Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 476: Study eight subjects

 “Who can help you?”

“Off-road, there are only a few people who can help you now. Are you saying...”

Before heading to the Bear Country, Cross Country always thought that Ding Zuo was a reckless man without much political acumen. But since experiencing the incident in the Bear Country, Cross Country has learned that Ding Zuo is a wise and foolish person, so when he just finished speaking, Ding Zuo can infer how many people can help him now. From Cross Country's point of view It's a very normal thing.

However, judging from the look in Ding Zuo's eyes, it soon became clear that Ding Zuo had misunderstood something.

 There is no doubt that Ding Zao at that time subconsciously believed that the people who can come to help the cross-country today are the Sannin members who have a good relationship with the cross-country.


To be honest, it’s no wonder that Ding Zuo has this idea. It’s really because the cross-country and Orochimaru are a bit “close”.

Whether he left the Country of Bears from the Cross Country and went to the Konoha Ninja Troops camp under the command of Orochimaru in Tianno Country, or he accompanied Orochimaru from the Cross Country to rescue him, Ding Zuo could see that the relationship between the Cross Country and Orochimaru was very unusual. . There were even times when Ding Zai felt that Cross Country and Orochimaru were no longer a normal superior-subordinate relationship, but a feeling of equal "cooperation".

 Obviously, Ding Zuo's feeling is correct, and Cross Country and Orochimaru are indeed "cooperating".

If Dante thinks that Orochimaru can help Cross Country at such an embarrassing moment just because he "cooperates" with Cross Country, then he is really wrong.

 After all, in Konoha Village, only Off-Road knows that Orochimaru is the one who really cannot protect himself!

Jiraiya accused Cross Country of three crimes, which seemed very serious. In fact, it was impossible for the Third Hokage to severely punish Cross Country. Firstly, because Cross Country made countless contributions on the battlefield against the Kingdom of Thunder. Secondly, because Cross Country He is a member of the Nara clan. In order to appease Shikaku's "heart", the third generation of Hokage cannot truly "judge" Cross Country and cannot take away Cross Country's life.

 Finally, don’t forget that off-roading is already a “waste”.

  Is it interesting to compete with a "waste person"?

 So, even though Jiraiya accused him of the three crimes of off-roading, it did feel like adding insult to injury. But now, even off-road can judge the final sentence of the Third Hokage, either to imprison himself or to imprison himself, there is no other possibility. Compared with a "waste", the stability of the Nara clan is what the Third Hokage wants to see more. In addition, the cross-country became a "waste" and lost the ability to threaten the third Hokage. As a result, he was imprisoned, or imprisoned, the third generation Hokage. The best choice.

 On the contrary, it is Orochimaru. He is both a threat and a powerful being. If the Third Hokage wants to deal with him, it is impossible to be as "gentle" as he is with Off-road.

According to cross-country judgment, as long as the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder is further stabilized, it will be the time when Orochimaru will defect to Konoha Village in the original Naruto novel. Therefore, Orochimaru, who is unable to protect himself, has no way to come to help Cross Country, unless Cross Country can give up the title of "waste" and become an existence that can "cooperate" with Orochimaru again.

 Otherwise, when it comes to cross-country matters, Orochimaru would just watch the show, and there would be no chance of him taking action.

Excluding Orochimaru, there are only a few people who can help cross-country.

 Leave it alone for off-roading, it is still difficult for Ding Zuo to figure it out.

  followed by.

Knowing that Ding Zuo's guess was wrong, Cross Country had no intention of correcting it. He just had a friendly chat with Ding Zuo for a while. Ding Zuo was worried that the cross country's injury would worsen, so he slowly withdrew from the cross country direction and headed forward. Go and take care of business.


This battle has just ended. As one of the commanders of Konoha, how can Dingzuo have so much time to accompany him off-road?

 Happy to take the time to visit Cross Country and pass on some unfavorable information to Cross Country. I am very grateful to Cross Country. Therefore, watching Ding Zuo slowly leave his ward, Yuexiu didn't think much except being grateful. He immediately stayed in a quiet room, and Yuexiu was ready to deal with some serious matters.

 As for the business…

 Surprisingly, it is about delving into the secret cultivation path of the human body!

"Today, without practicing the Eight Door Dunjia, I have raised the level of opening the secrets of the human body to 100% by chance. Matt Dai once told me that a person's secrets of the human body are The maximum opening level of the hidden body is 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​must be opened by using the Eight Door Dun Armor. Only by opening the first door can it be fully opened. Since I have already opened the Secret Hidden of the Human Body without practicing the Eight Door Dun Armor. To a 100% degree, conventional Eight Gate Dunjia training is probably not suitable for me.”

 “Now I’m afraid…”

“I can only use the Eight Gates Dunjia as the foundation and the secret techniques of the two brothers Fengshen and Leishen as a reference to develop a human body secret cultivation method that is truly suitable for me.”

“But where should we start? Do we have to delve into the practice of Eight Gate Dunjia first?”

With a thought in his heart, Cross Country subconsciously put the research and development of human body secret cultivation on the Eight Door Dunjia.

 You want to ask why?

In fact, the reason is very simple. It is because Cross Country has mastered the eight-door Dunjia training method, and the training process of Akai and Matt Dai can be used as a reference.

The secret techniques practiced by the two brothers, Wind God and Thunder God, about the secrets of the human body can indeed be used as a reference for cross-country development of new secret techniques. It's just a pity that the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, have died tragically in the hands of Orochimaru. Off-road has lost two important experimental goals. It is very difficult to start from the secret techniques of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, and develop a secret technique suitable for oneself. things.

On the contrary, it is Eight-door Dunjia. With the training experience of Matt Dai and Akai, cross-country feels that it can become easier to develop a secret technique that suits you.

Furthermore, Akai is in the Dingzuo camp. It is very easy to communicate with Akai while off-road.

 Then, using his own spiritual energy, without using the shadow communication technique, he used spiritual communication to contact an ANBU who was monitoring him. Undoubtedly, there is no need to use shadow communication skills, and mental energy can be directly used for mental communication. This is one of the four condensed changes of the cross-country Yin Escape brand.

  The Yin Escape Brand has been condensed into four sections, and the Shadow Communication Technique has become useless.

 Immediately, he told the ANBU that he wanted to meet Akai in the Dingzuo camp.

 At first, the ANBU said that Jiraiya had given an order not to meet anyone off-road. Fortunately, when Cross Country encountered trouble, Orochimaru suddenly came and first relieved the trouble for Cross Country. When Orochimaru knew that the person Cross Country wanted to see was Akai in Dingzuo Camp, he didn't believe that Cross Country wanted to see his friend at all. The smart Orochimaru guessed Cross Country's person almost immediately. Psychological activities, asked with a smile:

“Xiujiang, it seems that you want to delve into the secret technique called Eight Gate Dunjia.”


 “Are you ready to start with Yang Dun’s secret technique to restore your strength?”

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