Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 480: Happy Trading

 Patience is indeed a virtue.

When Jiraiya and Orochimaru gave the order, instructing Ding Zao to lead the ninja troops under his command to return to Konoha Village, it seemed like those who cared about cross-country, Ding Zao who commanded the ninja troops, and the cross-country His friends Akai and others were very concerned about the cross-country situation, for fear that they would be punished by the Third Hokage if they returned to Konoha Village.

However, on the way back to Konoha Village, compared with the cross-country trip, Ding Zuo, Akai and others seemed a little anxious. It was clear that the person who would face countless troubles after returning to Konoha Village was Cross Country, but on the way back, he acted like a normal person, either delving into the Yang Escape secret technique suitable for his practice, or quietly working under the supervision of ANBU. Jing's cultivation, Ding Zuo, Akai and other people who care about cross-country are very curious about who is the person waiting patiently for cross-country.

 Who on earth can come to provide cross-country assistance when the cross-country becomes a "waste"?

At this moment, the person who could provide assistance to Cross Country slowly appeared in front of Cross Country, causing a faint smile to appear on the corner of Cross Country's mouth.

 And, there is nothing wrong with the off-road guess.

 At this time, the person who appeared in front of Cross Country and was willing to come to help him was indeed her!

  She is one of the three ninjas, but she is a great female ninja who looks very similar to Jiraiya and Orochimaru!


There is no doubt that if Ding Zao, Akai, and even Orochimaru knew that the person who had been patiently waiting for Cross Country was Tsunade Hime, then they would definitely show expressions of astonishment. After all, in everyone's eyes, Cross Country and Tsunade Hime have no friendship at all, so why can Tsunade Hime come to help Cross Country?

And why, off-road, can you be sure that the person who came to help you is Tsunade-hime?


When the off -road was seriously injured, when he returned to the wooden camp, he was treated by Tsunade Ji.

 Obviously, in the eyes of ordinary medical ninjas, cross-country injuries are like the legendary "terminal disease" that cannot be treated at all. Even if Tsunade Hime, one of the three ninjas and the most outstanding medical ninja in the ninja world, wants to fully recover from Yuchi's injuries, it will take some effort to make Yuchi recover.

 Attention here!

 That is to say, the fact that Tsunade Hime can help Cross Country recover from her injuries is the main reason why Tsunade Hime has guessed that Tsunade Hime hides some "cooperation" ideas.

Since we understand the plot of the original work, we naturally know that Tsunade-hime masters a secret technique called Creation and Regeneration. To explain briefly, the principle of the secret technique of creation and regeneration is to instantly release a large amount of chakra to split the cells inside the body, causing the cells to regenerate and restore the injuries all over the body. Even if Tsunade-hime's heart is completely broken, Tsunade-hime can still survive using the secret technique of creation and regeneration, but every time she uses creation and regeneration, she is actually using her own lifespan to recover from her injuries, which is considered a very serious injury. Backlash.

 But the secret technique of creation and regeneration can undoubtedly help restore broken meridians during off-roading, right?

Tsunade Hime also masters the method of treating off-road and making him recover, doesn't she?

 However, in the communication with Orochimaru, Tsunade-hime expressed that she was helpless about the injuries suffered by the cross-country, which made Orochimaru feel that he had the capital to further "cooperate" with the cross-country. Wanting to use the art of reincarnation as a bargaining chip, wanting to use the recovery of Cross Country's injuries, and wanting to use the bodies of the Uzumaki clan as bargaining chips, Orochimaru secretly thought about helping Cross Country recover from his injuries, which would not only help himself, but also allow Cross Country to use the Yin he had cultivated. All the mysteries of escaping the mysteries.

Who would have thought that Cross Country would have known that Tsunade-hime was digging a hole early?


Off-road felt that Tsunade-hime had a way to save herself, but she didn't say it. There was just a certain chance that she had other plans. However, just as Cross Country thought before, patience is a virtue. Now that he waited until Tsunade-hime came, it proved that his "gamble" was right. After all, if Cross Country really "cooperates" further with Orochimaru, then Cross Country will lose more, and it will be far less convenient than "cooperating" with Tsunade Hime!

  followed by.

Slowly walking into Cross Country's room, he felt Tsunade Hime's caution. Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye to observe the surrounding situation. Sure enough, he found that the ANBU around him had not disappeared. Tsunade Hime came this time. Keep it secret.

 So, Tsunade-hime seemed to be very careful when walking in the off-road room.

It's just that Tsunade Ji never expected that even though he lost the use of chakra in cross-country, his perception ability was also the best in the ninja world. Because of this, almost when Tsunade Ji wanted to use the method of suddenly appearing to stabilize Cross Country psychologically and make the transaction between the two more beneficial to herself, Cross Country's indifferent voice suddenly echoed in the room, but instead This was the first time he defeated Tsunade Hime in psychological warfare.

 “Tsunade-sama, you are here.”


Being instantly called out by Cross Country, Tsunade Hime frowned and asked softly: "Did you know I would come?"


 The smile that raised at the corner of his mouth became a little more intense.

Cross Country's eyes slowly locked on Tsunade-hime, and said: "If someone else said that my injuries cannot be treated at all, I would still believe it. But who are you, Tsunade-sama? You are a powerful Sannin. One of the most outstanding medical ninjas in the ninja world. Therefore, I have long guessed that you have a way to treat me, Tsunade-sama, but I haven't come up with enough chips to satisfy you, causing you to be so... It’s been a long time since you came to see me.”

"Now, Tsunade-sama, since you are here, does it mean that you have realized the danger you are in? When I return to Konoha Village this time, the most dangerous person on the surface is me, but in fact..."

"Tsunade-sama, the really dangerous person should be you, right? If I guess correctly, the Third Hokage may..."

 “I want to imprison you in the village!”

If Tsunade Ji was able to guess Tsunade Ji's identity before, it only made Tsunade Ji feel a little surprised.

After Off-Road said this, Tsunade Ji looked completely shocked, because she couldn't imagine that Off-Road, who was only six years old, had a mind like "Hokage" at such a young age.

However, Tsunade-hime is one of the three ninjas no matter how you say it. Even if her character in the original Naruto novel is famous for being violent, in reality, Tsunade-hime must not be a simple tomboy, at least in cross-country. I guess so. So, taking a deep breath, Tsunade Ji quickly adjusted her mentality.

 And when she looked at the cross country again, Tsunade Hime raised her eyebrows slightly, with a slightly frivolous expression, and said: "I didn't expect that the shadow mage who had just become famous in the ninja world is not a simple character!"

“But you are right, Shadow Mage, both of us are very dangerous, and the source of the danger is that old man Sarutobi.”

“The so-called enemy of my enemy is my friend, and the Shadow Mage…”

 “Wish us a happy transaction?”

 Speaking, Tsunade Ji slowly extended her palm, waiting for Cross Country to come and give her a high five.

However, just as he was walking forward cross-country, he came to Tsunade-hime's side, and was about to repeat the game of "happy trading" and high-five with Tsunade-hime!


 Sudden changes occurred!

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