Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 477: The Road to Yang Escape (Part 1)

 “Yang escape?”

It is said that when the Immortal of the Six Paths founded the Ninja Sect, he practiced Yin-Yang Escape Technique intensively. This shows that the root of Ninja Sect is the Yin-Yang Secret Technique. It's a pity that the Yin-Yang Secret Technique from the Six Paths Sage Period has not been smoothly spread to the current ninja world. Many families who focus on practicing the Yin-Escape Secret Technique have basically lost the cultivation methods of the Yang-Escape Secret Technique. The opposite is true. Many families who practice Yang Escape Secret Technique have lost the method of practicing Yin Escape Secret Technique.

Just like the Nara clan where the cross-country is located, and the Akimichi clan where Dingza is located. The Nara clan's shadow secret technique is a type of Yin escape secret technique, while the Akimichi clan's doubling secret technique belongs to the Yang escape secret technique. Cross Country believes that if the Nara clan and the Akimichi clan existed before the Warring States Period, then the Nara clan must have mastered the secret technique of Yang escape, and the Akimichi clan must have mastered the secret technique of Yin escape.

 But it’s a pity.

 The lost secret technique is lost, and it is very difficult to complete it.

Like the Uzumaki clan, there are probably very few families in today's ninja world that master both the secret techniques of Yin escape and the secret techniques of Yang escape.

Even the Uzumaki clan, which mastered the secret cultivation method of Yin and Yang, disappeared in the long river of history long ago, didn't it?

 Let’s get back to the main story, let’s talk about the conversation between Cross Country and Orochimaru.

 Listening to what Orochimaru said calmly, Cross Country was not surprised that Orochimaru could understand the real purpose of inviting Akai to come. At this moment, Cross Country was a little surprised. It turned out that Orochimaru had known about Matt Dai's self-created magic skill Eight Gate Dungeon for a long time. He was even more surprised. Orochimaru actually classified the secret skill of Eight Gate Dungeon into Yang. Escape into the secret arts.

 Frowning, he silently thought about Orochimaru's words.

Soon, his frowning eyebrows relaxed, and Cross Country thought secretly in his heart: "Orochimaru's method of classifying secret techniques is really interesting. The so-called Yin Escape Secret Technique is the secret technique of cultivating spiritual energy. Therefore, most of the Yin Escape Secret Techniques are related to spiritual energy, even in the Uzumaki Clan's Yin Escape Secret Technique. The secret technique.”

"In this way, Orochimaru classified the Eight Gate Dungeon as one of the secret techniques of Yang Dungeon. He must not understand the true secret of the Eight Gate Dungeon, which is a god-level secret technique that uses his own chakra to break through the shackles of the body. However, in fact, There is some truth in Orochimaru's classification of Eight Gate Dungeon as one of the secret techniques of Yang Dungeon. After all, the real Eight Gate Dungeon is not just about opening the Eight Gates' shackles as described in the original plot, but it also requires mastering the secrets of the human body. It’s a hidden cultivation method, isn’t it?”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country nodded silently, relieved by what Orochimaru said before, which slightly surprised him.

  followed by.

Under Orochimaru's instructions, Akai walked into the off-road room under the leadership of an ANBU.

 Looking at the seriously injured cross-country, Akai's eyes were filled with tears.

He knew what kind of contribution Cross Country had made on the front line, and even more so, he knew that what Cross Country did in the Bear Country was for him, his companion Ibiki, and Hyuga Tokuma.

Although the cross-country did not mention the matter of Hyuga Tokuma stealing the "star" and being used by the Red Star, Akai and Ibiki were not stupid. On the way back to Dingzuo camp, they found that Hinata Tokuma's mood was a little weird, and there was a faint feeling. Then he guessed what the truth was. Therefore, when Cross Country was in the ward and was under surveillance by the secret service, Akai felt aggrieved for Cross Country.

 Unfortunately, Orochimaru is one of the three ninjas, a ninja who is completely different from Akai. Akai cannot show too many personal emotions in front of Orochimaru.

Because of this, Akai wiped his reddish eyes and did not show his fragile side in front of Orochimaru. He saluted Orochimaru respectfully, but Kai kept his eyes on the cross country and said: "Lord Orochimaru, do you have any instructions for coming to me?"

“Haha, you are the son of Metdai, your name is Metkai, right?”

“Akai, since you are Mr. Cross Country’s friend, there is no need for you to be a stranger in front of me. You can just follow Mr. Cross Country’s instructions.”

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue. In front of his friend Akai, who was off-road, Orochimaru showed his close relationship with off-road without any worries. Akai was really surprised.

 Who is Orochimaru?

The dignified Sannin all call Cross Country "King of Cross Country"?

Feeling that the gap between himself and Cross Country is getting bigger and bigger, Akai's eyes flashed with sadness, and then he looked at Cross Country and asked: "Xu Cross Country, are your injuries feeling better?"

"Akai, don't worry about me. In fact, I have something to ask of you."

"What's up?"

Akai was startled for a moment, then patted his chest and said confidently: "Off-road, if you have anything to do, just ask me, as long as I can do it, I will go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, no matter what!"

“Off-roader, your friends are all very good!”

Realizing that Kai's expression was not fake at all, Orochimaru smiled and said: "Akai, I heard that you have practiced the secret technique created by Matt Dai, which seems to be called Eight Gate Dunjia? I'll tell you the truth, you The eight-door Dunjia you practice may be helpful in recovering from cross-country injuries. So, I need you to reveal all the secrets of the Eight-door Dunjia. Can you do it?"


Akai nodded confidently. Akai was undoubtedly a real person. After listening to Orochimaru's words, he was ready to show off the mystery of the Eight Gate Dunjia he had practiced, in order to allow the cross-country to recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

But just when Akai was ready and had already started to open the first door of the Eight Gate Dunjia, the expressionless off-road suddenly used his own spiritual energy to communicate with Akai's spiritual energy and said:

 “Akai, don’t show any strange expression, don’t let Orochimaru discover the flaw!”

 “What…what’s going on?”

Akai's acting skills are not very good, but after hearing the instructions from Cross Country, he did a good job of concealing the shock in his expression.

On the contrary, it is cross-country. I am very happy to see Akai have such acting skills.

Therefore, during the spiritual communication, Cross Country directly ordered Akai: "Akai, what Orochimaru just said is only partially true. In fact, I only need you to use the Eight Gate Dunjia for reference. You There is really no need to show me the secrets of Eight Gates Dungeon. Don’t forget, Captain Adai taught me how to use Eight Gates Dungeon before. Do you think I didn’t grasp the true secret of Eight Gates Dungeon? I actually want to secretly take a peek at Captain Adai’s own Eight Gate Dunjia while you are showing off the secrets of the Eight Gates Dunjia.”

“However, since Orochimaru does not fully understand the secrets of Eight Gate Dungeon, and you have not fully demonstrated the secrets of Eight Gate Dungeon now, there is a way to make up for it.”

"Now listen to my order, Akai, you only need to open the first door of the eight doors."

“Remember, never open the last few doors of the eight-door Dunjia, otherwise Akai, you...”

 “There will be danger!”

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