Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 478: The Road to Yang Escape (Part 2)

 “Well, off-road!”

"I understand!"

 It is true that Akai is a real person, but being a real person does not mean he is a fool.

Since Cross Country has repeatedly asked to open it, the true secret of the Eight Gate Dungeon must not be revealed in front of Orochimaru. Then, relying on the spiritual communication with Cross Country, Akai knew that he could fully display the Eight Gate Dungeon in front of Orochimaru. Mysterious disadvantages. Therefore, just when Akai was about to show off the power of the Eight Gate Dungeon and show off his recent training to the cross country, he stopped abruptly from continuously opening the Eight Gate Dungeon. Akai was in front of the cross country and Orochimaru. , the first of the eight gates of Dunjia was suddenly opened.

 “Eight Gate Dunjia!”

 “First door, open the door!”



Almost the moment Akai opened the first door of the Eight Gate Dunjia, Cross Country called on the spiritual energy in the Yin Dunjia brand, and perfectly used the Uzumaki clan's secret technique of perception, Kagura's Heart Eye, to sense Akai's situation. . And when Cross Country opened Kagura's mind, it goes without saying that all situations within a ten-mile radius were controlled by Cross Country's perception. Even Orochimaru's surprised expression was keenly captured by Cross Country.

However, if Orochimaru is just a little curious about Akai's Eight Gate Dungeon, then Orochimaru looks at the cross country with a bit of surprise. Because, when Cross Country used Kagura's Eye of Mind, Orochimaru was surprised to find that with his strength as a shadow-level expert, he was unable to discover what kind of secret perception technique Cross Country used to sense Akai's opening of Eight The situation of Men Dunjia.

Then, under Orochimaru's surprised and curious gaze, Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye to carefully sense the situation inside Akai's body. In just a few seconds, Cross Country directly closed Kagura's inner eye, and at the same time mentally During the communication, he said to Akai in front of him: "Akai, pretend to be exhausted and close the door of the Eight Gate Dunjia."


Hearing what Cross Country said, Akai hesitated obviously for a moment, then nodded silently and replied: "Okay!"

Immediately afterwards, as if he was ordered again by Off-Road, Akai quickly closed the door of the Eight-door Dunjia, pretending to be exhausted. When Akai closed the door of Eight Gate Dungeon, Orochimaru's eyes naturally fell on Akai. He nodded first, and then commented on Akai's Eight Gate Dungeon: "Eight Gate Dungeon, it is indeed It's an interesting secret technique, but it also has a lot of flaws. I've heard about Matt Dai's own secret technique a long time ago, but it's a pity! A genin is always a genin, and the secret technique he creates is only a B at best. It’s just a super secret technique, it seems…”

“There doesn’t seem to be anything worth referencing, right?”

 “Lord Orochimaru!”

 “Akai, shut up!”

When Orochimaru used the provoking method and used Meteor to taunt Akai, the cross-country felt a little bit bad. There is no doubt that Orochimaru used the provoking method in order to let Akado show some of the mysteries of the Eight Gate Dungeon. Orochimaru wanted to know more about the secrets of Eight Gates Dungeon. No doubt it was from the process of Akai opening the door in Eight Gates Dungeon that he keenly felt that Eight Gates Dungeon was a secret technique worth studying.

At this moment, if it weren't for the cross-country beside Akai, Orochimaru might have obtained all the secrets of the Eight Gate Dungeon from Akai's hands.

Fortunately, Cross Country was by Akai's side, so after stopping Akai in time, Cross Country looked at Orochimaru and said: "Orochimaru, there is nothing to do with Akai here, let him go out first. "


Raising his eyebrows slightly, Orochimaru glanced at Akai deeply with his snake eyes, and smiled: "Akai, it seems that Cross Country Lord really regards you as a good friend. If this is the case, then you should first Go down."

 “Yes, Lord Orochimaru!”

 Orochimaru is a Sannin, and Akai must obey his orders.

With eyes still fixed on Cross Country, revealing a bit of worry, Akai slowly exited Cross Country's ward, obviously a little worried about Cross Country being alone with Orochimaru. Who didn't know that when Cross Country saw Akai and Orochimaru together, he broke into a cold sweat for Akai. Because, if Cross Country hadn't revealed that Akai was his friend and was always looking after him, Akai might have disappeared into Ding Zao's camp in the next moment and turned into a specimen of Orochimaru.

 But as just a friend, the bargaining chips are obviously not enough.

Therefore, as soon as Akai left the ward, Cross Country took a deep breath and said: "Orochimaru, Akai is a very important person to me. His father, Matt Dai, is also one of my mentors in life. Don't look at me Now I have become a useless person, Orochimaru, but we are still "cooperating", and I don't want any unpleasantness to happen. If anything unpleasant happens, I will just regain my original strength..."

“I’m afraid it won’t look good on either of us, right?”

“Xiujiangjun, you are indeed a very interesting person.”

As soon as Cross Country finished speaking, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue and said with a smile: "Don't worry, as long as you are here, Matt Dai and Met Kai father and son can ensure safety. However, Cross Country, judging from what you just said , it seems that you already have the leverage to regain your strength? Can you tell me what your plan is?"

 “What, Orochimaru, do you need my help?”

With a faint smile on his lips, Cross Country faced Orochimaru and said: "Of course there are ways to restore strength, it just takes some time. If you need help, I welcome you to come to the Nara clan for help at any time. Of course, Orochimaru, if you have any way to help me quickly regain my strength, that would be even better."

“Why not try the forbidden technique I developed? Off-road?”

 In the invisible confrontation, Orochimaru refused to give in.

As soon as Cross Country counterattacked, Orochimaru launched another counterattack and said with a smile: "If you use the art of reincarnation, Cross Country Lord, you can change to a better body. You are practicing the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, aren't you? Since So, Cross Country Lord, I am willing to donate the body of a member of the Uzumaki Clan. I just hope that when you use my forbidden technique and complete the reincarnation technique, Cross Country Lord, you can pass on part of your reincarnation experience to me, how about it? "

“There is no need for it anymore. After all, that technique is still very harmful, and as I said before, Orochimaru, there is no way to perfect the flaws of that technique. We can only find ways to make up for it.”

 Quietly rejected the offer to help Orochimaru perfect the art of reincarnation. Soon after, Cross Country noticed that Orochimaru's eyes gradually became colder, and he knew that his "cooperation" with Orochimaru would probably end at this moment.

 However, Orochimaru's mentality is actually much better than Cross Country imagined.

Because of this, even though Off-Road and Orochimaru seemed to be on the same page, after leaving, Orochimaru still glanced deeply at Off-Road and said lightly:

"Off-road gentleman, "cooperation" in terms of interests is always more reliable than friends."

“You will know when you return to the village. None of your so-called friends can actually help you.”

 “The person who can really help you, Mr. Cross Country...”

 “I am still the same person who has always been “cooperating” with you!”

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