Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 482: olive branch

 “The Thousand Hands Clan?”

"With the purge of the Third Hokage, the Senju clan has long been a thing of the past. Tsunade-hime, you are so proud!"

 “Wait? The Nara Seal is starting to heat up, could it be...”

At first, after listening to Tsunade-hime's words, Cross Country was thinking of laughing at Tsunade-hime and rubbing salt into her wounds. However, when Tsunade-hime's hand seal was completed and the Nara seal on the palm of Yuji's hand began to heat up and shine with a dark light, Yuji's eyes were slightly tightened, but he couldn't laugh anymore.

 Because he knew that what Tsunade-hime just said was not to use the name of the Senju clan of the forest to scare off cross country.

The real meaning of Tsunade Hime's words is...

 She masters the method of punishing cross-country, or in other words, the three tribes of Nara, Yamazaka and Akimichi!

At this moment, Cross Country really never expected that the First Hokage and the Second Hokage would love Tsunade Hime so much. They even taught Tsunade Hime the methods, or secret techniques, of punishing the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans. . Moreover, Cross Country originally thought that only the Hokage could control the three clans of Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi. The Fourth Hokage was Cross Country's mentor, and there was no need to take too much precautions for Cross Country for the time being. In his heart, only the Third Hokage is his enemy. Who would have thought that Tsunade Hime also masters the secret technique that only the "Hokage" can master?

 No wonder…

No wonder that in the original plot, after the accidental death of the Third Hokage, the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans supported Tsunade Hime to become the Fifth Hokage without any hesitation!

It turns out that the only person who could become Hokage during the period when the third Hokage died in the original plot was Tsunade-hime!

 Then, when Tsunade-hime initially exerts the power of Nara Brand, what is the most intuitive feeling of off-roading?

 It is weakness!

Just when the Nara mark on Off-Road's palm became hot, a feeling of powerlessness enveloped his whole body. Even if he mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand, Off-Road felt a lot stiffer. Moreover, as Tsunade-hime increases the power of the Nara Mark, causing the Nara Mark to slowly emit a dark light, using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Mark off-road is not as simple as being jerky, but completely impossible. Control the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand!

 What kind of terrifying power is that?

In a short period of time, there is no need for Cross Country to fear the rebellion of the Erwei You Brigade imprisoned in the Yin Escape Brand. By mobilizing the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, the power that can be used is completely comparable to that of a shadow-level powerhouse. After all, Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand, It is four sections of condensed Yin Escape brand!

Looking at how Cross Country can imprison so many elite ANBU members using an S-level shadow escape technique, Shadow Realm Arrival, you can see that the power of Cross Country's shadow-level warrior is not exaggerated at all. But it is the power of the shadow-level strongman. When Tsunade-hime used the Nara mark and the effect began to show, the power of the shadow-level strongman in Cross-country was imprisoned there. In addition to making the cross-country feel the Nara mark, it was indeed Naruto who used it. The best way to control the Akimichi, Yamazaka and Nara tribes.

 The only thought in Off-road's mind is that the Nara Seal is indeed a disaster!

As long as the Nara Mark exists, there will be countless sharp blades hanging above his head, which may fall at any time!

 Very quickly, just a few seconds.

As the power of the Nara Seal used by Tsunade-hime strengthened, it became difficult for Cross Country to maintain the arrival of the Shadow Realm and to imprison the surrounding Anbu. Even Cross Country could predict that in just a few seconds, Tsunade Hime would be able to rely on the power of the Nara Seal to completely restrict his abilities and put him in a tight siege.

 However, when faced with danger, what can be done off-road to fight back?

 The Yin Escape skills he relies on are all restricted by the power of the Nara Seal.

With all his meridians broken, he is already a "waste" off-road. Can't he just become a lamb to be slaughtered? Before he has faced the judgment of the Third Hokage, he has to face the judgment of Tsunade Hime first?

 “Damn it, I’m so unwilling!”

“I originally thought that I would happily cooperate with Tsunade-hime, but I never thought that no Kage-level strongman in the ninja world can be underestimated!”

"This time, Tsunade-hime did not show any "sincerity". Instead, she put me in danger. It was probably a strategy, and it may also be Tsunade-hime's purpose. It was originally to divert the attention of the Third Hokage from me. "

“Next, how can I break the situation?”

“Damn Senju Clan, **** Uzumaki Clan, why did you invent such a sinister secret technique when you have nothing to do!”

“No wonder you were exterminated so early. Even if you were not purged or suffered a devastating blow, in the future the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi tribes will have the power to break through their shackles. What will happen to you two tribes..."

 “It must also be very ugly!”

Cursing secretly in his heart, the light emanating from the Nara mark shrouded the entire body of Cross-country, making it impossible for Cross-country to support the use of Shadow Realm Advent. Immediately, countless ANBU attacked and were about to destroy him. Off-road control is there.

 But just when Cross Country was about to be subdued, a look of disappointment flashed in Tsunade-hime's eyes...



Blue flames suddenly shot into the sky.

When Off-Road's whole body was shrouded in the dark light emitted by the Nara Seal, the blue flame was like a light breaking through the darkness. It first helped Off-Road resist the suppressive power of the Nara Seal. Immediately afterwards, the blue flames followed the direction in which the ANBU attacks came, and directly attacked in front of those ANBU!

 The next second.

 It was "bang" again!

The blue flames were like flames controlled by the God of Death. When they encountered the bodies of the ANBU who were attacking cross-country, they killed all the ANBU there.

After discovering that the blue flames coming out of Cross Country could kill the elite ANBU in seconds, Tsunade-hime showed a look of disbelief in her eyes. It was obvious that she really did not expect that she would end up in a dead end. Cross-country can still burst out such terrifying power. However, wanting to use terrifying power does not come without a price.

 Because, just when the ANBU in front of him were all killed in the scorching blue flames, the very familiar voice of him suddenly echoed in his mind again.

“Shadow Mage, I just saved you, do you want to give me some reward?”

"Who are you…"

 “Two tails travel again?”

Hearing the familiar voice echoing in his mind, Yue Chuang was startled, frowned and asked: "Didn't my secret secret technique of yin escape successfully suppress you? How can you still..."

"Idiot, you suppressed me. Of course I can't do anything to harm you, but I want to help you..."

 “There are still many ways!”

Saying that, Erwei paused again, then looked at Tsunade-hime, and said: "Hey, I say, Shadow Mage, the situation you are facing now is very bad! Not to mention those in your Konoha Village Companion, let’s just say that the dead woman in front of you wants to take your life. Are you interested in cooperating with me? "

"I promise that if I help you solve the problem, I will take the initiative to return to your soul crystal."

“After all, the two of us are one, help you...”

 “It’s like helping me!”

 As soon as Erwei Youli finished speaking, Cross Country undoubtedly hesitated for a moment.

 Faced with the olive branch offered by Erweiyou Brigade, Cross Country really didn’t know whether to accept it or not.

However, feeling the power of Nara's mark still enveloped my whole body, and the feeling of being on pins and needles invaded the heart of Cross-country, which made Cross-country make an instant decision while gritting his teeth.

That is…

 The olive branch is poisonous, so we must pick it up too!

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