Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 484: Traveling to the Doomsday Again (Part 1)

 “Huh, curse?”

“Shadow Mage, are you trying to get information from me?”

Tailed beasts are not wild beasts, they also have intelligence.

Think about the nine-tailed demon fox in the original plot. In order to escape from Naruto Uzumaki's body smoothly, it started to make plans early, preparing to kill the Fourth Hokage and Naruto Uzumaki when his negative emotions completely broke out. Uzumaki Kushina escaped from the seal. Moreover, the nine-tailed demon fox is just an example. Looking at the one-tailed Shukaku, isn't the confrontation with Gaara in the original plot going on every day?

  The dark circles under Gaara's eyes in the original plot, doesn't it prove this?

 So, just when the talk of cross-country had just fallen, Erweiyou Brigade was already thinking of being wary of cross-country. Especially before the cross-country trip, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand exploded, severely suppressing Er Wei You Brigade, and directly imprisoning its original power in the four condensed Yin Escape Brands, which made Er Wei You Brigade feel like he was The "cooperation" with off-road is a very fragile "cooperation".

However, it may be that Cross Country did not call the Erwei Mata Brigade "Erwei", but called it its original name, which made it feel very comfortable. Immediately, while controlling the cross-country body and engaging in a physical battle with Tsunade Hime, the second-tailed Mataru slowly raised a sneer and said: "Shadow Mage, although I don't know, you Who used the curse on you? But I can say that among the curses I have seen, the curse you received is one of the most vicious."


Off-road frowned slightly and asked in confusion.

“Because the curse on you cannot be eradicated!”

The sneer on his face suddenly became a little stronger.

To be honest, Cross Country's consciousness is retracted in the Yin Escape Brand. Er Wei You Brigade cannot see his expression, and Er Wei You Brigade's expression is also impossible to see by Cross Country. Therefore, just when the sneer at the corner of Futao Mata Brigade's mouth became more intense, the only person who could see Futao Mata Brigade's expression clearly was Tsunade Hime in front of Futao Mata Brigade on the cross-country.

 Seeing the sneer on the face of "Off-road" deepen, Tsunade Hime didn't know the situation of the off-road, and thought it was off-road laughing at herself, and there was a hint of anger in her eyes. Especially when the two-tailed brigade controlled Cross Country's physical combat and used taijutsu to fight against Tsunade Hime, they found that now "cross country" suddenly had the ability to suppress her own abilities with taijutsu. Tsunade Hime was furious. The next step was a sudden punch, which happened to hit Cross Country's chest.


Tsunade-hime's fists are always synonymous with "power".

A punch came, hitting the cross-country head-on on the chest. Not only did the pupils of the Erweiyou brigade who controlled the cross-country body shrink slightly, but even the cross-country's consciousness was retracted in the Yin Escape brand. Feeling mental pain showed how terrifying the power of Tsunade Hime's punch was.

Furthermore, he withstood Tsunade-hime's iron fist head-on. At least a few of his ribs were broken, and his internal organs were seriously injured.

 In such an unfavorable situation, Cross-Country naturally knew that he had better not interfere with the battle of the Erwei Brigade, otherwise he would always be the one to suffer in the end.

 But just when he was thinking about cross-country, who would have thought that Erwei Mata Brigade would still look relaxed?

While following the terrifying power of Tsunade-hime's punch to control Cross Country's body, Erwei followed the power and fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Immediately, during the gap between Tsunade Hime's attack again, the Niao Mata Brigade ignored Tsunade Hime who had just injured him, and still communicated with Cross Country in mental communication:

“That punch just hurt a bit, Shadow Mage, so I’ll keep the story short.”

 “If I’m not wrong...”

“Shadow Mage, the mark on your palm must have been something you had when you were very young, right?”

 “That’s right.”

Recalling that not long after he traveled through time, under the arrangement of the Third Hokage, he was "seed" with the Nara brand. Off-road showed a bitter look on his face and said: "As a member of the Nara clan, as long as you start ninja To practice, you must "seed" the curse technique you mentioned. At that time, I had not yet practiced the secret art of Yin Escape, let alone mastered the cultivation method of Yin Escape Secret Art, so I was "planted" by others. When I learned the curse technique, I had no way of understanding the true secret of the curse technique."

"So, Youlu, can you understand the true secret of this curse?"

 “Of course, it doesn’t matter who I am!”

As she spoke, Tsunade-hime attacked, but she never expected that the dark blue nether fire under the control of Erwei Mata suddenly broke out and attacked again.

There is no doubt that the Nether Fire broke out at this time, and when Erwei Mata Brigade controlled the off-road body, he would naturally have a way to force Tsunade Hime back. And at the moment when Tsunade-hime was forced back by Erwei Mata Brigade, Erwei Mata Brigade's voice once again echoed in the ears of the cross country: "I just said it, right? Shadow Mage, the curse you have received The spell is very vicious, and there are two reasons why it is more vicious. The first aspect is that the person who "planted" the curse technique on you actually did not consume any money in the process of "planting" the curse technique. "

"The method he used to "seed" the curse technique is actually to "pollute" your own spiritual energy and turn it into the energy needed for the curse technique. No matter how high a person's attainments in the secret art of Yin Escape are, he will always fail. There is no way to divide your own spiritual energy, right? So I say that your curse cannot be eradicated, unless you master the method to remove this curse, or the power of the curse is completely retained. break out."


“Hmph, this curse will be with you for the rest of your life!”

 Speaking, in order to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with Tsunade-hime, Futao Mataburi was silent for a few seconds.

While Futamata was silent, Cross Country showed a look of horror. He carefully recalled how the Third Hokage sent someone to "plant" the Nara mark for him. He suddenly discovered what Futamata said. Eighty percent of it is true!

Even if there are not many people from the three clans of Nara, Akimichi and Yamazaka, if the Third Hokage needs to expend his own power to "plant" different marks on all the clansmen of Nara, Akimichi and Yamazaka, the cost will be the same. Astronomical numbers. But when he was "planted" with the Nara mark, in addition to finding that his strength had weakened, he didn't feel the slightest bit of discomfort from the Anbu who had "planted" the Nara mark for him.

Doesn’t this prove that what Erwei Youlu said is true?

What's more, proving that what Futa Mata said is true means that it is basically impossible to "escape" from the control of the Nara Mark.

 When it comes to off-roading, the hope of "escaping" from the control of the Nara mark is already very slim...

 What Erwei said at the back of the brigade was tantamount to another deep blow to the cross-country!

 Made him feel that the hope of "escape" from the Nara mark was not slim, but truly impossible!

“Shadow Mage, I feel your disappointment.”

"But do you think the curse you've been hit with is just that simple?"




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