Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 479: The Road to Yang Escape (Part 2)

 “Friends? Relatives?”


Looking at Orochimaru's leaving figure, Cross Country was silent for a long time, and then relied on Akai's demonstration to summarize the secrets of human body cultivation that were suitable for him.

As Orochimaru slowly left, why did he mutter the previous words?

 Because suddenly, off-road, it felt like what Orochimaru said was very correct.

 In Konoha Village, who are the off-road relatives?

That must be the off-road uncle, Lujiu’s family!

In addition to Shikaku's family, Dingzao's family and Haiyi's family can be regarded as cross-country relatives. But if something goes wrong in the cross-country, maybe Ding Zuo and Haiyi can come forward to help the cross-country, but Ding Zuo will have to pay too many benefits in return. Both of them may choose to remain silent when something happens in the cross-country.

 As for Shikaku?

Off-road dare to say that no matter what the circumstances, Lu Jiu will never give up on himself.

It’s a pity that Shikaku’s power is limited after all. Even if he is the leader of the Nara clan, if something goes wrong while off-roading, the Nara clan may give up on the off-roading. At that time, with just the name of a clan leader, Lu Jiu may not be able to help cross-country even if he tries his best. More often, Shikaku even needs the help of off-road, a shadow-level expert!

 Let’s talk about the group of cross-country friends.

In Konoha Village, Shisui's cross-country friend is Shisui. Akai and others, such as Kakashi, who has a little bit of power, cannot be considered cross-country friends, at most they can be regarded as cross-country acquaintances.

Shisui is a member of the Uchiha clan. No matter what he does, he must consider the interests of the Uchiha clan. Needless to say, Akai, his father, Matt Dai, is a genin who has lived for ten thousand years. Although A Kai and Matt Dai both mastered the magical skill of Eight Door Dungeon, when something happened cross-country, A Kai and Matt Dai Is it possible to take the risk of judging the village and open all eight doors to rescue the cross-country?

 Say it’s possible, off-roading is the first person who doesn’t believe it!

On the contrary, it is Orochimaru, who has a "cooperative" relationship with Cross-country, but whether it is identity or strength, Orochimaru may become the only being who can help Cross-country.

So, with what Orochimaru said before echoing in his head, Cross Country suddenly realized that Orochimaru was right. Immediately afterwards, before focusing all his attention on the secret cultivation techniques of the human body suitable for him, Cross Country thought secretly in his heart:

"As a collaborator, Orochimaru is undoubtedly qualified. Moreover, Orochimaru will defect to Konoha Village soon. He can completely spend what is left in Konoha Village on "saving" me. It's a pity. , what Orochimaru needs is for me to help him perfect the reincarnation technique."

"If I want to perfect the art of reincarnation, my experience in practicing the secret art of Yin Escape must be handed over to Orochimaru without reservation. When Orochimaru condenses a perfect Yin Escape brand, my Yin Escape will The secret technique cannot be used as a trump card in front of him. At that time, Orochimaru could threaten my existence. In order to solve some minor troubles, I wanted to cultivate an enemy who could completely restrain myself. What do you think of this deal? It’s all a sure loss.”

“So, Orochimaru can only be my choice when I have no other choice.”

 “As long as you have a choice…”

 “I’d better wait for those two guys to take the bait!”

  Secretly analyzing the situation in front of him, Cross Country took a deep breath, then slowly closed his eyes, and began to recall the previous scene in his mind.

 Don't look at Akai's previous cross-country trip, in front of Orochimaru, he only opened the first of the eight gates of Dunjia. But with Kagura's insight into off-road use, Akai, who only revealed a little bit of the mysteries of the Eight Gate Dunjia, still gained a lot from the off-road experience. Just say that when Akai opened the first door of the eight-door Dunjia, even Akai didn't notice that little detail, which made the cross-country feel that his "Yang Escape Road" became much clearer.

So, what are the details discovered before going off-road?

 The answer is…

When Akai uses the Eight-door Dunjia, the counterattack force produced by the Eight-door Dunjia!

"There is a backlash when using the Eight Gate Dungeon. I'm afraid any Naruto fan knows this. But when they don't use Kagura's inner eye to carefully observe the backlash, many people think that the backlash of the Eight Gate Dungeon is , mainly comes from the pressure of opening the eight gates, and the backlash from breaking the limits of the human body, even I thought so before. "

"However, after using Kagura's inner eye to really observe the process of Akai's opening of the Eight Gate Dunjia, I can tell in detail that the backlash of the Eight Gate Dunjia mainly affects the human body. To put it simply, it is a If a person's physical fitness is strong enough, the backlash after he activates the Eight Gate Dunjia will be minimal."

“So, after your physical fitness reaches a certain limit, if you activate the Eight-door Dunjia within the limit, the backlash of the Eight-door Dunjia will not be able to harm your body?”

"For example, in the original plot, when Xiao Li started to practice Eight Door Dunjia, it was a little difficult to open five doors. But in the later stage, Xiao Li could open five of the Eight Doors Dunjia anytime and anywhere, and suffered minimal physical damage. , is it because Xiao Li’s physical fitness has improved with practice?”

 “If that’s the case…”

"I think I should know how to go about the future of Yang Escape! What kind of cultivation method is suitable for me!"

 In the analysis, Cross-country has grasped a key point very well, or solved a difficult problem. What he has to do next will be a matter of course.

As long as you can restore the use of chakra, you don’t even need to restore the use of chakra. The beginning of the road to cross-country Yang Escape is to strengthen your physical fitness!

With the improvement of physical fitness, those who are physically strong enough to cross-country in the future will be able to better withstand the backlash of "Heavenly Jealousy", and they will also be able to better withstand the backlash of Bamen Dunjia. When Cross Country's physical fitness is like that of the two brothers, the God of Wind and Thunder, Cross Country will even feel that the backlash of "Heavenly Jealousy" and the backlash of using the Eight Gate Dunjia will have minimal impact on him.

 At that time, how many times will the cross-country strength be improved?

 Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s talk about liberating the power of “Heavenly Jealousy”. If Cross Country can withstand it, then Cross Country can be called the best among the shadow-level experts!

  Immediately after having a preliminary theory, all that needs to be done for off-roading is practice.

The only thing that makes him feel pity is that he is under the surveillance of ANBU and cannot practice freely.

However, this problem did not bother me too much when I was going off-road. Because, when Cross Country was recovering from his injuries in Ding Zao's camp, his physical injuries were almost recovering, and when the Konoha ninja troops led by Ding Zao were about to return to Konoha Village with Orochimaru and Jiraiya, Cross Country had been patient. The person who was waiting suddenly came to express condolences, and in an instant the problem in front of Cross Country was successfully solved!

 “After waiting for you for so long, you finally can’t bear it anymore!”


 “It is indeed a virtue!”

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