konoha Village and Star Ninja Village, and to destroy the Star Ninja Village!

 There is no doubt that from the first crime Jiraiya accused of off-roading, it can be seen that there is no trace of Orochimaru in Jiraiya's accusation.


 The reason is that after the Xing Ninja Village was destroyed off-road, Orochimaru was the winner!

Don’t forget that Cross Country destroyed the Hoshi Ninja Village. All the resources of the Star Ninja Village were collected by Orochimaru in his own pocket during the transaction with Cross Country. If Orochimaru comes to "step on" cross-country with the help of Jiraiya, then he must conceal the matter of the Star Ninja Village. After all, the benefits that the Star Ninja Village can bring to Orochimaru are still many, and he does not want to watch the third generation. The Hokage sought to profit from this and deprive him of the benefits he received from the Star Ninja Village.

 On the contrary, it was Jiraiya, and he didn't have that worry.

He only obtained some information from Akai, Ibiki, and Hyuga Tokuma while he was unconscious on the cross-country. Jiraiya discovered the destruction of the Star Ninja Village during his investigation, which simply made Jiraiya angry. There is nothing more to add!

Sometimes, Jiraiya is so paranoid that he can even be said to be naive.

Thinking that the Star Ninja Village, which was in alliance with the Konoha Village, was destroyed by the Cross Country, Jiraiya never thought about the Star Ninja Village plotting against the Cross Country. All he thought about was inside the Konoha Village. The Star Ninja Village is an ally of Konoha Village. Going cross-country to destroy the Star Ninja Village is tantamount to breaking Konoha Village's trust, and it is tantamount to making Konoha Village lose one ally.

 I estimate that such an idea is ridiculous in the eyes of the Third Hokage, Jiraiya’s mentor!

 Where are the allies in the ninja world? Some are just common uses!


If this matter were to be handled by the Third Hokage, he would definitely make the crimes of the Star Ninja Village known to the world first, and then go to use righteousness to oppress the Star Ninja Village, and directly let the Star Ninja Village compromise, instead of using the most powerful cross-country A simple and crude method, the Star Ninja Village was wiped out in minutes. That would not be in the interest of the Leaf Village, nor would it be in the interest of his Third Hokage.

Then, the first crime of off-roading is about the Star Ninja Village. What are the next two crimes?

 The second crime, killing companions, is equivalent to sentencing the village!

 The third crime, the following is committed by the superior, disobeying the superior's orders during war!

The companions mentioned here are the Konoha Village ninjas who massacred cross-country, and the commander mentioned in the intelligence scroll...

 Needless to say, it must be him Jiraiya!

Under Orochimaru's persuasion, Jiraiya just didn't immediately go to find trouble with Cross Country. It can be seen from the information scroll that Ding Zao gave to Cross Country that Jiraiya was waiting to settle accounts with Cross Country. After he returned to Konoha Village, he was going to let his mentor, the Third Hokage, "judge" Cross Country, while he hid in a corner, waiting to watch the show.

With this approach, how would you evaluate off-roading?

  It’s totally a villain’s behavior!

If he hadn't known about the original Naruto story and knew that Jiraiya was a fool loyal to the Leaf Village, then he would have really treated Jiraiya as a "villain" and completely missed what Jiraiya left for him when he watched the original story. Good impression.

At this moment, since Cross Country already knew about Jiraiya's "villain" behavior, it would be completely impossible for Cross Country to repair the rift between him and Jiraiya.

Just based on these three crimes, Jiraiya is clearly on the opposite side of cross-country.

But if there are too many lice, there is no need to itch, and if there are too many enemies, there is no need to worry.

Thinking that in Konoha Village, the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo and other powerful factions were potential enemies, Cross Country took a deep breath, handed the scroll in his hand to Ding Zao, and asked with concern: "Uncle Ding Zao, Is it really okay for you to leak information to me?”

“Off-road, you kid, are you still worried about me now?”

  Hearing Cross Country’s questions, Ding Zuo smiled and felt warm in his heart.

Recalling the suppression of the Third Hokage, and recalling Jiraiya's harsh "stepping" on cross-country, to be honest, even the patriarch like Ding Zao, who is loyal to Konoha Village and has protected the Hokage family for generations, feels a little chilled.

Only when faced with the concern and greetings from cross-country, Ding Zao can recall the goodness of Konoha Village and his bond in Konoha Village. Immediately, he shook his head indifferently, and Ding Zuo patted the shoulder of the cross country lightly, and said with a smile: "Xu crossroad, there is no need to worry about me. I am the leader of the Akido clan. Even if the village wants to hold me accountable, don't you need to worry? Look at the Akimichi clan behind me?"

"The same goes for your uncle Shikaku. Off-road, you don't have to worry about us. We are all clan leaders. It's not easy to cause trouble for us. On the contrary, it's you, off-road. You really have a lot of trouble recently. It means showing off your sharp edge. I asked you to go to the Bear Country just because I wanted you to hide your sharp edge. Who would have thought..."

“Who would have thought that your sharp edge cannot be concealed at all?”

As he spoke, Ding Zuo sighed deeply, and then asked: "Okay, let's not talk about these things anymore. What are your plans for off-roading?"

"If you have recovered a little from your injuries and want to go out to avoid the limelight for a while, Uncle Ding Zuo can still do it. Do you want me to make arrangements for you?"

 “No need, Uncle Dingzuo.”

 The smile that raised the corner of his mouth gradually turned into a confident smile.

Looking slowly into the distance, listening to Ding Zuo's suggestion, Cross Country suddenly thought of something, and then said firmly:

“Uncle Dingzuo, patience is a virtue. In fact, what I have to do now is very simple, that is, wait.”

 “Because it won’t take long…”

 “The person who can really help me is about to appear!”

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