Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 483: Negotiation second tail

 The olive branch is poisonous, so we must pick it up too!

The power of the Nara brand cannot be resisted by off-roaders at all.

Moreover, after truly seeing the power of the Nara Brand, Cross Country truly understood what was behind the methods used by the Hokage to control the three tribes of Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka, or in other words, the methods used by the Senju Clan to control the three tribes. strength. The feeling of powerlessness invaded him, making him feel that the power of a shadow-level powerhouse was just a joke. At least in front of the Nara Brand, the power of a shadow-level powerhouse was just a joke.

Therefore, when he had no choice but to accept the olive branch offered by Erwei Mata, Cross Country was worried about Erwei Mata's thoughts, for fear that Erwei Mata would invade his body again, and was always ready to use Yin Escape to mark the inside of his body. Use the remaining mental energy to fight back. On the other hand, Cross Country wants to learn more secrets of escape from Futa Matata, at least the method of cracking the Nara brand. Cross Country feels that he must obtain it from Futao Mata Brigade.

 No matter what the price is, off-roading’s method of cracking the Nara Seal is inevitable!

 That’s right!

From Futao Mata's confident words, Cross Country knew that Futao Mata must have a way to crack the Nara mark. Otherwise, even if Erwei Matauri can control Cross Country's body, it is still under the confinement of Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand, and will also face the infringement of Nara's Mark. I have long heard that the appearance of the Nara Seal, the Mountain Seal, and the Akimichi Seal were created by the Uzumaki clan members and handed over to the First Hokage, the Second Hokage and other Senju clan members to force the Nara and other three clans to surrender.

  followed by.

The moment he almost handed over his body to the control of Erwei Mata, when his consciousness retracted into the Yin escape brand, Yue Yue carefully observed Erwei Mata's movements, wanting to observe Erwei. What is Matabusa's method of cracking the Nara Seal?

 But what I never expected was that the method used by Futama Brigade to crack the Nara mark was so violent!

 The method it used was to use the fire of the netherworld to forcefully collide with the power of the Nara Seal!


In an instant, the dark blue netherworld fire under the control of Erwei Mata collided with the Nara brand emanating from Cross Country's body. Even if Cross Country's consciousness retracted into the Yin escape brand, he could feel the two huge forces. The sound of banging together. Of course, these sounds cannot be heard by the outside world. Just like Tsunade-hime in front of the cross-country. First, she was slightly shocked that the cross-country could kill the attacking ANBU while being injured, and then she was shocked that the cross-country could actually do it. Control the Nether Fire used by Erwei Mata Brigade.

And when the power of the Nether Fire and the Nara Brand collided completely, and the dark blue and pitch black light intertwined with each other, off-roading felt that his body became much lighter. It was obvious that the Nether Fire used by Erbi Mata had already It has worked. It has offset the power of the Nara Seal, making cross-country no longer necessary to be suppressed by the Nara Seal.

But just when the Nether Fire completely withstood the power of the Nara Mark, Erwei Matabuki controlled the cross-country body, a pair of dark pupils had turned into beast pupils, and there was a hint of something in Tsunade-hime's eyes. When he had murderous intent, he found out that Futao Mata was planning to kill Tsunade Hime, so he said in his spiritual communication with Futao Mata: "Nio, don't hurt the woman in front of you, she is still useful. "

 “Oh? Your human emotions are really strange!”

Listening to the words of the cross-country, Erwei was stunned for a moment, and said disdainfully: "Shadow Mage, the woman in front of you is someone who wants to kill you. Aren't you going to show her some color? She just used As long as you increase the strength of the curse, you will not be able to communicate with me properly, and your consciousness will have been wiped out. So I advise you to kill the woman in front of you, if possible. if…"

 “You’d better kill everyone who has the power of that curse!”

 “The power of the curse?”

When Futata Mata suggested killing Tsunade Hime, there was no doubt that Tsukuba's attention was completely focused on Futao Mata's name for the power of Nara's mark, and he was very curious as to why he came from the Uzumaki clan. Did the arm restraint technique turn into the so-called curse technique in Erwei Mataru's mouth?

Unfortunately, the cooperation between Cross Country and Erwei Mata Brigade is very unstable, so in front of Erwei Mata Brigade, Cross Country felt that even if he asked a question, Erwei Mata Brigade would not be able to answer, and his eyes gradually became solemn. , said directly to Erwei Youli: "Erwei, if you dare to kill the woman in front of you, even if you risk your life, I will suppress you back into my Yin escape brand, no, it should be said to be the soul crystal. Remember, The body you are using now is mine, not yours."


 “You must obey my orders!”

 “Hmph, kid, don’t think that just because I call you Shadow Mage, you can be proud of yourself!”

 “Are you thinking of yourself? Erwei, it seems that you are preparing to die with me!”

Erwei retorted again, with a faint sneer on his lips.

 Next second!


Without the slightest hesitation, Cross Country suddenly exploded with the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape Brand, suppressing the original power of Erweiyou Brigade back into the Yin Escape Brand in minutes. Apparently, Erwei Mata Brigade never expected that Cross Country would be determined to fight to the death. Because of this, feeling that his own original power was about to be imprisoned in Cross Country's Yin Escape brand, Er Wei Mata Brigade immediately gave in and said: " No, Shadow Mage, I have lost the negotiation, I just promise you not to kill that woman."

“Really, as I said before, your human feelings are really strange!”

"No, that woman seems to want to kill us again! Now that the negotiation is over, I have promised you not to kill that woman. Shadow Mage, please release your suppression of me quickly, otherwise even I will be killed." There is no way to save it!”

 “Hmph, then it’s up to you!”

 The negotiations ended, the cross-country victory was achieved, and the Erwei Brigade suffered a disastrous defeat.

It is equivalent to "signing" an unequal treaty. Cross-country liberates the suppression of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand, and once again releases the power of the Erwei You Brigade. Immediately, the original power of the Erwei You Brigade is released, and it once again uses The dark blue Nether Fire severely suppressed the power of the Nara Seal used by Tsunade Hime.

 However, this time Erwei regained his "freedom", but he was not as arrogant as before.

Even when they counterattacked Tsunade Hime, the Erwei Brigade was cautious and obeyed the cross-country arrangements.

In this way, I felt that I had the capital to take control of Erwei Mata Brigade in a negotiation. Cross-country suddenly became more aggressive. I found that the fierce battle between Tsunade Hime and Erwei Mata Brigade was still at a stalemate. During the fierce battle between the two, they suddenly asked:

 “Ai Lv, can you tell me...”

 “About the curse?”

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